January 2020 – Army DACM Hot Topics

By January 7, 2020March 24th, 2021DACM Office Hot Topics
DACM Hot Topics






Attention Army acquisition workforce civilians and military occupational specialty (MOS) 51C noncommissioned officers (NCOs). Jan. 1 was opening day for applications to the Acquisition Tuition Assistance Program (ATAP). The application period for the second fiscal quarter will be open until Feb. 20. Get your applications in soon to be considered for this opportunity to receive tuition assistance. And remember—ATAP is not only a chance to receive funding toward an academic degree, it also funds courses needed to fulfill the requirements of membership in the Army Acquisition Corps. To read about the eligibility requirements and other conditions, refer to the ATAP page at https://asc.army.mil/web/career-development/programs/acquisition-tuition-assistance-program/.



The 2021 cohort offering of the Defense Civilian Emerging Leader Program (DCELP) will be accepting applications from Feb. 3 to April. 7, 2020.

DCELP, a DOD program, focuses on developing emerging leaders in the acquisition, financial management, and human resources communities, and aims to serve as the foundation for further development as leadership responsibilities increase.

Open to permanent Army Acquisition civilians at GS-7 through GS-12, DCELP consists of residential courses on leadership assessment, team development, effective writing and conflict resolution, as well as online courses on the mission and culture of DOD.

For more information on the program, go to https://asc.army.mil/web/career-development/programs/dcelp/.



Congratulations to the recently selected participants of the 2020–2021 Senior Enterprise Talent Management/Enterprise Talent Management (SETM/ETM) program:

Accepted into the Dwight D. Eisenhower School for National Security were:

  • Forrest Church, Program Executive Office (PEO) for Intelligence, Electronic Warfare and Sensors
  • Timothy Hale, PEO Enterprise Information Systems (PEO EIS)
  • Elisabeth Kelly, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology
  • George Lawson, Joint PEO for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense (JPEO CBRND)
  • Heather Putnam, PEO EIS
  • Sherman Spencer, PEO Missiles and Space

Accepted into the Army War College distance-learning master’s program is:

  • Reginald Shuford, PEO EIS

Accepted into the Naval Warfare College resident-based master’s program is:

  • Carmen Popwell, JPEO CBRND

SETM/ETM programs are Army talent management programs designed to produce senior civilian leaders with an enterprise perspective who may serve in positions of increasing levels of responsibility. SETM is just one of the many programs developed under the Civilian Workforce Transformation initiative, and is administered by the Civilian Senior Leader Management Office within the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Manpower and Reserve Affairs.

For more details, refer to the SETM/ETM website at https://asc.army.mil/web/career-development/programs/senior-service-college-program/.



If you’re looking for acquisition program support, Defense Acquisition University (DAU) offers a variety of professionalized mission assistance tools, such as:

  • Customized acquisition workshops.
  • Acquisition strategy development/deep-dive.
  • Understanding acquisition policy and practices.
  • Leadership consultations.
  • Teambuilding offsite support.
  • Strategic planning and creating organizational vision.
  • Stakeholder engagement planning.
  • Targeted training.

Mission assistance can be the key ingredient for program managers making acquisition decisions with successful outcomes. DAU offers support by delivering on-demand mission assistance to your organization at your location or at your nearest DAU training facility. Whether your acquisition program challenges include contracting, engineering and technology, logistics, middle-tier acquisition, professional development or cybersecurity, DAU has the perfect fit for your acquisition program’s needs. There is no cost to programs except for TDY and some specialized licensed products such as Emergenetics or Crucial Conversations as a teambuilding tool. Mission assistance support is not offered through normal registration channels and a support agreement may apply. Browse through the list of more than 70 existing workshop descriptions at https://icatalog.dau.edu/onlinecatalog/targeted_training.aspx, and click on the alphanumeric course number in the first column for complete details. The DAU point of contact is Joe Chang at joe.chang@dau.mil or 703-805-2537.



