What’s New
Five new credentials are now available to those interested in pursuing a defense acquisition credential. Defense acquisition credentials provide the knowledge and associated skills to perform job-centric, niche, and/or emerging functions in the Department of Defense (DoD) acquisition environment. They are intended to enhance specific skills and improve performance in your workplace.
For Engineering and Technical Management (ETM), the following three credentials are now available:
- CENG 031: Basics of DoD Software Modernization
- CENG 038: R&M Engineering Technical Activities (Plan, Design, and Procure)
- CENG 039: Life cycle R&M Engineering Programmatic Activities
For acquisition professionals in Business – Cost Estimating:
- CBCE 003: Understanding & Measuring Risk & Uncertainty
For Program Management,
- CACQ 009: Practitioner Earned Value Management
A defense acquisition credential documents your knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform a DoD acquisition-related function, skill, or set of tasks. Anyone who has access to the DAU Virtual Campus can earn a credential. A complete list of available credentials, including their full descriptions and requirements, can be found here https://icatalog.dau.edu/onlinecatalog/tabnav_credentials.aspx. To learn more about defense acquisition credentials and to enroll, go to https://www.dau.edu/training/credentials.

The Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Defense Pricing, Contracting, and Acquisition Policy (DPCAP) Price, Cost and Finance (PCF) released an updated Training Plan Framework for Department of Defense (DoD) pricing professionals. The framework is meant to assist supervisors and pricing professionals with navigating the various Defense Acquisition University (DAU) pricing courses and credentials. The training plan framework provides recommended courses and potential credentials by experience level (Trainee, Journeymen, Experienced, and Technical Expert/Supervisor). Find the updated training plan here: https://www.acq.osd.mil/asda/dpc/pcf/resources-training.html#Training_Plan_Framework.

The third and fourth quarter training schedules for Defense Acquisition University (DAU) opened for registration Jan. 16. Additionally, the FY26 course schedule will be available for student registration May 20. Applicants can enroll for DAU courses through the Army Internet Training Application System (AITAS) or the DAU Virtual Campus, depending on the course. The AITAS registration system can be found here: https://www.atrrs.army.mil/Aitas/. To view and apply, visit: https://icatalog.dau.edu/onlinecatalog/tabnavlas.aspx.
Prepare to apply for the fiscal year (FY) 27 Army Acquisition Centralized Selection Boards (CSB) and/or FY27 Centralized Selection List (CSL) position. Early preparation is highly encouraged. The application window for these opportunities is scheduled to open Feb. 17 and close April 18.
The Army Acquisition Professional Development System (AAPDS) enables civilians who are interested and eligible to “opt-in” to multiple CSB/CSL opportunities using a single portal and one application packet, making the application process easier and more streamlined.
The purpose of the centralized selection process is to identify a pool of high performing and high potential acquisition professionals to lead and manage acquisition programs to meet the mission and vision of the Army acquisition enterprise. Best-qualified individuals will be selected for specifically identified acquisition command/key billet and director positions.
For additional CSL details, click here: https://asc.army.mil/web/centralized-selection-list/ or contact Mr. Adam Polite at adam.b.polite.civ@army.mil.
For additional CSB details, go to https://asc.army.mil/web/career-development/prod-dir or contact Ms. Christina Lindh at christina.n.lindh.civ@army.mil.

