
Financial Management is the art of forecasting, analyzing, interpreting, monitoring, advising, and reporting financial data in a meaningful way to support informed financial decisions.

The Business – Financial Management (BUS-FM) Functional Area is supported by:

Ms. Kirsten Taylor (Army Acquisition Functional Leader)

Ms. Jennifer Proffitt (Army Acquisition Functional Advisor)

Workforce Demographics

(Data current as of April 2024)



DAWIA Grace period (BUS-FM)

BUS-FM Practitioner
BUS-FM Advanced


Continuous Learning

  • Recommended Credentials and Continuous Learning Points for the Business Financial Management Acquisition Functional Area. Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Plans, Programs, and Resources (DASA(PPR)) Memorandum: Provides Continuous Learning Point (CLP) guidance from the Business – Financial Management (BUS-FM) Army Acquisition Functional Leader (AAFL) to Army Acquisition Workforce professionals within this Functional Area. In this memorandum, the AAFL provides guidance on technical areas, Defense Acquisition University (DAU) and other provider courses, and credentials to take during the current CLP cycle, in order to maintain currency through self-development and continuous education.


Defense Acquisition Credentials provide the knowledge and associated skills needed to perform job-centric, niche, and/or emerging functions in the defense acquisition environment. They are intended to enhance specific skills and improve performance in the workplace. Whether you manage capability requirements, acquire services/systems, or sustain capabilities, earning credentials can build your competence, confidence, and value to your organization and the DOD.

Career Model

The Army DACM Office has developed Career Models for each acquisition functional area, which are intended as notional guides for professional growth and a well-rounded acquisition experience. Acquisition workforce employees, along with their supervisors, should use these models as tools for developing a plan to advance throughout one’s acquisition career.



Cost Estimating is the process of forecasting the financial and other resources needed in the acquisition of an end item within defined parameters. It accounts for each element required in the acquisition life cycle of the end item.

The Business – Cost Estimating (BUS-CE) Functional Area is supported by:

Mr. Stephen Loftus, BUS-CE (Army Acquisition Functional Leader)

Mr. Loftus was selected to the Senior Executive Service in September 2019. As Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Cost and Economics, Mr. Loftus is responsible for Army policy and technical direction of all cost and economic activities. He delivers the Army’s independent cost estimates for weapons & information systems; manages the development of Army cost positions on all systems reviewed by the Army Cost Review Board; and directs cost analyses dealing with force structure, personnel – military, civilian, and contract labor, base operations, and weapons & information systems operation and support. Mr. Loftus supports the Army’s Programming and Budgeting processes with cost and economic analysis. He also directs the Army’s cost management and performance management activities for internal and external reporting. He manages the Army wide cost research program to deliver cost tools, databases, and models throughout the Army. Click here for full bio.

Ms. Allison Hawkins (Army Acquisition Functional Advisor)

Workforce Demographics

(Data current as of April 2024)



DAWIA Grace period (BUS-CE)

BUS-CE Practitioner
BUS-CE Advanced


Continuous Learning

  • Recommended Continuous Learning Points for the Business Cost Estimating Acquisition Career Field. Assistant Secretary of the Army for Financial Management and Comptroller (ASA(FM&C)) Memorandum: Provides Continuous Learning Point (CLP) guidance from the Business – Cost Estimating (BUS-CE) Army Acquisition Functional Leader (AAFL) to Army Acquisition Workforce professionals within this Functional Area. In this memorandum, the AAFL provides guidance on technical areas and Defense Acquisition University (DAU) courses to take during the current CLP cycle, in order to maintain currency through self-development and continuous education.


Defense Acquisition Credentials provide the knowledge and associated skills needed to perform job-centric, niche, and/or emerging functions in the defense acquisition environment. They are intended to enhance specific skills and improve performance in the workplace. Whether you manage capability requirements, acquire services/systems, or sustain capabilities, earning credentials can build your competence, confidence, and value to your organization and the DOD.

Career Model

The Army DACM Office has developed Career Models for each acquisition functional area, which are intended as notional guides for professional growth and a well-rounded acquisition experience. Acquisition workforce employees, along with their supervisors, should use these models as tools for developing a plan to advance throughout one’s acquisition career.
