Network Marketplace: Open for Business and Growing

By July 11, 2016September 3rd, 2018Acquisition, Army ALT Magazine

PEO C3T keeps up with rapid technological changes by taking a competitive approach to buying the latest commercial products so that it can get the best to Soldiers faster.

by Mr. Joe Welch, Lt. Col. Jack “Shane” Taylor and Mr. Michael Beery

For years, the Army pursued communication systems the same way it developed tanks—fielding a “big bang” capability intended to last for decades. But with today’s exponential progress in information technology, the Army’s network strategy has shifted from revolutionary to evolutionary—continuously building on the latest models with faster, stronger and more powerful capabilities. Think of the latest version of a smartphone, or the most recent model year of a car.

Now that the Army can leverage the latest commercial technology while still executing integration, interoperability and fielding, the emphasis has shifted to competition, whenever and wherever possible.

Taking a nondevelopmental item (NDI) competitive approach, the Army’s first prominent application was in tactical radios, which enabled the competitive acquisition of the latest radio technology that met specific requirements and was compatible with government-owned waveforms. (See related article, “To a Network Marketplace,” Army AL&T magazine, April-June 2015.)

In essence, the NDI approach opened the radio marketplace.

Now, the Program Executive Office for Command, Control and Communications – Tactical (PEO C3T), responsible for fielding the Army’s tactical network, is expanding that concept across its portfolio. This approach broadens and deepens the PEO’s partnership with industry, which is now invested earlier and more often in the process of system development.


A Soldier from the 101st Airborne Division, wearing a portable, tactical radio, prepares his next move during a live fire rehearsal in April at the Peason Ridge Training Area of the Joint Readiness Training Center, Fort Polk, Louisiana. Soldiers at the team, squad and platoon levels carry handheld Rifleman Radios, some of which will be procured under contracts awarded by the Army in April 2015 to Harris Corp. and Thales Defense and Security Inc. (U.S. Army photo)

The Army continues to advance its next-generation, software-defined radios, which act like minicomputers and enable Soldiers to stay connected even in the most austere and remote locations.

Over the past three years, as more and more radio vendors successfully loaded government-owned waveforms onto their new radio platforms, the Army implemented its radio marketplace acquisition approach, which aims to lower costs and deliver radios more quickly using NDI products. This approach, which was approved by the Office of the Secretary of Defense, relies on industry to provide already developed, mature radios that can meet specific requirements and are compatible with government-owned waveforms.

Using the NDI strategy, radios will be fielded more quickly and at a lower cost, since vendors do not have to create their own waveforms. Instead they will use existing waveforms from the Joint Tactical Networking Center Waveform Information Repository. With government-owned waveforms, vendors can focus on developing their radio hardware and pushing technology forward, and it ensures interoperability across the services, since the Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps can use Army-developed waveforms.

Recent examples of successful NDI competitions include the Army’s contract awards to multiple vendors to procure the Manpack and Rifleman radios after full and open competition. The Army worked closely with industry to refine requirements by hosting industry days and one-on-one forums, allowing vendors to ask questions and gather information. Meeting with various vendors enabled the Army to learn about new technologies in the commercial environment. It also meant vendors were tied into the development process sooner than ever before.

Now that contracts have been awarded for the Manpack and Rifleman radios, qualified vendors will compete for smaller-quantity delivery orders on a regular basis to fill the hardware requirements, while using existing government-owned waveforms that are maintained in the Waveform Information Repository. This structure enables the Army to choose from numerous technologies and to release a new contract if radio technology changes significantly after the initial contract award.

Vendors whose technologies mature after the initial competition and operational tests can join the competition, and vendors that do not pass qualification testing will be removed. The consistently competitive acquisition strategy is expected to reduce radio procurement costs as the Army continues to modernize the network amid fiscal constraints.


Soldiers from the 1st Armored Division use the Manpack radio, which can be mounted in a vehicle or carried in a rucksack. A marketplace approach to acquisition shifts the Army away from big one-time procurements and toward the kind of incremental evolution that smartphone companies use to keep their products up to date. (U.S. Army photo)

PEO C3T’s project manager for tactical radios (PM TR) is employing a similar construct for future procurements. This includes the potential development of a two-channel Rifleman radio and airborne radios.

