Back-to-Basics for the Defense Acquisition Workforce was implemented in February 2022 to improve the Defense acquisition workforce’s agility by streamlining the functional area framework and prioritizing limited training resources.
Entire Defense acquisition workforce.
The Back-to-Basics (BtB) Acquisition framework significantly changed how the Department of Defense educates, trains, and develops the acquisition workforce. It created a more streamlined talent management approach that decreased the amount of training required to achieve DAWIA certification within each Acquisition Functional Area (AFA). At the same time, it placed greater emphasis on having regular supervisor/employee engagements to identify, plan, and complete job-relevant training opportunities at the point of need, based on individual competency gaps and/or mission requirements.
Changes to Career Fields:
- The previous acquisition career field structure was streamlined to six functional areas that represent the “basics” of acquisition, focusing on those who develop, acquire, and sustain operational capability, and merit our highest investment priority given limited training and development resources.
- Those six areas are: Business Financial Management/Cost Estimating, Contracting, Engineering, Life Cycle Logistics, Program Management, and Test and Evaluation.
- Each of the six functional areas is represented by a Defense-level Functional Leader; the Army has an Army-level Functional Leader.
Changes in Certification Training:
- The certification model was converted from the resource-intensive and extensive three-level enterprise certification model to a leaner certification structure that is intended to cover “core” competencies within each respective functional area.
- Employees and supervisors should prioritize job-relevant training needs that may not be prescribed through the new certification construct, but rather through specialized training and credentials.
- The Defense Acquisition University (DAU) has deployed high priority and job-relevant credentials which will facilitate planned training to meet mission and job specific local needs. More credentials will be available soon.
- Prioritize and use limited training resources for the workforce that helps develop, acquire, and sustain operational capability.
- Pivot to a mindset of prioritizing workforce needs and aligning use of reduced funding to those priorities.
- Ensure the acquisition workforce receives the training they need, in relevant time, for their job.
- Supervisors tailor plan training for their acquisition personnel to meet real needs of their mission, and spend more time “doing” and getting job experience.

Employee Resources
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Functional Areas
Click on the Functional Area below for detailed transition information.
Acquisition professionals in the Program Management functional area are concerned with all functions of a program management office to accomplish program objectives for the development, production, deployment, and sustainment of systems to meet the user’s operational needs.
The ETM workforce has a vital role in developing, fielding, and sustaining defense systems and ensuring DoD products are delivered on time, perform as expected, and are cost-effective. The role requires developing and implementing solutions with an integrated technical approach across the total life-cycle to satisfy stakeholder needs and expedite transition of technology to the user, practicing early production planning and systematically examining producibility.
The Life Cycle Logistics functional area spans the system life cycle, encompassing acquisition and sustainment activities, and includes professionals responsible for planning, developing, implementing, and overseeing effective and affordable product-support strategies for weapons, materiel, or information systems.
The DoD Business functional area is comprised of two tracks: Business Financial Management (BUS-FM) and Business Cost Estimating (BUS-CE). As advisors to acquisition decision makers, professionals within this functional area are responsible for financial planning, formulation and budgeting, budget analysis and execution, and cost estimating for a variety of programs within the DoD.
The Contracting workforce is vital to accomplishing the DoD’s mission by negotiating the best deal for the warfighter while demonstrating prudent stewardship of taxpayer dollars. Contracting professionals instill fairness and integrity in the acquisition process and serve as an overall business advisor to DoD acquisition teams.
T&E is a critical part of the DoD acquisition process. T&E professionals develop, optimize, execute and evaluate the testing of system performance, interoperability, reliability, maintainability and cybersecurity. They offer unbiased information to support and inform design improvements, production and fielding decisions.
Below is the proposed disposition of the current 14 acquisition career fields under the BtB construct.
- Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) Certification Transition Provisions, 23 January 2023
- USD(A&S) Back-to-Basics Memo, 02 September 2020
- DUSD(A&S) Article: Back- to-Basics for the Defense Acquisition Workforce, 01 October 2020
- DUSD(A&S) Article: DAU Reform – The Intersection with BtB, 16 November 2020
- DAU Back-to-Basics Webpage
- USD(A&S) BtB Implementation Memo, 04 February 2021
- Back-to-Basics PM Certification Exam Requirement 11 January 2022
Questions regarding Back-to-Basics may be sent via the Workforce Management Inquiry portal in the CAMP system at