What are some examples of when and how the extension would affect me?



Example 1

Bob requires certification Level 2 in Program Management (PM) with a certification deadline of 10/1/2020. He is currently PM Level 1. Bob’s new certification deadline is 10/1/2021.

Example 2

Sarah requires certification Level 3 Life-cycle Logistics (LCL) with a certification deadline of 10/1/2020. She is currently Level 2 certified in LCL, therefore with the 12 month extension, she would have a new LCL cert deadline of 10/1/2021. However, Jane changes on 7/1/2020 to a PM Level 3 position. Given that she changed acquisition career fields within 12 months of the memo being signed, her new deadline for Level 3 PM certification is 36 months, so 7/1/2023.

Example 3

Ann is overdue on her Contracting Level 3 certification which was due 1/1/2020. She does not receive any additional time with this new policy as she was already overdue.

Example 4

Bill requires certification Level 3 in Engineering (ENG) with a certification deadline of 10/1/2020.  He is currently Level 2 certified in ENG, therefore with the 12 month extension, he would have a new ENG certification deadline of 10/1/2021.  However, Bill changes to a PM Level 3 position on 6/1/2021, approximately 14 months after the extension was approved; therefore, Bill is outside the 12 month extension window and would have a PM Level 3 certification deadline of 6/1/2023.

Example 5

Amanda’s initial 24 month certification deadline was May 1, 2020 but she received an approved waiver that extended her deadline to July 1, 2020.  She would receive an additional 12 months to the time remaining on her existing waiver expiration of July 1, 2020 to July 1, 2021.