By Michael Bold
FORT BELVOIR, Va. (June 25, 2019)—A modern army marches not on its stomach but on its data, Dr. Bruce D. Jette, the Army acquisition executive, writes in the new issue of Army AL&T magazine. Exactly how the Army identifies, collects, manages and analyzes data throughout all Army programs’ life cycles―from the foxhole to the Pentagon―is the theme of the Summer 2019 issue of Army AL&T. In it, read about:
At present, there is no efficient and effective way to store and share the data that Army leaders need when they need it, says Dr. Jette, also the assistant secretary of the Army for acquisition, logistics and technology. We are changing that, he writes, in “THE ZEN OF DATA.”
From Sun Tzu to machine learning, having good data is more than half the battle. The Army’s acquisition data domain promises to prove that once again. Read how in “DATA IS DECISIVE.”
The Army Leader Dashboard is tackling the Army’s data problem, bridging the gap between assumptions and insights for strategic resource decisions. Find out how in “CREATING INSIGHT-DRIVEN DECISIONS.”
The Program Executive Office for Enterprise Information Systems is the Army’s home for information technology networks and business systems. It’s profiled in “ASA(ALT) AT WORK.”
The latest issue of Army AL&T is more than data, though. Budgeting for Army acquisition programs is both art and science, in which clarity and consistency set the tone for success. Read how the sausage gets made in “NO MYSTERIES, PLEASE.”
A new rapid prototyping program is supercharging the Army Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office’s search for capabilities. See “FUNDING KICK-START.”
The departing project manager for Tactical Network within the Program Office for Command, Control and Communications – Tactical discusses challenges and must-haves as the Army moves toward its one network vision, in “MODERNIZING THE NETWORK.”
Artificial intelligence (AI) on the battlefield will come. That’s guaranteed. Before AI automates “slaughterbots,” we need to think through the moral and ethical implications of such powerful technology in warfare. See “MAGIC BULLETS: THE FUTURE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN WEAPON SYSTEMS.”
Be sure to check out our new platform for the Army AL&T e-magazine, at https://asc.army.mil/web/publications/army-alt-magazine/. It’s the same great publication but on a spiffed-up site that makes it easier to read, share and save the commentary, analyses and workforce development news you rely on-and contribute to. In addition to making Army AL&T easy to navigate on a desktop computer, the new platform uses a mobile-friendly format to make the magazine just as easy to read on a smartphone or tablet.
Also, remember that Army AL&T is built on contributions from you, the Army Acquisition Workforce. For more information on how to publish an article in Army AL&T magazine or a Faces of the Force submission, visit https://asc.army.mil/web/publications/army-alt-submissions/ to see our writers guidelines, upcoming deadlines and themes.
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