This is a good time of year to enhance and freshen up on knowledge and skills within your acquisition career field. Did you know that your designated Army Acquisition Functional Leader (AAFL) made online training recommendations specific to your career field?

For the current continuous learning (CL) cycle, which runs from Oct. 1, 2018, to Sept. 30, 2020, each AAFL drafted and signed a recommended Continuous Learning Point (CLP) memorandum providing guidance to the Army Acquisition Workforce (AAW) professionals within the AAFL’s designated acquisition career field (ACF).

To further enhance knowledge and skills, the memo identifies current and emerging critical technical areas within the ACF and recommends AAW professionals enroll in specific courses or activities as part of their CL requirement. The Army Director, Acquisition Career Management (DACM) Office modified the Career Acquisition Personnel and Position Management Information System (CAPPMIS) to create a new section in the Individual Development Plan tab so that AAW professionals can easily add the recommended courses or activities as planned training. These changes will also provide the AAFLs with greater visibility into how many AAW professionals take the recommended training.

Find out what your AAFL’s training suggestions are by logging into your CAPPMIS account with your CAC at https://apps.asc.army.mil/camp. Once you’re logged in, click on the green IDP tab, then go to the “Planning” link just below it. Recommended training courses will appear under the section titled “AAFL-Recommended Training Enhancements.” For reference, the Army DACM Office CLP and AAFL policies associated with 12 of the 13 acquisition career fields can be found at https://asc.army.mil/web/army-dacm-office-continuous-learning-point-clp-policy-final-07jan19/. (Please note that the Program Management career field does not have a signed memorandum.)



The deadline for submitting your organization’s FY21 annual training requirements for local DAU courses is Jan. 10. Only Acquisition Training Officers may submit requirements. Requirements should be sent to Susan Clark at susan.e.clark.civ@mail.mil, no later than COB Jan. 10. Submissions must be in the required format and on time. Late submissions will not be accepted. 



The application window is continuously open for the FY20 U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) Ghost Program. This is a unique broadening opportunity for junior Army acquisition professionals to directly support the mission of delivering Special Operations Forces capabilities to downrange warfighters. SOCOM is primarily looking for high-performing FA-51 acquisition captains and majors (O-3 or O-4) with two to four years of acquisition experience. To apply, or if you have any questions, send an email to ghost-recruiting@socom.mil.



NEW: A recently-released memorandum, titled “51C Non-Commissioned Officer Attendance at the 51C Advanced and Senior Leader Courses,” provides guidance to 51C NCOs regarding attendance to the 51C Advanced Leader Course (ALC) and Senior Leader Course (SLC).

Regardless of successful course completion in a previous MOS, AAW NCOs will attend the Army Acquisition Professionals Course and receive credit for 51 ALC. Distributed Leader Course II (DLC2) is a prerequisite to attending ALC. As of July 14, 2014, Soldiers currently reclassified and serving as 51C NCOs are exempt from attending 51C SLC if they have successfully graduated from SLC in their previous MOS. NCOs must complete 51C SLC if they have not graduated from SLC in their previous MOS. All Soldiers, regardless of MOS, must complete DLC3 before attending SLC.

The 51C memorandum can be accessed via the DACM Office Policy Library at https://asc.army.mil/web/51c-nco-attend-pme/.

All Army DACM Office policies and memorandums can be found in the Army DACM Office Policy Library at https://asc.army.mil/web/alt-workforce-policy-procedure/.



Did you know you can earn up to 40 Continuous Learning Points (CLPs) for authoring an article, or up to eight CLPs per year for reading relevant publications? Writing for, and reading Army AL&T magazine counts! Learn more at https://asc.army.mil/web/publications/army-alt-submissions/.



Faces of the Force is your chance to highlight the interesting work you or your teammates are doing in support of the warfighter. Let us help you get the word out. Details are at https://asc.army.mil/web/publications/army-alt-submissions/.   To view previous Faces of the Force profiles visit https://asc.army.mil/web/category/faces-force/.



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