Army DACM Office Updates:
- Business – cost estimating and business – financial management have new certification training requirements as of Jan. 1. More details can be found here: https://asc.army.mil/web/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Oct2018_DACM-Newsletter.pdf .
- Turn those innovative broadening and training ideas into a reality! The FY20 Defense Acquisition Workforce Development Fund (DAWDF) data call for funding requests from the Army Director for Acquisition Career Management (DACM) Office is expected to open early February. DAWDF allows organizations to design quality initiatives to recruit, develop and retain the Army Acquisition Workforce (AAW) of the future. Requests for funding must be in line with the goals of the AAW Human Capital Strategic Plan (https://asc.army.mil/web/hcsp/). Organizations are encouraged to develop broadening assignments that gain experience in science and technology, test and evaluation, material development and sustainment to develop our future acquisition leaders. Talk with your command DAWDF points of contact for more information and check out program details on the Army DACM Office website at https://asc.army.mil/web/career-development/dawdf-program/.
- Effective immediately, Defense Acquisition University (DAU) has removed two prerequisites from the CON 360 course: CON 280 and 290. It was determined that these two courses do not have an academic link to CON 360. Army still requires that CON 360 non-Priority 1 students have at least four years’ experience in government contracting and are certified at Level II in contracting. Also remaining is the recommendation that highly encourages one year experience following the completion of CON 280 and CON 290. See details in the DAU iCatalog: http://icatalog.dau.mil/onlinecatalog/courses.aspx?crs_id=1841.
Acquisition Training, Education and Leader Development Opportunities:
- Beginning Jan. 31, the Army DACM Office will collect applications for Year Group 2020 of the Defense Civilian Emerging Leader Program. This unique DOD program focuses on developing emerging leaders and consists of residential courses in leadership assessment, team development, effective writing in the federal government, conflict resolution and leadership for non-supervisors. See details at https://asc.army.mil/web/career-development/programs/dcelp/.
- The Defense Acquisition University Senior Service College Fellowship (DAU-SSCF) is open for applicants Dec. 3 – March 29. This valuable 10-month program prepares acquisition professionals for leadership roles such as product and project manager, program executive officer, and other key acquisition leadership positions. See details at https://asc.army.mil/web/career-development/programs/defense-acquisition-university-senior-service-college/.
- It’s not too early to start thinking about applying for the Naval Postgraduate School opportunities! Applications are being accepted from February 11 – April 16 for the following programs:
- Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) Systems and Program Management (MSSPM) Non-Resident Master’s Degree Program. This interdisciplinary program offers a non-resident option for qualified GS-11 to -15 (and broadband equivalent) acquisition workforce professionals to broaden their technical capabilities in order to successfully lead programs in support of the defense acquisition system. Find more information at https://asc.army.mil/web/career-development/programs/naval-postgraduate-school-master-of-science-in-systems-and-program-management/.
- Naval Postgraduate School Systems Engineering Non-Resident Master’s Degree Program (MSSE) With a System of Systems Focus. This program is designed for DOD organizations faced with a wide range of systems engineering and integration challenges. NPS educates and trains engineers with tools and technologies relevant to their work, resulting in employees with greater knowledge and expertise to better meet the needs of their customers. Find more details here: https://asc.army.mil/web/career-development/programs/naval-postgrad-ms-sys-eng/.
- Keep your knowledge fresh! Announcing a brand new software lifecycle management online training course through DAU: CLL 027 – Introduction to DoD Software Lifecycle Management. Detailed information about CLL 027 is available at: http://icatalog.dau.mil/onlinecatalog/courses.aspx?crs_id=12223. Register for the course at DAU’s Virtual Campus: https://identity.dau.mil/EmpowerIDWebIdPForms/Login/VirtualCampus.
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