The Contracting workforce is vital to accomplishing the Department of Defense’s (DOD) mission by negotiating the best deal for the warfighter while demonstrating prudent stewardship of taxpayer dollars. Contracting professionals instill fairness and integrity in the acquisition process and serve as an overall business advisor to DOD acquisition teams.
The Contracting functional area is supported by:
Ms. Kimberly Buehler (Army Acquisition Functional Leader)
Ms. Kimberly Buehler is the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Procurement (DASA(P)), Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology (ASA(ALT)) and serves as the Functional Leader for Army Contracting. In these roles, she oversees all areas of procurement and is responsible for the training, certification, and the professional development of over 8,000 military and civilian contracting professionals, worldwide.
Ms. Colleen Sweeney (Army Acquisition Functional Advisor)
Ms. Sweeney works in the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Procurement (DASA(P)) as a Procurement Analyst. She was appointed by Ms. Dake to serve as the Army Acquisition Functional Advisor (AAFA) for the Contracting Acquisition Functional Area. As the Contracting AAFA, Ms. Sweeney plays an important role in providing strategic vision, advice, and support needed to develop and sustain a highly capable, professional and qualified Army Acquisition Workforce (AAW). She works in close partnership and communications with the Contracting AAFL and the Army Director, Acquisition Career Management (DACM) Office. Additionally, Ms. Sweeney attends the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) Contracting Functional Integrated Team (FIT) meetings as an Army representative along with DACM representatives and serves as a lead Army advocate for Contracting training, development, and talent management initiatives.
Workforce Demographics
Top 5 Civilian Occupational Groups/Military Functional Areas

Exam Course Information
- Contracting Professional Certification Standards: Education, training, experience, assessment and Certification Currency requirements required for DAWIA certification
- DAU Contracting Exam FAQs
- CON 3900V (Contracting Certification Exam Prep Course): This is an optional four-day, Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT) course that AAW professionals are strongly encouraged to take either in parallel with or after CON 3910. The course includes test-taking tips and strategies, detailed information regarding the Contracting Certification Exam structure, and interactive instructor-led discussions. Taken together, CON 3910 and CON 3900V prepare students to successfully complete the closed book, Contracting Certification Exam.
- CON 3910 (Online Contracting Certification Exam Prep): This is an online prep course that prepares students to successfully complete the closed book Contracting Certification Exam (CON 3990V). CON 3910 includes self-paced lessons, practice quizzes and a practice exam and is a prerequisite for CON 3900V effective FY24.
- CON 3990V (Contracting Certification Exam): The closed book, comprehensive Contracting Certification Exam covers the competencies required for initial readiness for personnel assigned to the Contracting functional area. Successful completion of this exam is a requirement to achieve the new DOD Professional Certification in Contracting. Exam is graded on a pass/fail basis, with a minimum passing score of 70%.
- CON 3990V User Experience Roadmap Outline
- CON 3990V User Experience Roadmap Flowchart
View the Certification and Development Guides in DAU’s iCatalog
Continuous Learning
Defense Acquisition Credentials provide the knowledge and associated skills needed to perform job-centric, niche, and/or emerging functions in the defense acquisition environment. They are intended to enhance specific skills and improve performance in the workplace. Whether you manage capability requirements, acquire services/systems, or sustain capabilities, earning credentials can build your competence, confidence, and value to your organization and the DOD.
DAU credentials Program: Click Here to Search Credentials
Career Model
The Army DACM Office has developed Career Models for each acquisition functional area, which are intended as notional guides for professional growth and a well-rounded acquisition experience. Acquisition workforce employees, along with their supervisors, should use these models as tools for developing a plan to advance throughout one’s acquisition career.
- DAWIA Certification Training, Events, Tools, Blogs and Development Recommendations
- PAM: The ODASA(P)’s interactive Knowledge Management portal, Procurement.Army.Mil (PAM), serves as an official Army-wide source for acquisition policy, templates, learning tools and certified training.
