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Each service operates in a different environment and with differ- ent constraints, with the result that each has developed its own command-and-control architecture tailored to its unique needs. Te Army uses more robust command posts, complete with tactical servers dedicated to maintaining a tactical and opera- tional picture of what is happening. Te Marine Corps tends to take a more expeditionary approach to land warfare and relies on smaller, lighter systems—primarily its Joint Tactical COP Workstation (JTCW, where “COP” is an acronym for common operating picture). Tese ruggedized laptops perform a similar function to the larger systems used by the Army, but are smaller and lighter than the full complement of servers deployed by an Army brigade.

Air Force emergency management teams use ordinary Windows- based computers to perform their base defense functions. Navy ships have a customized architecture of command-and-control servers networked with personal computer workstations, and while the ships themselves maneuver through the battlespace, the computer networks onboard are pretty well locked into place— i.e., they are not taken down and later reassembled like those of an Army unit on the move.

Because of these different operational environments and consid- erations faced by the services, each has developed different approaches to how they handle their information and messag- ing needs. JWARN and JEM run on the hardware used by the services for their other command–and-control functions, and that means that JWARN and JEM developers must accommo- date a wide variety of computer architectures. Tose environments range from standard desktop computers used by the Air Force, to command post servers used by the Army, to a cloud-based imple- mentation that can be accessed globally by anyone with a web browser and proper authentication. Tese complex systems pose a particular challenge to developers trying to field products into those environments. Because each service’s architecture must inte- grate multiple programs and resources to field the overall system,

a schedule issue for one component may have cascading effects across the entire system.

MULTIPLES AND MULTIPLES Tat challenge is compounded for joint programs like JWARN and JEM that must integrate with multiple service architectures, while each architecture must itself integrate multiple programs and resources. For example, JWARN and JEM may be required to pass warning information via one method when installed in the Army’s Command Post Computing Environment, but the Marine Corps’ Joint Tactical COP Workstation may use an entirely differ- ent messaging protocol.

With a traditional “single step to full capability” approach to acquisition, that could spell unacceptable program delays. For example, as the Army’s command-and-control system delivery schedule is built, the program management office in charge of that system is building the schedule around a complex series of applications being developed and integrated together. JEM and JWARN are two of those applications, but there are numerous others—many of which are unique to the Army. Meanwhile, the Navy builds its architecture around the integration of a similarly complex series of different applications. Te same goes for the Marine Corps, Air Force and National Guard. Te JWARN and JEM programs might never be able to field their software if they had to wait for a time when all services had “finished” building their computing environments.

‘MAKE THE SOFTWARE MORE USEFUL’ Te first iterations of JEM and JWARN had been developed, but operational users saw new opportunity for what the programs could do. By using a more modern web-based interface, the programs could be adapted to run in a wider variety of environ- ments. Te server that is actually “running” the software could be installed in a place that made sense—in some cases, on a local server at the command post, or perhaps in a cloud-based server that is globally accessible. Te user would simply point a web browser to the appropriate server location. Tis web-based approach was one part of a three-pronged strategy to make the software more useful.

In 2014, the Joint Requirements Office for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Defense approved the requirements documents for a second version of JWARN and JEM. Tis second version (“JWARN 2” and “JEM 2”) would be where the newer web-based interface could be implemented. Te Joint Require- ments Office, the program offices for each application and the services’ stakeholders also seized the opportunity to take a new 35

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