While the Army procures the next generation of software-defined radios using the radio marketplace, it is also evolving the software waveforms, which provide the link for the radios to communicate. These networking waveforms are integral to continuously improving the Army’s tactical communications network by connecting to network infrastructures, such as Warfighter Information ­Network – Tactical (WIN-T).

Perhaps the best fit for the marketplace concept is with mission command—where stand-alone, hardware-based systems are already beginning to be replaced by software applications.

The process of modernizing mission command systems by transitioning away from a major contract award to a smaller, more agile award strategy comes at the same time the Army is embracing the Common Operating Environment (COE) as a way to drive competition. This “app store” approach to development brings a standardized and open computing environment and is changing the way mission command capabilities are created. Through the command post computing environment (CP CE), part of the COE, software development kits will allow third-party contributors to build to tactical applications, similar to how apps are built for smartphones.

This could improve opportunities for small businesses to participate in competitions. Aimed at attracting innovative software-based solutions, maintaining a reference architecture is key, because it enables vendors to build against a requirement following a set of standards. CP CE is helping to drive common, cross-cutting capabilities across warfighting functions and “widgetizing” the command post with web-based apps.

Leveraging a government-developed infrastructure that is well-known and understood, then defining standards to support that effort, provides a predictable environment so a wider array of developers can deliver products more quickly.

This shift toward tactical applications, or TacApps, is where industry collaboration and a single architecture environment work together. Currently, commercial, mobile operating systems like iOS and Android have provided software development kits that have enabled nearly anyone to build an application into their marketplace. The acquisition efforts of PEO C3T’s project manager for mission command (PM MC) will mirror that environment, enabling companies large and small to develop applications that can run on an established framework.

This approach forces the government to be more disciplined with specifications while allowing for more competition from organizations traditionally outside of the DOD arena.


By allowing third-party contributors to build tactical applications, the command post computing environment promises to expand opportunities for small businesses to participate in com­petitive procurements by enabling them to build to a clear set of standards. (Photo by PEO C3T)

In essence, it gives PM MC the opportunity to leverage innovation from industry while ensuring competition in future capability development, enabling any business—no matter how large or small—to compete and resulting in cost savings for the Army.

One initiative in support of mission command modernization, under this acquisition model, involves the standard and shareable geospatial foundation. The program office plans to issue a competitive task order (TO) through a blanket purchase agreement for industry to bid on. Vendors will be able to compete at the TO level, allowing the government to award an effort quickly.

In the past, a major award to a single vendor serving as the lead systems integrator would take many months. With the new marketplace model, PM MC has reduced the time frame by 80 percent, from several months to weeks. This method also injects much-needed flexibility into the contracting process.

Work packages assigned to project managers are mapped to a task or delivery order and integration is done on-site in laboratories or in the Defense Intelligence Information Environment, the online collaborative environment for industry partners to execute TOs.

Project managers will now be responsible for managing integration of a capability coming from different vendors. But with government serving as part of the technology solutions, product managers can start to drive toward an open architecture and set themselves up early in the process to understand transitions in sustainment and how they’ll handle security requirements.

Realizing that the NDI concept could be applied across the PEO C3T portfolio, project managers began to look at other innovative acquisition models for their portfolios. Nowhere was this a better fit than with its on-the-move tactical network, WIN-T.

WIN-T enables commanders and Soldiers to pass critical voice, video and data across the formation and while on the move. WIN-T is made up of many parts; by applying the marketplace concept, the Army can maximize the benefits of emerging technology by inserting competition in new ways.


Smoke obscures tents of the 1st Armored Division during a decisive action rotation in April at the National Training Center (NTC) at Fort Irwin, California. PEO C3T, responsible for fielding a tactical network that keeps Soldiers connected despite environmental challenges like low visibility, shops on the commercial marketplace to keep up with rapidly changing communication technologies. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Daniel Parrott, Operations Group, NTC)

One way to leverage competition from the commercial marketplace is through the use of Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contracts. The Army recently awarded a contract to GATR Technologies for its inflatable antenna system to satisfy the early-entry satellite communications (SATCOM) system known as the Transportable Tactical Command Communications (T2C2), part of the WIN-T system. This new duo of lightweight, portable satellite terminals will provide early-entry units in air-to-land missions, as well as follow-on units at the tactical edge, with a light and heavy variant of high-bandwidth, deployable satellite dishes to keep Soldiers and commanders connected to the network and well-informed.

