To ensure a future workforce that is ready, diverse and integrated, we must provide folks with the experience necessary to meet the increasing demands of our profession. We need the right people in the right place at the right time. That doesn’t just mean filling open positions and building a cushion of subject matter experts. It also means considering the goals and growing needs of the organization and identifying and developing future leaders who can help bring those goals to fruition.
We need to build a pipeline of leaders who are poised to not only take on future Army challenges, but also to successfully manage our teams and organizations, ensuring our Army Acquisition Workforce (AAW) remains ready, diverse, integrated and professional.
Building a pipeline of leaders—think the next two generations of acquisition leaders—is no easy task and is one that requires deliberate planning on the part of both the current leader and the acquisition professional. In my vast experience, from serving as an Army officer to working with industry to my current role as the Army Director of Acquisition Career Management (DACM) as an Army civilian, I see three areas where leadership skills can be developed.
The first time we are exposed to leadership (the Army defines leadership as “the process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction and motivation while operating to accomplish the mission and improve the organization”) happens when we take our first job. For me, that was when I was about two weeks out of the Officer Basic Course. I experienced a stressful situation and saw firsthand how two leaders can react to a situation in very different ways. One leader yelled and pointed blame, while the other chose to stay calm and focus on learning and looking ahead to the next exercise. I decided in that moment the type of leader I was going to be—and the type I was not going to be.
The calm leader became my mentor for many years. The leadership he exhibited in that moment, and the model that he provided over time, very much shaped my perception of what it means to be a Soldier and a respected leader. I look back at that initial experience and realize now the profound impact it has had on my career and the type of leader I have matured into.
As leaders, we must model good leadership to our subordinates, live the Army values and ethics and establish a benchmark that our future leaders desire to work toward. We must hire people into leadership positions who demonstrate those desired characteristics and set and maintain the positive tone and commitment to the mission we need in our organizations. We must walk the talk.
I’m proud that my office, as well as big Army, provides a wide range of formal leader development opportunities for our AAW, across all components throughout the various stages on one’s career. While our military personnel often come into the AAW with leadership experience and a more defined plan for leadership development, civilians have flexibility to determine their path. Participation in formal leader development training requires desire and commitment from both the individual and the organization.
- For our emerging civilian leaders, the Army DACM Office sponsors the Inspiring and Developing Excellence in Acquisition Leaders (IDEAL) program for GS-12 and GS-13 (or broadband equivalent) workforce members who are interested in a supervisory or leadership position. IDEAL focuses on basic leadership skills such as self-development, interpersonal relationships and strategic management to set the foundation for further learning.
- Our Leadership Excellence and Acquisition Development (LEAD) program is for our GS-13s (or high-performing GS-12s) and is the next opportunity for civilians to expand their learning through a series of education, leader development and broadening assignments to prepare them for positions of greater responsibility, including leading others.
- Senior Service College is the pinnacle of formal leader development training. The Defense Acquisition University Senior Service College program is for those on track to become our most senior leaders, such as product and project managers and program executive officers, and further develops critical thinking skills, broadens perspectives and exposes participants to innovative initiatives.
Much of leader development comes from experience. Organizations should look for opportunities to move emerging leaders into detail positions or developmental assignments or assign them to lead special projects.
Current leaders can also inspire subordinates through counseling sessions and professional development discussions, such as those that take place as part of an individual development plan (IDP) planning session or through the Senior Rater Potential Evaluation (SRPE). The SRPE gives leaders a sense of an individual’s potential and helps them to identify leadership strengths that can be entered as part of their career path in the IDP.
For me, nothing’s been better than my career in the Army Acquisition Workforce and having the opportunity to work with leaders, peers and subordinates to support our Soldiers. What I now look most forward to is the opportunity to empower those on my team and build up the leaders that will replace me. I give my team the freedom to fail and learn from mistakes; I allow people to take risks and give them flexibility; I give as much guidance as needed and enjoy watching them go out and do great things for my organization, the Army acquisition community and the Army.
