Acquisition professionals complete DAU-SSCF program

By July 27, 2018March 14th, 2019Career Development

By Kristine Faria, Army DACM Office Acquisition Education and Training Manager

Congratulations and well done to the 24 senior civilian acquisition professionals who graduated May 22 from the Defense Acquisition University (DAU) Senior Service College Fellowship (SSCF) Program. The fellows were recognized at graduation ceremonies held at the three sites where DAU offers this Army Director for Career Management (DACM) Office-sponsored program: Aberdeen, Maryland; Huntsville, Alabama and Warren, Michigan.

The fellows spent the past 10 months engaged in an enriching and rigorous program that prepared them for senior leadership positions across the Army Acquisition Workforce (AAW). SSCF sharpened their skills in a host of leadership competencies that ranged from problem solving to team building, from developing others to thinking strategically.

The fellows spent a portion of their time in a classroom setting, where they took the advanced DAU program manager course (PMT 401) as well as graduate-level classes such as organizational development and change, managerial leadership, developing executive leaders and managing a global workforce. They also took part in numerous workshops: crucial accountability, international acquisitions, leading at the speed of trust and contracting for executives, to name just a few.

Time spent in outside-the-classroom activities proved just as valuable to the fellows’ professional and self-development. Site visits to Army, DOD and industry facilities broadened their insight and perspective into how multiple organizations and business enterprises come together to train, sustain and equip the Soldier. Visits from senior leaders gave the fellows the opportunity to hear from and ask questions of those who lead at the highest levels in DOD acquisition. Attendance at Army War College events, such as Industry Day and the Annual Strategy Conference, allowed the fellows to enrich their learning experience as well as to engage with their War College peers and develop their networks. The staff ride to Gettysburg was a particularly moving experience for the fellows. During this capstone learning experience, they toured the battlefield and considered not only decision-making strategies and leadership principles but also the enormity of the sacrifices made at the Civil War site.

Friends, families, co-workers, supervisors and other guests celebrated the fellows’ completion of the prestigious program at the graduation ceremonies. Senior leaders presented the hard-earned diplomas and delivered keynote speeches to inspire and encourage the graduates as they embark on the next phase of their careers. Inspired to learn more about this program? Visit the Army DACM website.

This article was published in the July DACM Newsletter.

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