What types of waivers are available for the Acquisition Workforce?

There are primarily two types of waivers available for members of the Acquisition Workforce, (1) certification position waiver and (2) Critical Acquisition Position/Key Leadership Position (CAP/KLP) waiver.

Certification Position waiver: If an individual is unable to obtain their current position certification requirement within 24 months of occupying their position the organization may submit a DD Form 2905 ( Acquisition, Logistics and Technology (AT&L) Workforce Position Requirements or Tenure Waiver) requesting a waiver. Normally, a waiver is for no more than 12 months to allow an individual to meet position certification requirements. Please refer to the document entitled “Position Requirement Extension Waiver” at //asc.army.mil/web/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Position_Requirement_Extension_Waiver_Revised_11_16.pdf for the procedures and signature authority for submission of a waiver.

CAP/KLP waiver: When an individual is tentatively selected to occupy a CAP/KLP they must have Army Acquisition Corps (AAC) membership. If the individual does not have AAC membership either the Civilian Personnel Office or the organization must submit a DD Form 2905 (AT&L Workforce Position Requirements or Tenure Waiver) with supporting documentation requesting a waiver prior to the individual filling the position. Normally, a waiver is for 24 months to allow an individual to meet AAC requirements and access into AAC. Please refer to the document entitled “CAP Waiver Instructions” at //asc.army.mil/web/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/CAP_Waiver_Instructions_Revised_11_16.pdf for the procedures and signature authority for submission of a CAP/KLP waiver.