





its life cycle. Terefore, it is important that we train all of our workforce profession- als, especially in program management and contracting, to assess these short- and long-term needs and develop a customized strategy aligned to those needs.

Negotiate custom data licenses. After carefully assessing the needs, we must negotiate for the appropriate—not all—IP to support them. We should seek to develop creative and flexible approaches to IP so that we don’t overpay for or stifle industry innovation. We will look to industry to help us develop such custom licenses.


IP, which encompasses “creations of the mind” and grants owners exclusive rights to control use and dissemination, often refers to technical data, like blueprints, drawings, technical specifica- tions or computer software, that support weapon and business systems. (Image by Getty Images)

Negotiate early in the process for competitive prices. As good stewards of taxpayers’ dollars, we must leverage economic principles when negotiating prices. To that end, the new policy encourages setting prices as early as possible in the process so that they are competitive.

CONCLUSION This new policy is the first step in a cultural change within the Army. Te next step is more detailed implementation guidance to the field, which we are devel- oping for release in early 2019. We also assembled a team of experts from across the Army to identify what additional processes, guidance and training may be required to ensure that the policy is having its intended effect.


Bell Helicopter engineer Levi Hefner adjusts the propellers of a micro unmanned aircraft system in the wind tunnel control room during a visit to the U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. In the information sharing that underpins such government- industry collaborations, it is critical that the Army balance both parties’ IP interests. (Photo by Jhi Scott, ARL Public Affairs)

My objective is to empower and enable our workforce professionals to think differ- ently and act appropriately to ensure that our organizations, policies, processes and tasks that consume time, money and manpower deliver real value.

In closing, I wish you and your loved ones a happy and healthy 2019!




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