- DoD Contracting Competency Model Narrative: The DoD Contracting Competency Model describes contract management in terms of the processes created through the integration and interaction of job tasks and competencies, and the purposes they serve. The common and repeated use of this model will create a contracting standard across the DoD.
- Elimination of the 24-Semester Credit Business Hour Qualification Requirement from Contracting Positions: Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (USD(A&S)) Memorandum: Provides an exception to permit hiring of contracting professionals who have not completed at least 24 semester credit hours (or equivalent) of study from an accredited institution of higher education in business-related courses, but who are otherwise qualified. Signed Sept. 3, 2020.
- Restructuring of the Certification Program for the Contracting Functional Area: The Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (USD(A&S)) issued the reference (a) memorandum to initiate a phased implementation of a Back-to-Basics (BtB) talent management framework and new governance structure for the Defense Acquisition Workforce beginning Oct. 1, 2020, with full deployment on Oct. 1, 2021. The BtB initiative transformed how the workforce is managed and trained to better align the acquisition and delivery of goods and services to support the Warfighter.
- Transition Plan for the DoD Contracting Professional Certification Program informs the Contracting Functional Area community of the transition plan of the new DoD Contracting Professional Certification Program.
- Virtual Contracting Enterprise
- Army Warranting Program (CAC login required): This page provides valuable resources, from sample questions to help prepare for the various types of review boards, to the most current version of the Army Warranting Program Guide, as well as other tools that can assist as you grow your Army procurement career.
- Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Procurement Policy Alerts (CAC login required): This page is your go-to resources for alert notifications on the latest policy, training and information.
- Contracting Subway Map: Provides a generalized order of events in the acquisition contracting process.
- Contracting Validation for Foreign Local Nationals Policy and Procedures
- Requirements for Individuals Selected for Centralized Selection List Acquisition Key Billets, Centralized Selection Board Positions and Command Sergeant Major Positions
- Officers in the Army Acquisition Workforce: Officers ensure the delivery of quality capabilities, providing the right product or service to the right place, at the right time to ensure the Army is equipped for the 21st century.
- Noncommissioned Officers in the Army Acquisition Workforce: Noncommissioned officers (NCOs) with the 51C MOS perform the vital tasks of providing procurement support for anything a unit might need and serving the commander as a business adviser, ensuring they get what’s needed, on time, to support the mission.
- Army Warranting Program Guide, December 2021
- DoD Contracting Professional Certification Requirements
- DAU Contracting Blog
- Restructured Contracting Certification Courses: Effective Oct. 1, 2024, the DAU training courses required for DOD contracting certification at the professional level will undergo structural adjustments for delivery over a shorter timeframe. There is little to no impact on course objectives, content or training hours. These adjustments were mainly made in response to two factors: 1) Senior leaders expressing a need for in-person contracting training and 2) Student, supervisor and faculty feedback regarding improving the balance between work and class schedules. Exact details about specific changes and courses involved can be viewed on https://www.dau.edu/blogs/exciting-changes-con-certification-courses-fy25
- DAU Web Event Playlists
- Contracting Functional Area Workforce Development and Continuous Learning Recommendations for 2025
Policy Memoranda:
- Fiscal Year 2022 Senior Rater Potential Evaluation: Approved Exception to Policy for Contracting Functional Area
- Fulfillment of Defense Acquisition University Courses through Completion of the Naval Postgraduate School Academic Programs
- Army Acquisition Tuition Assistance Program – applies to AAW civilians and Military Occupational Specialty 51 Contracting (51C) Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs)
- Federal Acquisition Certification in Contracting Modernization Memorandum
- Reciprocity Memorandum of Understanding between the Federal Acquisition Certification in Contracting (Professional) and the Department of Defense Contracting Professional Certification
- Contracting Workforce Development and Continuous Learning
- Hiring and Designation of Army Contracting Personnel
Stay Informed!
Subscribe to the ODASA(P) Army Contracting Workforce Newsletter
Check out Policy Alerts on procurement.army.mil PAM knowledge Management Portal lists policy and regulation, procurement systems, and other useful reference links!