The Army Acquisition School (TAAS) released its FY25 Professional Development Series (PDS) catalog. PDS provides a variety of new courses tailored to the needs of the acquisition community. Courses are typically two to four days and focus on enhancing skills and knowledge of the acquisition workforce. Not only do PDS courses provide an opportunity to earn Continuous Learning Points, they are funded locally by TAAS at no cost to other organizations. Mobile training teams can be sent to organizations with large training requirements. Located in Huntsville, Ala., the Army Acquisition School is a centralized training, education, and career development school for Army acquisition officers, noncommissioned officers, and Department of the Army civilians. The facility centralizes Army institutional training, education, and career development courses for the acquisition, logistics, and technology workforce and improves the effectiveness of leader development efforts while increasing acquisition synergy. FY25 PDS offerings are as follows:
Resident and Virtual:
- Army Contract Writing Lab (ACWL): This course is designed to provide hands-on refresher training on Procurement Desktop-Defense (PD2) procedures and tasks.
- COR Basics (COR-E) (Contracting Officer Representative – Equivalency): This is a DAU equivalent course and includes content similar to CON 222. Learn the skills and knowledge necessary to represent a Contracting Officer on Federal contracts. The training you need to be appointed to a COR position.
- U.S. Constitution and the Federal Acquisition Workforce (USCon): Take a walk through the United States Constitution and learn the history of relevance of this incredible founding document. Find out where the laws come from that control Federal Acquisition contracting.
Resident Only:
- Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue (CCMD): Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue is a course that teaches skills for creating alignment and agreement by fostering open dialogue around high-stakes, emotional or risky topics.
- Influencer (INF): Whether you manage a small team or lead a large organization, Influencer training provides the skills you need to change behavior – your own and that of others. The course is also effective for those without formal authority, as well as emerging leaders.
- Getting Things Done (GTD): Always busy, but rarely productive? If you or others in your organization are falling victim to work overload, modern-workplace chaos, and the overwhelming anxiety that comes from too much (and not enough time), this training is right for you.
- Crucial Conversations for Accountability (CRU-A): Crucial Conversations for Accountability is a course that teaches a straightforward, step-by-step process for identifying and resolving performance gaps, strengthening accountability, eliminating inconsistency and reducing resentment.
- Power of Habit (PoH): The Power of Habit course teaches how habits work and how to develop effective habits using skill instead of willpower. The course teaches a skill set for mastering any habit. You might call this skillset the habit of all habits. The one to rule them all.
To view the FY25 PDS course catalog, press the “plus” (+) symbol next to the “Course Schedules” section located in the “HOW TO APPLY” section at the bottom of this page: https://asc.army.mil/web/taas/. For questions, contact Monica McGurty at monica.a.mcgurty.civ@army.mil or by phone at 520-671-0030. For registration assistance, reach out by phone, 256-824-4548.

The Army DACM Office is pleased to announce the Advanced Civil Schooling (ACS) Winter Moving Cycle “ACS 26-01” application window is now open. The ACS program allows Army acquisition officers a chance to pursue advanced degrees in acquisition or business-related disciplines at civilian universities on a full-time, fully funded basis. ACS unlocks enhanced skills and acquisition experience through top-tier university programs. This opportunity is open now and the application window closes March 1. The program runs from Oct. 1, 2025, through March 31, 2026. Go to the ACS webpage to learn more about the application process and eligibility: https://asc.army.mil/web/career-development/programs/advanced-civil-schooling/.

If you’d like to become familiar with the basics of artificial intelligence (AI), Defense Acquisition University (DAU) now has an approximately one-hour self-paced video course intended to help DoD professionals gain AI-literacy and manage or work on an AI acquisition program. This is the companion video to DAU course “SWE 0056-What is AI?” and the video can be viewed at https://media.dau.edu/media/t/1_fnlts39y. You are welcome to watch the video as a standalone AI learning opportunity however, if you are interested in taking the SWE 0056 course for DAU transcript credit, you can register for the course at https://www.dau.edu/courses/swe-0056.
If you were recently hired into the Army Acquisition Workforce, you’ll want to sign up for the “Welcome to the Army Acquisition Workforce” course. This course should be completed within the first few months of joining the acquisition workforce as it offers a dynamic overview of:
- The Army Acquisition Workforce.
- Training and certification standards.
- Tools and resources.
- Career models.
- Development and leadership opportunities.
- Staying connected.
To access and begin taking the course, navigate to the Army Training Information System (ATIS) Learning home page at https://learn.atis.army.mil/moodle. (Chrome or Edge browsers are recommended.)
- Login to EAMS-A-Single Sign-On (CAC login).
- Click the CATALOG tab.
- Locate the Welcome to the Army Acquisition Workforce course in the list of Published courses, or enter the course name in the Search field, and click the search icon.
- Select the Register & Launch button, which will take you directly where you can launch the Learning Assignment(s) required for the course.
There is a downloadable resources guide included with the course. You are highly encouraged to download and save a copy of this resources guide for your records. Once you have closed the course topic, your completion will show up on your ATIS LEARNING MY CERTIFICATES page. Click the certificate File icon to view and download the course certificate of completion.