The SBIR program’s three-phase competitive process allows proposals to be submitted in response to DOD’s emerging requirements. SBIR significantly reduces risk through reusing testing and logistics data from other services. It also creates an environment that allows the quick adaptation of commercial hardware and software while opening up new markets to small businesses.

In a separate effort, the PM for WIN-T is able to apply innovative solutions by using the DOD-wide Global Tactical Advanced Communication Systems (GTACS) contract, which it manages. (See “Innovation Through Competition.”) The GTACS contract was used recently to improve the marketplace for the Army’s new and developing Pseudolites program. This program enables the continued operation of positioning, navigation and timing-enabled systems such as Blue Force Tracker, the Army’s premier friendly force positioning system, in electronically or physically challenged environments. Pseudolites provide a terrestrial radio navigation similar to satellite GPS for GPS-denied environments.

Under the GTACS contract, the Army competed a limited-rate production for pseudolites, choosing two vendors that are going head-to-head to develop the most innovative, cost-effective solution to fill this unique requirement. The victor will conduct the full-rate production.

To keep pace with today’s rapid evolution in technology, the Army is growing the cadre of tools it can use to get new capabilities into the hands of Soldiers. This new network marketplace concept builds on lessons learned while instilling an atmosphere that encourages trying new approaches in acquisition and embraces competition as never before.

For more information, go to PEO C3T’s website:


As Army network contracts for GTACS and CHS-4 expire, PEO C3T builds in provisions to support rapid acquisition of innovative technology.

As part of its continual network modernization, the Army is looking for products that significantly increase capability; reduce system complexity to make the network easier to operate and maintain; and decrease size, weight and power—all at a fair price to the taxpayer.

Part of the Army’s strategy to meet these requirements includes promoting competition as a catalyst for industry to think outside the box and drive invention. In that light, as two of the Army’s main network contracts, GTACS and Common Hardware Systems (CHS)-4, near expiration, the Army is preparing to compete new versions that are expected to increase efficiencies, promote competition and spur innovation.

These two competitive contracting mechanisms, both managed by PEO C3T, will serve to expedite innovative technology and smartly enable rapid acquisition. The new GTACS II contract is being designed to promote product innovation and provide the best capability possible for Soldiers at competitive prices. The contract provides one-stop shopping for a broad range of C3T hardware and services, with an emphasis on tactical satellite communications. Among its many benefits, GTACS II is expected to significantly reduce delivery times and provide greater opportunities for small business.


A Soldier uses a CHS ruggedized handheld device in the field. The CHS contract enables a one-stop, rapid acquisition capability for modified commercial information technology hardware. (U.S. Army photo)

GTACS II is a 10-year, $6 billion, multiple-award, indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contract for the rapid acquisition of a wide variety of tactical C3T hardware, software, and engineering, logistics, test and system-related support services. The contract enables the customer to design a capability, then produce, test, field and sustain that capability with one contract. It simplifies and consolidates the entire process across the product life cycle.

The goal of GTACS II is to establish a set of qualified vendors who can quickly respond to requests for proposals on delivery and task orders with the potential to be awarded in 120 days, enabling the Army to provide critical capabilities to the field at an accelerated pace. To achieve this decreased timeline, the program office, in union with the U.S. Army Contracting Command, will be instituting standardized documentation and processes, which should significantly decrease review cycles and establish a one-team approach to the entire contracting process.

The source selection process will result in an award to about 30 prime contractors that will be able to compete for the broad spectrum of work under the contract. Each delivery order will be an opportunity for industry to promote product innovation, provide the optimum resolution of requirements and deliver the best overall value for the Army and DOD. Of the approximately 30 contracts, the Army expects roughly a third to be awarded to small businesses, with a percentage of that set aside for women- and veteran-owned and disadvantaged or underutilized small businesses.

The GTACS II contract increases the number of prime contractors from 20 to 30, which is anticipated to increase competition. This also could result in more innovative solutions at a fair market value being bid on its requirements. GTACS II also will allow more small businesses to participate in competitions—10 instead of the current six.