As leaders, we can’t just check the box of formal learning; we have to build teams and give folks the breadth and depth of experience necessary to meet the increasing demands of our profession. To ensure our future Soldiers are never in a fair fight, we must strive now to build a strong acquisition profession led by leaders of character.
Read the article in Army AL&T magazine.
In March, the U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center officially renamed its Army Acquisition Center of Excellence (AACoE) to The Army Acquisition School, or TAAS.
TAAS first opened in January 2011 as a one-stop shop for Army acquisition education. Since then, it has served as the initial entry point for newly assessed military acquisition workforce members, providing them professional military education from Contracting and Acquisition Pre-Command Courses to the training curriculum required to meet Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) certification.
These diverse training opportunities continue under TAAS.
The newly minted name change coincides with the standardization of the Army’s definition of a Center of Excellence (CoE), which states that a CoE should both educate Soldiers and incorporate all elements of DOTMLPF-P, or doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, facilities and policy. As TAAS’s primary focus is educating the Army Acquisition Workforce, the decision was made to remove CoE and reestablish itself as a schoolhouse.
“The Army Acquisition School provides a dynamic learning environment to develop world-class Army acquisition professionals who are equipped to provide and sustain superior acquisition support to the warfighter,” said Craig Gardunia, director of TAAS. “While the name has changed, our commitment to provide superior training has not.”
TAAS is located on the University of Alabama in Huntsville’s campus. Available courses include:
- Army Acquisition Transition Course.
- Army Contracting Writing Lab.
- FA51 Intermediate Qualification Course.
- Contracting Pre-Command Course.
- Acquisition Pre-Command Course.
In addition to training for military acquisition professionals, TAAS provides professional development opportunities for both military and civilian acquisition professionals. Soft skills, such as crucial conversations, and the Director of Acquisition Career Management’s Inspiring and Developing Excellence in Acquisition Leaders (IDEAL) course, are also provided at TAAS.
“The transition to TAAS further emphasizes our mission,” Gardunia said. “We look forward to continuing to serve our Army acquisition professionals with pride under our new name.”
For more information about TAAS, go to: https://asc.army.mil/web/taas/.
On Jan. 9, the 2023 Army Acquisition Executive’s (AAE) Excellence in Leadership Awards ceremony, led by the Honorable Douglas R. Bush, assistant secretary of the Army for acquisition, logistics and technology (ASA(ALT)), was held at the Pentagon. The event honored AAE award winners, emphasizing their indispensable role in delivering the cutting-edge capabilities critical to Army transformation.
“The real driving force behind Army modernization is an exceptional team of skilled professionals leading the charge for acquisition excellence,” said Bush. “Our people are the architects of our success, and I am privileged to lead them in ensuring that our Soldiers have the most technologically advanced capabilities needed for mission success.”
New Award Categories
In alignment with the Army Acquisition Workforce’s commitment to transformation, the ceremony introduced four new awards: Test and Evaluation Professional of the Year, Test Organization of the Year, Engineering and Technical Manager of the Year, and Digital Transformation Manager of the Year. These new awards underscore the strategic importance of these fields in shaping the Army’s future force.
A Decade of Excellence in Acquisition Writing
The ceremony also marked the 10th anniversary of the Major General Harold “Harry” J. Greene Awards for Acquisition Writing. Winning authors were honored during the ceremony.
For more information about the Army Acquisition Awards, go to: https://asc.army.mil/web/acquisition-awards/.
