





Greene Award Winners I

n her role performing the duties of Army Acquisition Executive, the Program Executive Officer for Simulation, Training and Instru-

mentation Karen D. H. Saunders recognized the winners of the eighth annual Maj. Gen. Harold J. "Harry" Greene Awards in Acquisition Writing in a COVID-protocol Pentagon ceremony in December. Saunders was accompanied by Greene's widow, Susan Myers, Ph.D., herself a retired Army colonel. Te cere- mony also recognized honorable mentions.

Te winners, by category, follow:

ACQUISITION REFORM “Te Authority to Compete,” by Maj. David J. Delassus (Photo 1, below) from the joint staff won the award. Honor- able mention went to Robert E. Finley of the Air Force Materiel Command for his “Acquiring Innovation in the 21st Century: Accelerating Procurement as a Weapon of War.”

FUTURE OPERATIONS “Change the Contingency Contract- ing Support Model to a Centralized, CONUS-Based Contingency Contracting Support Center,” by Maj. Joseph D. Levin (Photo 2) of the U.S. Army Legal Services

Agency won. Honorable mention went to “Protecting the Future Force in Multi- Domain Operations," by Lt. Col. Curtis Brooker and Christina Bates, Ph.D., from the Program Executive Office for Intelli- gence, Electronic Warfare and Sensors.

INNOVATION In a tie, this category honored two winners, alphabetically. “Creative Acqui- sition and the Cyber Battlefield: Using Rapid Prototyping to Address Press- ing Cyberspace Challenges," by Fianna Litvok of the Program Executive Office for Enterprise Information Systems, and “Scaling Innovation at the Department of Defense: An Actionable Framework and Practical Steps for the Joint Force,” by Marina Teodotou, Ed.D. (Photo 3), of Defense Acquisition University. Honor- able mention went to “Animated Data: How Healthcare Data Lives Alongside Patients,” by Holly S. Joers of the Program Executive Office for Defense Healthcare Management Systems.

LESSONS LEARNED “Building Trust: A Cyber Story,” by Lt. Col. Rachael M. Hoagland (Photo 4) of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Tech- nology took the award. “Onboarding New


Karen D.H. Saunders recognizes the winners of the Maj. Gen. Harold J. "Harry" Greene Awards during a ceremony in December. (Photos by Sgt. Kevin M. Roy)

Employees as Remote Working is Here to Stay,” by Jared J. Ryan of the Program Executive Office for Combat Support and Combat Service Support, received honor- able mention for his work.

In congratulating the winners, Lt. Gen. Robert L. Marion, the military deputy to the assistant secretary of the Army for acquisition, logistics and technology, wrote in an email extending his "heart- felt thanks and deep appreciation to the authors, their families and colleagues who supported them in their work.”



Karen D.H. Saunders and Susan Myers, Ph.D. (Col. Ret.) presented the winners of the eighth annual writing competition with their plaques.




Army AL&T Magazine

Spring 2022

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