The GTACS I contract expires in October 2017. Under the current timeline, the Army expects to issue the final request for proposal in November 2016, with contracts awarded in October 2017.

While the GTACS contract supports new requirements development and full systems integration, including hardware, software and services for tactical network systems such as ground satellite terminals, the CHS contract enables a one-stop, rapid acquisition capability for modified commercial information technology (IT) hardware.

CHS provides state-of-the-art computing and networking equipment that improves connectivity, interoperability, logistics and maintenance support to Soldiers, and is available for use by all DOD and federal agencies. Designed as a rapid execution vehicle to meet tactical requirements, the CHS contract supports Army and DOD programs that require increased ruggedness, configuration management, end-of-life configuration changes, and hardware to meet an operational need; or that do not have well-defined requirements.


The Army hosted a pre-solicitation day for the GTACS II contract on March 4 at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. Used recently on the Army’s nascent Pseudolites program, GTACS II aims to get new technologies to the field more quickly. (U.S. Army photo by Amy Walker, PEO C3T Public Affairs)

Valued at more than $3 billion, the CHS-5 contract will enable the rapid procurement of total life cycle system management solutions in support of tactical programs. The contract’s consolidated acquisition approach can design, develop, modify, ruggedize, environmentally test, procure, support and provide configuration management for commercial IT hardware systems, all made available via a single contract action and a single part number.

The program structure for CHS-5 includes a single-step, full and open competition, leading to a best value award of an IDIQ contract for a five-year period of performance (a three-year base with two one-year options). Much of the CHS-5 contract is focused on enabling supported programs to develop life cycle sustainment plans for commercial IT during the hardware procurement phase.

As the commercial industrial base adapts to fit a leaner Army, the organic industrial base will be called upon to provide more holistic life cycle sustainment support. The CHS-5 contract will require vendors to establish a public-private partnership with Tobyhanna Army Depot, Pennsylvania, to facilitate product support for programs procuring hardware via CHS-5 and having core logistics capability requirements. This partnership leverages the innovation, resources and leadership skills of both Tobyhanna and CHS to provide the best value to the warfighter.

Since its launch in 1987, the CHS program has provided a consolidated acquisition approach for tactical technology solutions, offering economies of scale and complete life cycle management and warranty for hardware of all sizes and varying levels of ruggedness. Combining a prime contractor with options for small business procurement and Army organic support, CHS, as part of PEO C3T, serves as a broker uniting Army programs with the technologies that meet their requirements.

The rapid execution of the contract is what makes CHS valuable to the Army. CHS coordinates with multiple programs to facilitate efficient procurement and sustainment of hardware items across the Common Operating Environment, while leveraging industry innovation to supply the latest technologies to Soldiers. This holistic approach to Army tactical hardware resulted in a cost avoidance totaling $205 million in FY15.

The current CHS contract, CHS-4, ends in August, and on the current timeline the Army expects to issue the final request for proposal in September, with contracts awarded in December 2017.

As the Army continues to modernize its tactical communications network, GTACS II and CHS-5 will provide competitive contracting mechanisms to facilitate the acquisition of innovative technology and service solutions, thus helping the Army retain its military dominance on the battlefield.

For more information, email; for more information about GTACS, email

—MR. JAMES SAWALL, assistant product manager, Commercial Satellite Terminal Program, and MR. BRECK TARR, product lead, CHS.

MR. JOE WELCH is PM TR’s chief engineer. He holds a master’s in systems engineering from the Stevens Institute of Technology and a B.S. in electrical engineering from Tufts University. He is Level III certified in program management and in engineering. He is an Army Acquisition Corps (AAC) member.

LT. COL. JACK “SHANE” TAYLOR is the product manager for tactical mission command. He holds an M.S. in industrial engineering and operations management from Clemson University, an MBA from Pennsylvania State University and a B.S. in business administration with a minor in business law from Oklahoma State University. He is Level III certified in program management and Level I certified in information technology and contracting, and is a member of the AAC.

MR. MICHAEL BEERY is the deputy product manager for SATCOM. He holds an M.S. in industrial and systems engineering from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and a B.S. from the United States Military Academy at West Point. He is Level III certified in program management and is a member of the AAC.

This article was originally published in the July – September 2016 issue of Army AL&T magazine.

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