A complete list of the 2023 honorees is outlined below:
- Acquisition Career Support Professional of the Year
Kelly Gorman, Army Contracting Command (ACC) – New Jersey - Defense Exportability and Cooperation Professional of the Year
Rebecca Bowen, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Defense Exports and Cooperation, ASA(ALT) - Business Operations Professional of the Year
Ryan V. Lasecki, Program Executive Office (PEO) for Ground Combat Systems - Logistician of the Year
Chia “Jeff” Lee, Joint PEO for Armaments & Ammunition (JPEO A&A) - Product Management/Product Director Office Professional of the Year (O5 Level)
Chad D. Young, PEO for Ground Combat Systems (GCS) - Project Management/Project Director Office Professional of the Year (O6 Level)
Michael D. Sprang, PEO for Combat Support and Combat Service Support - Contracting Professional of the Year
Michelle Talbot, ACC-Rock Island - Barbara C. Heald (Deployed Contracting Civilian) of the Year
Thomas W. McKendry, ACC-Rock Island - Outstanding Grants or Agreements Professional of the Year
Stephanie Wilson, ACC-Rock Island - Construction Services Contracting Professional of the Year
Jeffrey Wyant, Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District - Test and Evaluation Professional of the Year
Jonathan Biffle, PEO for Missiles and Space - Engineering and Technical Management Professional of the Year
Monica Griffin, PEO for Intelligence, Electronic Warfare and Sensors - Digital Transformation Professional of the Year
Tilghman Turner, Army Redstone Test Center, Army Test and Evaluation Command - Innovation in Contracting Strategies Individual or Organization
Aviation & Missile Technology Consortium, Other Transaction Agreement Contracting Team - Product Management/Product Director Office Team of the Year (O5 Level)
Foreign Military Sales, Poland Program Office, PEO GCS - Project Management/Project Director Office Team of the Year (O6 Level)
Project Director Towed Artillery Systems, JPEO A&A - Test Organization of the Year
Army Operational Test Command, Air Missile Defense Test Directorate, Army Test and Evaluation Command - Contracting Unit/Team of the Year
ACC-Redstone Arsenal Team, Missiles and Space Directorate - Lifetime Achievement in Contracting
Bryan R. Samson, ACC
Acquisition Reform
- Winning Piece: “Rethinking Acquisition from Left of Requirements: DEVCOM Chemical Biological Center’s WILE-E (Warfighter Innovation Leveraging Expertise and Experimentation) Pilot Project. Authors: Dr. Alan Samuels, Dr. Jennifer W. Sekowski and Dr. Brian B. Feeney, U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (DEVCOM).
- Honorable Mention: “Cybersecurity in a Rapid Capabilities Environment.” Author: Joseph R. “Bo” Taylor III, PEO Missiles and Space.
Future Operations
- Winning Piece: “Playing ‘Small Ball’: How the Defense Department Will Win Against Future Known and Unknown Biological Hazards.” Author: Lt. Col. Edwin L. Kolen, JPEO for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense (CBRND).
- Honorable Mention: “Army Facilities Components System – A New Standard for Contingency Bases in Future Operations.” Author: Caitlyn Hall, Army Aviation and Missile Command.
- Winning Piece: “Technologically Advanced Response System to High Consequence Biological Threats.” Authors: Dr. Christopher G. Earnhart and Dr. Lana A. Hopkins, JPEO CBRND.
- Honorable Mention: “Shop ’til You Drop: Introducing the Tradewinds Solutions Marketplace.” Author: Bonnie Evangelista, Office of the Secretary of Defense Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office.
Lessons Learned
- Winning Piece: “Operationalizing Discovery: Lessons Learned from a DEVCOM Science Advisor.” Author: Lt. Col. John M. Williams II, PEO for Simulation, Training and Instrumentation.
- Honorable Mention: “Lessons Learned: The Need for Best Practices for Coding Diagnostics and Troubleshooting in Army Technical Publications.” Author: Robert H. Sullivan, Army Tank-automotive and Armaments Command.
Read more at Spotlighting Visionary Leaders in Acquisition.
Nominations for the 2024 Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (USD (A&S)) Acquisition Awards are now being accepted through May 2024. These are the most prestigious annual awards the DOD bestows for acquisition excellence, and by submitting a nomination, you can be sure your people and programs—and the Army—get the recognition they deserve.
The 2024 Army submission deadline is May 31, 2024.
