LEARN FROM THE USER: Soldier touch points were crucial in the development of the IVAS, and will remain an important factor in future RDT&E efforts. (Photo by Bridgett Siter) …
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LEARN FROM THE USER: Soldier touch points were crucial in the development of the IVAS, and will remain an important factor in future RDT&E efforts. (Photo by Bridgett Siter) …
FEEDBACK IS KEY: A Soldier wears the IVAS and wields a Squad Immersive Virtual Trainer prototype at a touch-point event. If not for constant Soldier feedback from these events, the…
Over the course of her 17-year career, Susan Fung’s perspective has gone from micro to macro as she moved from the technical and developmental side of technologies to keep Soldiers safe to the bigger, more strategic aspects of project management and integrating those technologies into a Soldier platform.