Scott Greene,
Army DACM Office Education and Training Branch Chief
Are you in a GS-7 to 11 (or broadband equivalent) acquisition position and believe you have what it takes to be a future leader? Perhaps the Defense Civilian Emerging Leader Program (DCELP) is for you. DCELP is designed to develop the next generation of innovative leaders with the technical competence to meet DOD’s future leadership needs.
DCELP is the newest program in the three-fold DOD executive development continuum. Executive Leadership Development Program (ELDP) builds upon the leadership foundations learned during DCELP for those in GS-12 to 14 positions. The top of the DOD spectrum is the Defense Senior Leader Development Program (DSLDP), for GS-14 and 15s who want or need Senior Service College as well as a year of developmental assignments to broaden their experiential portfolios. The chart below is DOD’s leadership progression chart outlining the optional courses, starting with DCELP.
The USAASC Army DACM Office opened our announcement on May 19 for you to apply to this wonderful opportunity. Applications must be submitted in the Army Acquisition Professional Development System (AAPDS) by 11:59 p.m. EDT on June 20.
DCELP is now in its fourth year of providing emerging leaders with the opportunity to become extraordinary ones. The program combines classroom learning, guest speakers, group projects, mentoring and simulations to build up executive core competencies. It uses a competency-based approach and emphasizes personal development as well as leading teams and projects. The DCELP experience develops a supportive environment that enhances participants’ self-awareness, substantive knowledge, and skills; promotes continuous learning, reflection and personal change; and encourages networking and team-building among participants.
This program is only open to civilians in the acquisition, human resources and financial management communities. Competition for the program is expected to be strong. We received more than 90 applications for 22 spots last year, and we expect even more applications this round. This opportunity is open to permanent civilian members of the Army acquisition workforce who are GS-7 through GS-11 or broadband/pay band equivalent and have met their current position Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act certification requirement.
Participants will take part in five seminars spread over eight months, with most of the nearly 30 resident days being spent at the Executive Management Training Center in Southbridge, Massachusetts. DCELP courses—most of which are in-resident with some online—focus on leadership assessment, team development, effective writing in the federal government, conflict resolution, and leadership for non-supervisors. Course completion results in receiving both the OPM LEAD and the DCELP certificates of completion.
Please note that your command will not have any additional financial obligations as a result of this program other than your salary. The Army DACM Office will centrally fund your TDY costs, while DOD will fund your lodging and tuition.
Interested applicants may find out additional programmatic and application details on our DCELP webpage.
How to Apply to the DCELP:
- Login at the Career Acquisition Management Portal (CAMP)
- Click on Career Acquisition Personnel and Position Management Information System (CAPPMIS).
- Once in CAPPMIS, select the “AAPDS” tab.
- Click on “Apply” and the event entitled “YG 2015 Defense Civilian Emerging Leader Program (DCELP).”
- Follow the instructions within each section and click the “submit” button to submit your application.
Interested in other acquisition, education and training opportunities? Visit our ‘DACM Hot Topics’ for current offerings, timelines and updates.
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Scott Greene is the chief of the Army DACM Office Education and Training Branch. He is Level III certified in program management and holds a master’s in leadership and organizational development from Marymount University, as well as a bachelor’s in American politics from The University of Virginia. Scott is a 2008 graduate of the DOD Executive Leadership Development Program (ELDP). He can be contacted at scott.m.greene14.civ@mail.mil or (703) 805-1229.