







Erik Lamers, of Vanderbilt’s CREATe Lab, demonstrates the use of a spring-powered exosuit with existing Army gear. Working with members of 3rd BCT, researchers from Vanderbilt developed the suit and other biomechanically assistive tools to reduce injury and lighten Soldiers’ loads. (Photo by Joe Howell, Vanderbilt University)

the partnership between 3rd BCT and Vanderbilt, to discuss the steps necessary to make the relationship permanent, and to envi- sion how the model could be applied across the Army. Taking part in the brief were Cogbill and Command Sgt. Maj. Alvaro Pertuz of the 3rd BCT; AFC Command Sgt. Maj. Michael Crosby; Adam Jay Harrison, AFC command innovation offi- cer; Col. Rex Eiserer, deputy director of the AFC University Technology Development Division; Dr. Padma Raghavan, Vanderbilt vice provost for research; and Dr. Douglas Adams, chair of Vanderbilt’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,

“I look at what Vanderbilt and the 101st are doing as a new busi- ness model that was being prototyped within the Army without any explicit direction or permission from highest levels of lead- ership,” Harrison said at the event. “Now we at Army Futures Command want to formalize that relationship and make sure it

has the resources to scale and grow beyond the opportunities it would have on its own.”

On June 20, the same group briefed Maj. Gen. Brian E. Winski, commander of the 101st, on expanding the 3rd BCT and Vander- bilt relationship into a 101st and Vanderbilt relationship. Both briefs focused on the idea of creating irreversible momentum: How can we formalize and expand this culture of innovation and collaboration?

Tis challenge is not as insurmountable as it may seem. Because the 3rd BCT model is centered on Soldier-inspired innovation, it allows Soldiers to identify problems that affect them daily, and enables them to solve these problems themselves or to connect with researchers who can help. Tis process creates its own momentum—as Soldiers are empowered to solve problems, their peers are similarly empowered to solve problems of their own. 85

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