If you received the USD (A&S) memo with a late August suspense, please disregard. As the official collection point for Army nominations, the Director of Acquisition Career Management (DACM) Office must compile, board and staff all Army nominations for AAE endorsement prior to the USD (A&S) submission deadline. All submissions must be uploaded to the DACM virtual board, via https://asc.army.mil/web/acquisition-awards/. Because the virtual board is not CAC-enabled, each nominating point of contact will be asked to create an account and password before submitting nominations on behalf of their organization. If you have an existing account, you do not need to create a new account.
New in 2024:
- There are two new individual award categories this year: Value Engineering and Acquisition Security.
- The Flexibility in Contracting Team and Individual Award is now the Flexibility in Acquisition Team Award. This change was made to include the entire acquisition process and capture a greater population of the workforce.
Nominations are sought for five awards:
- The Defense Acquisition Workforce Individual Achievement Award.
- The Defense Acquisition Workforce Development Innovation Award.
- The David Packard Excellence in Acquisition Award.
- The Flexibility in Acquisition Team Award (Formerly the Flexibility in Contracting Individual and Team award).
- The Software Innovation Team Award.
Only one nomination per award category is allowed, which must be endorsed by the head of your organization.
Please ensure that completed nominations are sent through the proper command channels and reach the Army DACM Office by May 31, 2024. The submission instructions and forms are available at https://asc.army.mil/web/acquisition-awards/.
If you have any questions, please contact Rachel Longarzo at rachel.m.longarzo.civ@army.mil.
by Kelly Terry
The Army Acquisition Corps selected candidates for the fiscal year 2025 Project Director and fiscal year 2024 Product Director Centralized Selection Boards, held June 5-9, 2023, at the Human Resources Command, Fort Knox, Kentucky.
The product and project director concept is to centrally select high performing, high potential Army acquisition civilian program management personnel at the GS-14 and GS-15/broadband equivalent level to serve in product and project director positions within the program executive office (PEO) structure. The DACM’s objective is to direct personnel assignments within the PEOs to facilitate the placement of these selected civilian personnel in product and project director positions. This central management of civilian product and project directors is a core tenant of the civilian talent management concept.
A talent management board of directors met Oct. 12 to approve the position slates, for the newly selected project and product directors. Lt. Gen. Robert L. Marion, then-principal military deputy, assistant secretary of the Army, acquisition, logistics and technology (PMILDEP) presided over the board consisting of Mr. Ronald R. Richardson Jr., DACM, and the 12 PEOs or deputy PEOs.
The board approved one Project Director (PjD) and 11 Product Directors (PdD), for assignment this summer. Congratulations to the following slated principals:
Name | Slated Program |
Timothy G. Tharp | PEO Intelligence Electronic Warfare and Sensors (IEWS) PjD Sensor Aerial Intelligence |
Name | Slated Program |
Brentson J. Bell | PEO Simulation, Training and Instrumentation (STRI) PdD Constructive Simulations Support |
Alvin Bing | PEO Combat Support and Combat Service Support (CS&CSS) PdD Common Tactical Truck |
Carlos Correia | PEO Missiles and Space (MS) PdD Javelin |
Gerry R. Cox | PEO Combat Support and Combat Service Support (CS&CSS) PdD Test Measurement & Diagnostic Equipment |
Raymond Hartley | JPEO Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense (CBRND) PdD Joint Biological Tactical Detection System |
Leslie L. Hosein | PEO Command, Control, Communications – Tactical (C3T) PdD Common Hardware Systems |
Anthony M. Orejel | PEO Ground Combat Systems (GCS) PdD Mounted Armored Vehicles Modernization |
Regina M. Rogers | PEO GCS PdD Combat Recovery System |
Michael A. Sawyers | PEO MS PdD Field Artillery Launchers |
Carson L. Wakefield | PEO Aviation (AVN) PdD Apache Sensors |
Joseph M. Wieland | PEO C3T PdD Base Emergency Communications Systems |
Entering its eighteenth year, the DAU-Senior Service College Fellowship (SSCF) saw an incredible response to the open announcement for the 2024-2025 cohort class. Competition was intense. Applicants represented five of the acquisition functional areas, all ethnicities and an almost even split between the PEOs and major Army command populations.
