Proponency Officers are Individuals assigned to USAASC who are responsible for: reviewing and developing policy and procedures for ACF initiatives; developing and maintaining the career model; and establishing a career…
Functional Chief Representatives Representatives are designated by the Functional Chief in the occupational area associated with their ACFs. The FCR is responsible for approving the list of AFRs in their…
Assignment Officer. Military officers assigned to the HRC, AMB serving in a capacity to assign AAC military personnel to AL&T Workforce and AAC positions. Assignment Officers also provide assistance on…
The Acquisition Position Code (APC) is the functional subset that has been identified for the specific duties of the position. This is the field in which the employee should be…
Please refer to the “Civilian Steps to Planning Your Acquisition Career” at //
Reference the Defense Acquisition Workforce Program Desk Guide at, Section 1
Acquisition is the conceptualization, initiation, design, development, test, contracting, production, deployment, logistics support, modification, and disposal of weapons and other systems, supplies, or services (including construction) to satisfy DoD needs,…
Acquisition Functional Representatives. Serve as the decision authority for certifications and appeals, as indicated in the DA Certification Policy and Procedures.
There are a few types of Record Briefs, which are the official document of record of an individual’s education, training, experience, certification and acquisition assignment history: Acquisition Career Record Brief…
A Senior Contracting Official is a director of contracting, or a principal deputy to a director of contracting, serving in the office of the Secretary of a Military Department, the…
Functional Advisors (FAs) are senior DoD officials who serve as the subject matter expert for their respective functional area for oversight and management of career development requirements.
The Army Acquisition Workforce Education and Training Program includes the structure, resources, policies, and procedures to enable the AAW to achieve the competencies required to perform the duties and responsibilities…
A Contracting Officer is a person with the authority to enter into, administer, and/or terminate contracts and make related determinations and findings.
A Component Acquisition Executive (CAE) is the Service Acquisition Executive of a Military Department or the person designated to be the CAE by the Head of a DoD Component other…
The Defense Acquisition Workforce Development Account was established in Section 852 of the 2008 National Defense Authorization. The fund permits the Department of Defense to recruit and hire, develop and…
The Army Director of Career Management, is the official appointed to assist The Army Acquisition Executive in managing the accession, training and education, and career development of the Army’s acquisition…
Acquisition Career Management Advocates (ACMAs) are senior level Army Acquisition Workforce (AAW) advisors, chartered by the Director of Acquisition Career Management (DACM), who represent the key organizations/commands of the AAW….