September 2016 Hot Topics

By September 6, 2016May 24th, 2024DACM Office Hot Topics


There is less than ONE MONTH left for Army Acquisition Workforce (AAW) professionals to complete the requirement for 80 Continuous Learning Points (CLPs) in a two-year cycle. The deadline is Sept. 30. If you have any questions, please ask your supervisor or your Organizational Acquisition POC (OAP). The Army Director of Acquisition Career Management (DACM) Office is responsible for communicating compliance to the undersecretary for defense for acquisition, technology and logistics (USD(AT&L)).

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that our acquisition professionals develop and stay current in leadership and functional acquisition skills that augment the minimum education, training and experience standards established for certification purposes within their acquisition career fields. Failure to complete CLPs during the two-year cycle can affect your ability to qualify for Army DACM Office acquisition career development opportunities.

Did you know that every AAW member must complete and track ethics training every year? This annual requirement is mandated for the Defense Acquisition Workforce. In a July 23, 2014, memo, Lt. Gen. Michael E. Williamson indicated that he expects 100 percent compliance with this annual requirement.

There are a few ways to complete this training:

1. Take one of the two online courses available through the iCatalog. The available courses are CLM 003 (Overview of Acquisition Ethics) and HBS 415 (Ethics at Work). Important note: You can get credit for CLM 003 only once in a two-year CLP cycle (Oct. 1, 2014, to Sept. 30).

2. Take the course in person when your command or garrison offers it locally. Contact your training coordinator or your ethics officer if you are unsure when your local training will be offered.

Once your annual ethics training is complete, you must list the course as completed on your Individual Development Plan (IDP) within the Civilian Acquisition Personnel and Position Management System (CAPPMIS) and obtain supervisor concurrence. NOTE: AAW members who use TEDS must follow the Ethics Training Implementation Guidelines (Page 4 on the signed DACM memo) to determine how to list your training properly to ensure that it flows into the CAPPMIS IDP.

The Army DACM Office is responsible for tracking and reporting compliance to USD(AT&L). Your command representatives (acquisition career management advocates (ACMAs) and OAPs) are responsible for ensuring command and program executive office compliance. As an acquisition professional, you are responsible for meeting this requirement.

On Oct. 1, the Army DACM Senior Rater Potential Evaluation mandate, Phase II, will go into effect across the Army acquisition enterprise. This exercise will apply to all AAW members who are equivalent in pay to a GS13/GS14, as well as their raters and senior raters.

The Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) responded to the need for increased emphasis on the development of a better-qualified and more professional acquisition, logistic and technology workforce. Toward this end, the SRPE is first and foremost a tool to help civilian workforce employees identify their leadership strengths and weaknesses in regard to a set of competencies needed by professionals in leadership positions. Employees will use this information to structure an IDP/CLP that, among other things, maximizes their potential for performance in positions and opportunities of increased responsibility.

The SRPE is not to be confused with your annual performance appraisal evaluation. It is used to evaluate the potential of civilian employees in designated grades to perform in positions of increased responsibility, whereas the Total Army Personnel Evaluation System and the various personnel demonstration projects evaluate the quality of performance associated with the current duties and contributions to the mission.

For everyone affected by the SRPE policy, on Oct. 1 you will receive an email that will open up the SRPE portal in CAPPMIS to enable your compliance with the SRPE mandate. The policy advises that within 90 days, all raters and senior raters will be required to initiate and complete an SRPE on all AAW members identified.

To facilitate the completion of the SRPE, the Army DACM Office has released several instructional tools, which you may access here: (click on the CAPPMIS tab then the SRPE tab to see the following information).

2. SRPE Employee Instructions
3. SRPE Supervisor and Senior Rater Instructions
4. SRPE Senior Rater Comments Guide
5. SRPE Policy Dated 7/10/2015
6. SRPE Guidance Dated 7/10/2015

For additional guidance regarding the SRPE and this upcoming exercise, please contact Ms. Kelly Terry at

Thank you for your continued support of the Army Acquisition Corps!


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