The 27 selectees will attend DAU-SSCF in Huntsville, Alabama; Picatinny, New Jersey and the Virtual Seminar. Coursework is expected to commence July 22, 2024, and run for a full 10 months. The DAU-SSCF program will complete six core focus areas: Executive Leadership and Mentoring, the Program Manager’s Course, National Security Module, Senior Leader Speaker’s Program, completion of a Strategy Research Project and master’s degree coursework.
Join the Army DACM in congratulating the 2024-2025 DAU-SSCF Cohort class, on their selection:
Elizabeth A. Ashley – PEO GCS
Joshua R. Barker – Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC)
Manish R. Bhatt – JPEO A&A
Elizabeth E. Bledsoe – PEO IEW&S
Kerry James Cain – Army Futures Command (AFC)
Meredith Doll Carvalho – AFC
Adekunle O. Famodu – PEO M&S
Carolyn A. Farmer – AFC
Russell E. Fortenberry – PEO M&S
George C. Goodman Jr. – PEO AVN
Christopher N. Jais – PEO IEW&S
Manjiree Jalukar – PEO GCS
Ryan S. Johnson – JPEO A&A
Jeffrey T. Knight – Army Materiel Command, Army Contracting Command
Marion J. Koreck – PEO CS&CSS
Thomas M. Lafontaine – PEO M&S
Jillian M. McDonald – PEO GCS
George Joseph O’Boyle – PEO AVN
Christopher M. O’Malley – AFC
Kevin L. Ramey – PEO CS&CSS
Jonathan J. Roop – Space and Missile Defense Command
Matthew R. Schumacher – PEO IEW&S
Karen E. Soto – PEO IEW&S
John R. Troup – JPEO A&A
Kyle S. Tucker Jr. – PEO C3T
Elias Vainchenker – JPEO A&A
James R. Wiltz – AFC
For information on the DAU-SSCF program, including timelines for the next intake, got to: https://asc.army.mil/web/career-development/programs/defense-acquisition-university-senior-service-college/.
For additional questions, please contact the DAU-SSCF Program Manager, Ms. Kelly Terry (520) 671-0119, kelly.l.terry2.civ@army.mil.
Congratulations to those selected for Inspiring and Developing Excellence in Acquisition Leaders (IDEAL) fiscal year 2024. IDEAL is a leader development program for Army Acquisition Workforce members in grades GS-12 and GS-13 and broadband equivalent. The fiscal year 2024 participants will attend three one-week sessions at TAAS in Huntsville, Alabama. In addition to attending TAAS-facilitated classroom sessions, the participants will interact with senior leaders during guest speaker engagements and take part in field trips to local defense contractors.
The IDEAL selectees for fiscal year 2024 are:
Joshua Barbero | U.S. Army Medical Command |
Leroy Blount | U.S. Special Operations Command |
Tanya Caceres | Program Executive Office (PEO) for Simulation, Training and Instrumentation (STRI) |
Anthony Callo | U.S. Army Futures Command (AFC) |
Wai Chung | Joint Program Executive Office (JPEO) for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense (CBRND) |
Amanda Collins | U.S. Army Contracting Command (ACC) |
Juan Coria | U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC) |
Elisha Couch | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) |
Tamikah Dubose McWilliams | USACE |
Jessica Evans | ATEC |
Josiah Farrell | AFC |
Tim Fesperman | U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command |
Tracy Gamble | AFC |
Kayla Gonzalez | ATEC |
Johnny Harris | U.S. Army Tank-automotive and Armaments Command |
Tijuana Harris | USACE |
Cody Jackson | ACC |
Barbara Jeffries | ACC |
Colleen Knowlton | ACC |
Marc Krauss | AFC |
Michael Medeiros | ATEC |
Nicholas Moses | ACC |
Angela Neda | ACC |
Karis Nwauwa | ACC |
Vick Peltier | USACE |
Cesar Ramirez | ATEC |
Kristen Ryback | AFC |
Michael Sawicki | PEO for Ground Combat Systems |
LaToya Whitsett | ACC |
Timothy Wood | JPEO CBRND |
You can be part of this exciting program! May 22 marks the first day you can apply to this wonderful program. IDEAL is a leader development program for GS-12 and GS-13 (or broadband equivalent) new and emerging Army Acquisition Workforce (AAW) supervisors. Participants should possess clearly documented potential for supervisory or leadership positions. There will be one fiscal year 2025 cohort and it will meet in Huntsville, Alabama for three separate, one-week long resident sessions held over a period of approximately four months.
