AAPPDS now enables eligible applicants to “opt-in” to open CSL opportunities for the Product/Project Manager levels, using 1 portal and one application packet.

Army Acquisition Centralized Selection List (CSL) Positions


The purpose of the CSL process is to select the best-qualified individuals (COL/GS-15 and LTC/GS-14) for specifically identified acquisition command and acquisition key billet positions to meet the needs of the Army Acquisition Corps (AAC).

The selection of AAC leaders begins with guidance from the Chief of Staff of the Army to the selection board. The process ends with the publication of a centrally selected list of officers and civilians to serve as acquisition directors and product/project managers in designated acquisition key billets deemed so critical that a board must centrally select those leaders.

The CSL is the Chief of Staff’s process, and the board members select the acquisition officers and civilians they believe are best qualified to run major contract efforts and lead Acquisition Category (ACAT) I, II, and III weapon systems programs. Slating of CSL principals into CSL positions is an Army Acquisition Executive responsibility.

ACAT II and III acquisition key billet positions are identified as critical acquisition positions and typically have a tenure length of three years. ACAT I key billet positions are identified as key leadership positions and have a four year tenure length or that closest to a major program milestone decision (based on Title 10 of the U.S.C., Chapter 87, the Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA)).

  • Applicants may be invited to attend the U.S. Army’s Acquisition Leader Assessment Program (ALAP) at Fort Knox, Kentucky for a five day period between October 2024 and November 2024. ALAP completion is required for continued consideration of a CSL position.
  • Information may be requested regarding the vaccination status of selected applicants for the purposes of implementing workplace safety protocols. Current policy and guidance on vaccinations shall be followed, as applicable. For more information, visit: https://www.saferfederalworkforce.gov/faq/vaccinations/
  • Some of the positions under this announcement may require full vaccination status in order to comply with workforce safety protocols.
  • The FY27 CSL announcements will open for LTC/GS14 and COL/GS15 on February 17th. The deadline for submissions is April 19th.
  • AAPDS will enable those that are interested and eligible to “opt-in” to the CSL and Centralized Selection Board (CSB) opportunities using 1 portal and one application packet.


  • Project and Product Manager:Responsible for all matters relating to cost, schedule and performance for assigned program/system. Exercises technical and administrative program control and authority through various phases of systems development. Manages long range planning activities that include multi-year work plans. Exercises discretional authority to approve the allocation and distribution of funds within the organization’s budget to best meet the program’s objectives. Manages programs with risks and complexities characterized by compelling and conflicting requirements. Manages long range activities that include multi-year work plans that are products of subordinate organizational managers.
  • Acquisition Director (Contracting):Provides acquisition life cycle & readiness/sustainment support to Program Executive Offices, Program Managers, & Service/DLA buying Commands. Manages contractor cost, schedule & performance as the single face to industry for recapitalization, modernization, technology insertion & Warfighter operational readiness support. Provides source selection support, past performance, industrial base assessments, financial analysis, engineering, earned value and software validation, production & acceptance/ delivery of spares, components assemblies & major weapon systems. Provides full range of acquisition management & command support. Manages industrial surge contract accelerations, alternate sourcing and mission critical direct deliveries to warfighters during national emergencies or critical military shortages.
  • Acquisition Director (Testing):Leads a major range and test facility base (MRTFB). Plans, conducts, and reports the results of technical, developmental and operational testing of the full spectrum of DoD materiel, foreign materiel and commercial items. Responsible for an integrated workforce of civilian, military and contractor personnel, augmented during testing with civilians, contractors, and active duty Army Soldiers, sailors, and Marines. Manages an annual multi-million dollar operating budget.
  • Approved FY25 Project/Product Manager and Acquisition Director Positions a/o 19DEC23
  • Approved FY26 Project/Product Manager and Acquisition Director Positions
  • PROJECTED FY27 Project/Product Manager and Acquisition Director Positions a/o 02042024


FY27 CSL LTC GS14/NH-04 (Pay Band Equivalent): February 17 – April 18, 2025*
FY27 CSL COL GS15/NH-04 (Pay Band Equivalent): February 17 – April 18, 2025*

*NOTE: This is the civilian-specific announcement for FY27 CSL. Officers must reference the FY27 CSL MILPER via the HRC webpage for opt in window and instructions.

Civilian CSL candidates: Apply via the Career Acquisition Management Portal/Career Acquisition Personnel and Position Management Information System (CAMP/CAPPMIS) Army Acquisition Professional Development System (AAPDS).

Military CSL candidates: The FY27 COL/GS-15 CSL Board is now scheduled to convene mid- May 2025. Officers who will be in the zone of consideration should consider any potential impacts to their timeline, particularly if planning to request a “complete the record” OER. The MILPER message for this board will be published at a future date TBD and will provide application instructions.


The FY27 LTC/GS-14 AAC CSL Board:  June 9-13, 2025
The FY27 COL/GS-15 AAC CSL Board:  June 9-13, 2025


The Command Management Branch at Human Resources Command lists the results for all DA Secretariat Boards. Please note that we are the only Branch/Functional Area that has civilians competing for CSL so a lot of the language will be focused on officers.

The FY26 CSL COL/GS-15 results are posted here (CAC Login required)
The FY26 CSL LTC/GS-14 results are posted here (CAC login required)


Applicants may be invited to attend the U.S. Army’s Acquisition Leader Assessment Program (ALAP) at Fort Knox, Kentucky for a five day period between October 2024 and November 2024.  ALAP completion is required for personnel prior to being slated into a CSL position.

ALAP Overview 

ALAP Invitations: Based on the results of the CSL Board, invitations and MILPER for ALAP will be released and published annually in August.

ALAP Execution Dates:

COL/GS15: 09 – 21 Oct 2025
LTC/GS14: 19 Oct – 01Nov 2025


The details in this section provide insight into the CSL and lessons learned regarding the application process.

pdfDACM Newsletter, April 2018

pdf DACM Newsletter, January 2015

  • An Inside Look at a Centralized Selection Panel
  • Relocation Not Mandatory For Civilian PMs

pdf DACM Newsletter, November 2014:

  • PM Handbook

pdf DACM Newsletter, August 2014:

  • Centralized Selection List (CSL) Announcement Open Now – Don’t Miss the Opportunity

pdf DACM Newsletter, May 2014

  • CSL Civilian Applications (5TH IN A SERIES)

pdf DACM Newsletter, February 2014:

  • Civilian CSL Applications: More is Not Necessarily Better

pdf DACM Newsletter, November 2013:

  • Secrets to a Successful PM Board Submission

pdf DACM Newsletter, August 2013:

  • Survey Results: Civilian Selection Rates for PM


Mock Board Video

Mock Board Video
(Click on image to view video)

While this video is for military, there are some very good helpful hints in it that can still apply to civilians.

This video will highlight (1) what a DA Selection Board is; (2) explain the Memorandum of Instruction or MOI; (3) review types of officer selection boards; (4) explain how the boards work and focus on the selection board process; (5) discuss Command and Key Billet Centralized Selection Lists and School Boards; (6) cover what you can do to prepare for your next board; (7) give you an opportunity to vote “mock” files as if you were serving as a board member.


Mr. Adam Polite
CSL Program Lead
ALAP Program Lead
Army DACM Office