





learning more—and more frequently— about what you’d like to see in these pages, and identifying experts who’d be interested in providing their perspectives in a future issue.

This can’t be stated often or strongly enough: Anyone in the Army Acquisition Workforce can write for Army AL&T. We urge everyone to do so. You don’t have to be a writer.

If you see a topic in the list that you’re interested in and knowledgeable about, write something up or run it by us. If you have an idea for a series, call us and tell us about it. Readers told us they’d love to see more how-to articles, checklists, short tutorials and case histories. And, if you do decide to write something up, don’t pull punches or just give us the rose- colored-glasses version: Readers want to know more about projects that went off the rails and how they got back on track.

Contributing to Army AL&T lets you broadcast the work of your organization to a diverse network of print and digital subscribers, and might put you in contact with someone whose perspective or expe- rience could further enhance your work. Oh, yeah, and it can earn you continu- ous learning points. We do our best to make the submission and editorial process as easy as possible, and you can find our writers guidelines by going to https://asc. submissions/.

Since the last survey, in 2016, we’ve made a lot of changes. We’ve been work- ing on making articles more compelling and easier to read by all stakeholders, not just acquisition insiders. With the results from 2018, we’ll be making more changes: shorter, quick-hit pieces; roundups of developments at program executive offices (PEOs); and more on the roles of contrac- tors and Army civilians. We’re also looking

at ways to make it easier for PEOs and other organizations to tell us what they’re up to so we can share that information with our readers. We see the survey as the beginning of a conversation that we’d like to keep going, and to that end, we’ll be expanding our presence on milSuite to provide a forum for communicating with our readers and our contributors.

We’re grateful to those of you who took the time to respond to our survey and made solid suggestions for areas of improvement. We’re energized by your enthusiasm and your ideas, and we look forward to work- ing with you to figure out the best way to implement them.





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