Chad P. Stocker
Title: Product director, Army Watercraft Systems
Command: Program Executive Office for Combat Support and Combat Service Support
AAW Certifications and Qualifications: Level III certified in program management, Level II certified in engineering
What programs/courses did you participate in?
Competitive Development Group/Army Acquisition Fellowship (CDG/AAF)
Defense Acquisition University Senior Service College Fellowship (DAU-SSCF)
When did you start and graduate?
CDG/AAF: March 2010 – March 2013
DAU-SSCF: July 2016 – May 2017
What were your perceptions of the CDG/AAF program before starting, and did any of that change upon graduation?
The CDG/AAF program exceeded my expectations. After graduation, I realized that I was able to increase my understanding of the acquisition process and expedite my ability to compete for future positions. In addition, expanding my professional network has better prepared me for future leadership opportunities. I quickly realized that I don’t need to be an expert in every functional area, but need to know who to call on for help.
What were your top three takeaways?
- As a civil servant, you are in control of your own career and it is on you to capitalize on opportunities to enable your success.
- Never pass up an opportunity to learn and grow.
- Seek mentorship—a lot of it, and at all levels of the organization. Expand your network.
What skills or knowledge from the program do you apply most in your job or life?
Working in multiple programs and learning different ways to accomplish the mission has helped me tremendously. Expanding my professional network has allowed me to reach back and find assistance for new problems in different program offices. Learning the importance of mentorship during both programs has helped me continue to grow as a leader and seek assistance during my career.
How has this program shaped your acquisition career?
Seeking professional development in both programs has helped me grow as a leader and to shape my thought process as I have progressed. The CDG/AAF program provided a framework for me to better understand the entire acquisition process and life cycle. The SSCF program provided me with additional insight into the leadership skills that I needed to improve on for senior leadership opportunities.
This Spotlight on Success appears in the October 2018 DACM Newsletter. With these profiles, the Army DACM Office highlights talented AAW professionals who have used their training and experience to launch themselves along their career path.
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