September Army DACM Office Hot Topics

By September 11, 2014May 24th, 2024DACM Office Hot Topics
U.S. Army DACM Hot Topics

Hot Topic #1: The Annual Senior Rater Potential Evaluation (SRPE)

In November 2004, the Army director for Acquisition Career Management (DACM) spearheaded the implementation of the automated Senior Rater Potential Evaluation (SRPE) for the Army Acquisition Workforce (AAW) at grades GS-13 and above, including broadband equivalents. The directive was suspended in January 2005, but the SRPE remained a requirement for civilian AAW members applying for Centrally Selected List positions, Senior Service College and the Competitive Development Group/Army Acquisition Fellows program.

SRPE has been very successful in ensuring equitable competition for these programs, and has also provided senior leaders with a tool to assess and identify leadership potential among their workforce. Both successes indicate the need to expand the SRPE beyond its current use. Therefore, the Army DACM intends to reinstate and mandate the annual SRPE for all AAW members at grades GS-13 and above, including broadband equivalents. The target date for implementation is January 2015. Additional information and implementation guidance will be provided to the commands shortly.

AAW members requiring assistance with the SRPE system may submit a CAPPMIS help request ticket or call commercial (575) 678-2247. For SRPE policy questions, contact Ms. Kelly Terry, Army DACM Talent Management Cell, at

Hot Topic #2: Do you aspire to be one of the Army’s Senior Acquisition Leaders?

If so, the Competitive Development Group/Army Acquisition Fellows (CDG/AAF) program is the program for you. CDG/AAF is a premier leadership development program initiated by the Army DACM and the U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center (USAASC) to improve the quality of the Army’s GS-12/13s and broadband equivalents. The three-year program focuses primarily on developing our next project and product managers; however, it also lays out a path for those desiring other senior acquisition positions. CDG/AAF offers developmental assignments in program executive offices, the offices of the assistant secretary of the Army for acquisition, logistics, and technology, U.S. Army Materiel Command Headquarters and functional organizations. It also offers expanded training, leadership, experiential and other career development opportunities.

The Army DACM and USAASC are pleased to release the 2014 announcement for the 2015 session of the CDG/AAF program. The announcement is open from Sept. 10 through Nov. 13.

See the CDG/AAF program page for information on eligibility and upcoming announcements.

Hot Topic #3: Acquisition Leadership Challenge Program (ALCP)

The DACM and USAASC are sponsoring a unique leadership training opportunity at no cost to your command. The Acquisition Leadership Challenge Program (ALCP) uses self-awareness as the key to developing leadership and diversity and creating an innovative culture. Participants receive feedback on how they prefer to interact with co-workers and how others—peers, subordinates and supervisors—view them. The class addresses subconscious biases to help discover new approaches to completing tasks, and emphasizes the strength and power in accepting individual differences to produce a stronger ”whole.” ALCP training promotes communication through common language, and helps develop leaders who value individual styles and behaviors, and are more capable of critical thinking, problem-solving, teamwork, collaboration and creative innovation.

There are three different levels of ALCP training for Army Acquisition Workforce members: ALCP-B for GS 7-11; ALCP-Level 1 for GS 12-13; and ALCP Level 2 for GS 14-15. Command or organization representatives nominate workforce members in a 1-N list, by command quota.

The deadline for applying for the next session of ALCP is Sept. 15. The Army DACM program manager will coordinate directly with organization acquisition POCs (OAPs) and acquisition career management advocates (ACMAs) to fill quotas. Please contact your command or organization’s ACMA or OAP if you’re interested in attending.

Please check the ALCP program page for additional information on this great training opportunity.

‘Army DACM Office Hot Topics’ is brought to you by the USAASC Acquisition, Education and Training Branch to help Army acquisition professionals stay on top of career information with timely updates including training opportunities, current program offerings and what’s on the horizon.

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