I3MP Kicks Off a HSMCC Tech Refresh at Schofield Barracks

By December 2, 2016August 30th, 2018Science and Technology

FORT BELVOIR, Va. — The Army’s Installation Information Infrastructure Modernization Program (I3MP) has begun a Home Station Mission Command Center (HSMCC) Initiative hardware technical refresh of the 25th Infantry Division (ID) Command Center, at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii.

The HSMCC Initiative is the Army’s evolutionary approach to provide corps, divisions and select other commands the capability to host and operate mission command systems at home station. A three-phase approach has been developed to ensure that mission commands are equipped with this capability. Phase one requires surveys to be conducted through multi-organization survey teams, to determine the operational state of each HSMCC. Information from the site assessments will be used to develop and validate an interim technical baseline of existing mission command centers that will be used in all future HSMCC assessments. Phase one also includes a hardware technical refresh of the audio/visual (A/V) and data network infrastructure and equipment.

I3MP, part of the Program Executive Office for Enterprise Information Systems, is the program management office responsible for the overall project management, system design, procurement, technical oversight, information assurance assessment, system integration and testing and system transition of the hardware technical refresh phase.

During the hardware technical refresh at the 25th ID, I3MP will oversee the installation of innovative and cost-saving information technology solutions that enable mission command warfighting functions to be performed from Schofield Barracks.

Driven by operational demands, a fully functional HSMCC will provide a suite of standardized capabilities at corps, division and theater headquarters that supports expeditionary mission command during all operational phases. HSMCCs nest within the mission command network vision, providing expeditionary, uninterrupted mission command through a network of intuitive, secured, standards-based capabilities that is adapted to commanders’ requirements and integrated into a common operating environment.

To support mission command functionality, a command center’s A/V and network infrastructure must meet HSMCC interim technical baseline requirements. The HSMCC hardware technical refresh will upgrade the information technology infrastructure at command centers to meet these requirements and provide operational systems enhancements and equipment sustainment.

The 25th ID Command Center’s HSMCC will be upgraded to meet the HSMCC technical requirements in 2017. “HSMCC technical requirements support the high-bandwidth, mission-critical applications required to maintain mission effectiveness in a complex world,” said Lt. Col. Gus Muller, I3MP product director.

When the HSMCC Initiative is complete, the 25th ID will have a fully equipped and functional garrison-based command post, enabling the division to perform all mission command functions, such as intelligence, sustainment and fires, from Schofield Barracks. As a result, the Army will improve its distributed mission command and control, giving senior mission commanders the flexibility to reduce their forward deployed forces and resource requirements.

For more information, contact Scott Sundsvold at 703-806-3175 or scott.n.sundsvold.ctr@mail.mil. For more information about I3MP, go to http://www.eis.army.mil/programs/i3mp.

Learn more about the Installation Information Infrastructure Modernization Program (I3MP).

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