






1: NEW LEADER FOR LAKOTA HELICOPTER Col. Calvin Lane, project manager for the Utility Helicopters project office, presented the charter for the Lakota Helicopter product office to Tim Vinson during a change of charter ceremony July 1 at the Bob Jones Auditorium on Redstone Arsenal. Vinson succeeds Lt. Col. Will Cabaniss, whose next assignment is with the Army Rapid Capabilities and Criti- cal Technologies Office as the project manager for the Indirect Fire Protection Capability-High Power Microwave/High Energy Laser office. (Photo by Nathan Letson, PEO Aviation)

2: CHIEF OF STAFF CELEBRATES RETIREMENT Richard Tyler accepted a set of PEO Avia- tion leader and project officer coins from Brig. Gen. Rob Barrie, program executive offi- cer for Aviation, during Tyler’s retirement cer- emony May 26 on Redstone Arsenal. During the ceremony, Tyler also received the Depart- ment of the Army’s Civilian Service Commen- dation Medal. Tyler served in various leader- ship positions within PEO Aviation throughout his 20-plus-year civilian career, including chief engineer for the Unmanned Aircraft Systems

project office, deputy project manager of the Apache project office, assistant PEO for Ac- quisition Systems Management and most recently as PEO Aviation chief of staff. (Photo by Michelle Miller, PEO Aviation)

3: SUAS PRODUCT OFFICE CHANGES HANDS Carson L. Wakefield, left, accepted respon- sibility for Soldier Unmanned Aircraft Systems product office from Col. Joseph Anderson, project manager Unmanned Aircraft Systems, during a change of responsibility ceremony on June 17 at Bob Jones Auditorium on Redstone Arsenal. The outgoing product manager, Dr. Carlos A. Correia, moves on to his next assignment as product manager for the PEO Soldier Air Warrior product office. Wakefield’s previous assignment was the deputy product manager for Aerial Communications and Mis- sion Command in the Aviation Mission Sys- tems and Architecture project office. (Photo by David Hylton, PEO Aviation)

4: CHANGE OF CHARTER FOR ITA PRODUCT DIRECTOR Col. James DeBoer, left, project manager for the Fixed Wing project office, passed the

colors to Jim Pruitt, right, signifying the of- ficial transfer of responsibility and authority as the product director for Fixed Wing's Interna- tional and Transport Aircraft (ITA) product office during a change of charter ceremony June 17 at the PEO Aviation headquarters on Redstone Arsenal. Pruitt succeeds Gerry Cox, center, who recently accepted his new role as the product manager for Aerial Communications and Mission Command in the Aviation Mission Systems and Architecture project office. Scott Thovson, not pictured, deputy product direc- tor for ITA, also participated in the ceremony. (Photo by Tracey Ayres, PEO Aviation)

5: TURBINE ENGINE WELCOMES NEW PM Lt. Col. Kelley Nalley, left, accepted the Improved Turbine Engine program office flag, signifying the transfer of responsibility as prod- uct manager, from Lt. Col. Travis Harris, far right, during a change of charter ceremony June 8 at Redstone Arsenal’s Bob Jones Au- ditorium. Col. Roger Kuykendall, center front, and Brent Logan, center rear, also participated in the ceremonial flag transfer. (Photo by Samantha Bedwell, PEO Aviation)







Army AL&T Magazine

Fall 2021

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