In between sessions, participants will return to their workplaces where they will utilize newly learned skills and put into practice the concepts and competencies they studied and examined during the resident sessions. The IDEAL curriculum includes classroom instruction, engagement with senior leaders, a site visit and group activities. The application submission window closes on July 31. To learn more about IDEAL, click here.
by Ashley M. Kestner
The U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center (USAASC) congratulates the Soldiers listed below for their selection into the 51C military occupational specialty (MOS)—contracting noncommissioned officer (NCO).
51C NCOs have the vital job of not only providing procurement support for anything a unit might need, but also serving the commander as a business adviser—ensuring Soldiers get what’s needed on time to support the mission.
Candidates selected for reclassification learn a new craft and gain valuable transferable skills through the training, education and professional development aspects of the MOS. The accession process is competitive but rewarding. Applicants must be at the rank of sergeant or staff sergeant with less than 10 years of service. Those with 10 to 12 years of service may request waivers (completed by USAASC). The NCO Acquisition Corps offers a promising career path and the opportunity to serve in a variety of locations.
The next 51C Active Component Reclassification Panel is scheduled to convene in June 2023. For instructions on how to submit a packet and for more information about 51C reclassification programs, click here.
Congratulations to the new 51C NCOs:
Sgt. Dominique Ajdinovic
Staff Sgt. Koty Bennett
Sgt. Caleb Caruth
Staff Sgt. Anthony Cheatwood
Staff Sgt. Stephen Cochran
Staff Sgt. Tyler Cooper
Staff Sgt. Jaquan Crouell
Sgt. Avis Davis
Staff Sgt. Komlan Dougah
Staff Sgt. Joshua Eash
Staff Sgt. Amanda Green
Staff Sgt. Nicholas Hunt
Sgt. Hyungjun Kim
Sgt. Benard Kitur
Sgt. Hudson Ko
Staff Sgt. Joseph Lindsey
Sgt. Le Mai
Staff Sgt. Chanelys Martinez
Sgt. Anthony Mayo
Staff Sgt. Prince McLean
Staff Sgt. Zohane Munroe
Sgt. Camilus Oledibe
Staff Sgt. Raul Payton Rivers
Sgt. Steven Rech
Staff Sgt. Devin Rollins
Staff Sgt. Tiffany Salone
Staff Sgt. Tameka Scott
Sgt. Kai Sebba
Staff Sgt. Yohannes Tekola
Sgt. Alfred Thomas
Staff Sgt. Breionne Turner
Sgt. Micha White
Staff Sgt. Cody Whitlock
Advisors and Founders of the Army Acquisition Corps Female
Mentoring and Morale Program (AAC FMMP), cordially invite you
to join the next quarterly professional development session on
Thursday, April 25 at 11:30am – 12:30 EST.
To attend this event via MS Teams: Join the meeting now
This session’s guest speakers are:
- Col. Gabrielle Caldara, DrPH, Force Health Protection, USSOCOM.
- Col. Garrion L. Jackson, USCENTCOM, Chief MEDLOG.
- Karen Bohman, Pentagon Fit-to-Win-Wellness Nurse Educator.
- Xarhya (Dr. Z) Wulf, AFC Resiliency & Prevention Lead.
- Stephanie Meno, CSSD, Nutrition Domain Lead.