WASHINGTON (Dec. 15, 2020)—The winners of the annual Secretary of the Army Awards for Excellence in Contracting for fiscal year 2020 were announced during a virtual awards ceremony on Dec. 9.
Rebecca Weirick, deputy assistant secretary of the Army for procurement, notified and congratulated the winners. “This recognition reflects your outstanding contribution and dedication in support of our Soldiers and the Army mission,” she said.
The annual awards recognize exemplary efforts toward contracting excellence by highlighting contracting organizations and individuals that excel in customer satisfaction, productivity, process improvement and quality enhancement.
Congratulations to the 2020 Secretary of the Army Awards for Excellence in Contracting winners!
Systems, Research and Development, Logistics Support (Sustainment) Contracting Award:
Branch H, Division D, U.S. Army Contracting Command (ACC) – Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland
Contingency Contracting Award:
Field Directorate Office, Mission and Installation Contracting Command (MICC) – Fort Sam Houston, Texas
Installation Level Contracting Office or Directorate of Contracting:
Regional Contracting Office, 413th Contracting Support Brigade – Hawaii
Specialized Services and Construction Contracting:
COVID-19 Alternate Care Facility Design Build Method Team, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) – New York
Barbara C. Heald (Deployed Civilian) Award:
Estella C. Juarez, ACC – Afghanistan
Contracting Professional of the Year:
Kelly M. Gorman, ACC – New Jersey
Exceptional Support of the AbilityOne Program:
Matthew R. Buchanan, ACC – Aberdeen Proving Ground, Natick, Massachusetts
Innovation in Contracting Strategies:
Operation Warp Speed Team, ACC – Aberdeen Proving Ground
Contracting Noncommissioned Officer of the Year:
Staff Sergeant Keith L. McDougal, 409th Contracting Support Brigade, ACC – Kaiserslautern, Germany
Outstanding Contracting Specialist/Procurement Analyst:
Melanie A. Caines, USACE – Omaha, Nebraska
Specialized Services and Construction Contracting Award:
John H. Tucker II, USACE – Omaha
Installation Level Contracting Office or Directorate of Contracting Award:
Curtis Arthur II, MICC – Fort Eustis, Virginia
Contingency Contracting Award:
Major Brian J. Burton, ACC – Rock Island, Illinois
Systems, R&D, Logistics Support (Sustainment) Contracting Award:
Idia I. Osaghae, ACC – Aberdeen Proving Ground
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