The Engineering and Technical Management (ETM) workforce plays a vital role in developing, fielding, and sustaining defense systems and ensuring Department of Defense (DOD) products are delivered on time, perform as expected, and are cost-effective. The role requires developing and implementing solutions with an integrated technical approach across the total life cycle to satisfy stakeholder needs and expedite transition of technology to the user, practicing early production planning and systematically examining producibility.
The Program Management functional area is supported by:
Ms. Jennifer Swanson (Army Acquisition Functional Leader)
Ms. Jennifer Swanson is the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Data, Engineering & Software (DASA(DES)), Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology (ASA(ALT)). In this position, Ms. Swanson leads implementation of modern software practices including agile software development and DevSecOps, data centricity, and digital engineering across ASA(ALT). Since standing up DASA(DES), she established a Unified Data Reference Architecture (UDRA) which will enable digital transformation by giving Program Managers and industry partners guidance on how to produce, share and consume data. At the direction of the VCSA, she co-led a Capability Portfolio Review securing senior leader endorsement to drive agile development and DevSecOps throughout the Army. And under her leadership, the Request for Proposal process is changing to require industry to deliver using modern software practices.
Ms. Rocio (Rosie) Bauer (Army Acquisition Functional Advisor)
Ms. Rosie Bauer was selected as the Deputy Director to the office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Data – Engineering – Software) under the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics & Technology) in September 2022. In this position, Ms. Bauer supports the implementation of modern software practices including agile software development and DevSecOps, data centricity, and digital engineering across ASA(ALT). Click here to read full bio.
Workforce Demographics
Top 5 Civilian Occupational Groups/Military Functional Areas

SPECIAL REQUEST TO THE ETM WORKFORCE: The Army DACM Office asks all ETM professionals to complete the “end of course” survey for any Defense Acquisition University (DAU) courses they take as part of their ETM Foundational or Practitioner certification requirements. It should only take a few minutes to fill out. These surveys help DAU to better evaluate and adjust course content, as needed, in order to make the training more useful and relevant to ETM workforce members and their jobs.
DAWIA Grace periods
Foundational = One year relevant acquisition experience with evidence of demonstrated proficiency (awareness) in ETM competencies
Practitioner = Four (4) years relevant acquisition experience with evidence of demonstrated proficiency (intermediate) in ETM competencies
View the Certification and Development Guides in DAU’s iCatalog
Continuous Learning
DACM Office’s FY25 AAW standards memorandum
AAFL Recommended CLP Memorandum: (dated 01 November 2024)
OUSD (Mission Capabilities) ETM Recommended CLP Memorandum: (dated 25 November 2024)
Defense Acquisition Credentials provide the knowledge and associated skills needed to perform job-centric, niche, and/or emerging functions in the defense acquisition environment. They are intended to enhance specific skills and improve performance in the workplace. Whether you manage capability requirements, acquire services/systems, or sustain capabilities, earning credentials can build your competence, confidence, and value to your organization and the DOD.
Recommended Continuous Learning Opportunities for the Engineering and Technical Management Functional Area: OUSD(R&E) Memorandum: Contains recommended Continuous Learning opportunities for the Engineering and Technical Management (ETM) functional area to assist the workforce in identifying meaningful developmental activities beyond mandatory certification. This document has two attachments.
Recommended Credentials and Continuous Learning Points for the Engineering and Technical Management (ETM) Acquisition Functional Area (AFA): Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Data, Engineering, and Software (DASA(DES)) Memorandum: Provides Continuous Learning Point (CLP) guidance from the Engineering and Technical Management (ETM) Army Acquisition Functional Leader (AAFL) to Army Acquisition Workforce professionals within this Functional Area. In this memorandum, the AAFL provides guidance on technical areas, Defense Acquisition University (DAU) and other provider courses, and credentials to take during the current CLP cycle, in order to maintain currency through self-development and continuous education.
Career Model
The Army DACM Office has developed Career Models for each acquisition functional area, which are intended as notional guides for professional growth and a well-rounded acquisition experience. Acquisition workforce employees, along with their supervisors, should use these models as tools for developing a plan to advance throughout one’s acquisition career.
- Monthly Hot Acquisition Workforce Topics (HAWT) Wash
- Upskilling via Udemy
- Digital Transformation
- Civilian Training and Education Opportunities
- Defense Acquisition University (DAU) Engineering and Technical Management (ETM) Functional Area webpage
- DAU ETM Blog
- ETM Information Sheet – 2QFY25
- DAU Web Event Playlists