An employee who retired on 29 Sept – yes. He/She was not a member of the pay pool on 30 Sept. An employee who retired on 30 Sept – no….
Physicians are excluded from AcqDemo. From the June 2024 Army Operating Guide: Army Organizational conversion – The Federal Register Notice, Section I.E. Workforce Coverage states “Excluded from coverage of…
It is recommended to give the employee the results of the CCAS and then initiate the CIP. This gives the employee notice of the reasons why they are being placed…
The categorical numerical scores address compensation. Whether or not the employee is appropriately compensated. A -1 or -2 says the employee is over-compensated compared to his/her contribution. There are circumstances…
The bargaining unit members will get 2.5 % their first year provided they are in a separate pay pool. Non-bargaining follow Organization rules.
Best if you change the locality code too.
See your organization’s business rules. Employees can also find the TOA process and calculator under Resources, Guides tab, Army Supplement to the DoD Operating Guide May 2024. Additional resources regarding…
Notes that show on the Part 1s are added to the CMS Spreadsheet/Data tab/Column AD (Part 1 Remarks). You can add the remarks to your spreadsheet, re-upload into CAS2Net and…
See chapter 5 of the 22 May 2024 Army Supplement to the DoD Operating Guide.
Base Pay for those on retained pay if their entire pay (the combination of base pay + locality), i.e. $167,259.
Salary increases within a broadband level can only occur within the annual CCAS appraisal process. Operating Guide Reference: Chapter 5.3.1 Compensation Methodologies: AcqDemo includes appointment flexibilities designed to make DoD’s…
If the candidate is selected for a position that is the same as his/her current broadband level, no salary increase can be offered at the time the candidate accepts the…
Salary increases in these instances take place during the pay pool panel process during the review of the candidate’s contributions. If the candidate is selected for a position in a…
Contact your organizations’ Pay Pool admin and provide your EDIPI to setup a new account in CAS2Net.
The Buy-in is calculated from the effective date of the last within-grade-increase, not the effective date of the QSI.
The three PAQL scores are averaged, an average of 4.3 or above becomes a Rating of Record of 5 – Outstanding, an average of less than 4.3 becomes a Rating…
A Post-Cycle Activity is required only when the temporary promotion goes beyond the effective date of the January payout.
Cycles are fixed, however, depending on the circumstances, the DACM Office may consider exceptions on a case by case basis. Exceptions are made on a case by case basis and…
The AAW professional must have occupied an acquisition-coded position for a minimum of 120 days and served under the Rater and SR for a minimum of 90 days.
SRPE assessment cycles must be fiscal year-based and the evaluation covers the employee’s observed and demonstrated potential during the previous FY. For example, the Senior Rater prepares a SRPE on…
As the requirement to complete the SPRE is imposed upon the raters and SRs, there is no imposed ramification to the AAW member. The annual SRPE completion compliancy will be…
The SRPE is a tool to evaluate the potential of civilian employees in designated grades/broadbands to perform in positions of increased responsibility for selection into positions in designated senior leadership…
The system will allow employees, at all grades, to have a SRPE; at the discretion of the rater and the SR.
Yes, bargaining unit employees can grieve any personnel matter if not specifically excluded from the negotiated grievance procedure and this doesn’t appear to fit any of the subject matter exclusions…
Each year the SRPE System will reset. Meaning, the SRPE cycle will restart, and any prior SRPEs will be deemed historical. Resulting, your rating chain for SRPE compliancy will once…
The Army DACM Office is unable to provide sample comments for this purpose. However, as a result of After Action Reviews of prior best-qualified boards, a SRPE Comments Guide has…
Yes a SRPE is still required for a deployed employee. The SRPE is automated and available to the Rater, Senior Rater and Employee within CAMP/CAPPMIS. The Rater and Senior Rater…
The SRPE report pulled by OAPs will always show the IDP Rater and the IDP Senior Rater as defaults even if the Rater changed the Senior Rater in the SRPE…
No. The SRPE system will continue to allow you to complete SRPEs for AAW members.
After an employee signs and submits their SRPE or after the seven (7) day wait period ends, SRPEs may not be unlocked without the written approval of the DACM. All…
No. Individual SR profiles are NOT published or made available to anyone but the SR and his/her delegate.
Yes, Army Acquisition Workforce organizations may utilize the SRPE for training opportunities, provided the organization provides a correlation of need between the SRPE and the specified selection process, for the…
If you are an Army Acquisition Workforce member, and plan to depart your current position in the July-September timeframe, you should request a Close Out SRPE from your current Rater…
Corrections can only be made within the first 7 days following the finalization of the SRPE. Coordination with the SRPE system administration would be required to “unlock” the SRPE for…
Each Organization’s Acquisition Point of Contact (OAP) can review the compliancy of their organization, using the SRPE reporting feature within CAPPMIS.
The SPRE is an automated module within the career acquisition management portal (camp)/career acquisition personnel & position management information system (CAPPMIS) and may be accessed here: Completed SRPEs may…