When your DAU application is processed by USAASC, both the employee and supervisor will receive an email containing one of the following: a reservation has been given for the course,…
When you submit an application, a window pops up to tell you that an application has been submitted and your supervisor will be notified. You will also receive an email…
TRAIN-20 A: Under the “Student” menu on the AITAS main menu at https://www.atrrs.army.mil/aitas/, select “Review Application(s)”. Next you must “Select your Category” and sign in. If you have submitted applications,…
Under the “Student” menu on the AITAS main menu, select “Review Application(s)”. Then “Select your Category” and sign in. If you properly submitted your application, it will appear on the…
Once the supervisor approves the application, the application is sent to a USAASC course manager. The first applications that the course manager’s process are those with the earliest class start…
What happens to my application for a DAU Resident (Classroom) course when I submit it through AITAS?
You, the employee, will automatically receive an email notifying you that your application was sent to your supervisor. Additionally, the supervisor will receive an email with instructions and a process…
Make sure you are entering the same email address that the email was sent to, which may not necessarily be your current email address. The application is linked to…
Unless you have been experiencing email problems or the email server was down, the email address for your supervisor that you entered in AITAS might be incorrect. To review/fix the…
Individuals are considered for DAU courses according to the priorities as listed below. Priorities 1 thru 4 are restricted to employees currently serving in an acquisition position. Priority 1: Mandatory…
Courses with a Reserve Cut-Off have required pre-course work associated with the class. This is the last date that the USAASC course manager can give you a RESERVATION. This does…
You may only submit one application at a time for a particular course; however, once your application is processed, if you are placed on a wait list, then you may…
Send an email to usarmy.belvoir.usaasc.mbx.usaasc-daubudget@mail.mil.
Only if your organization is willing to pay travel and per diem.
Defense Industry employees of companies supporting DoD may attend DAU courses at no cost to the government (to include no contract labor charges to the government) on a space available…
Prepare an application by accessing the ATRRS Internet Training Application System (AITAS) at https://www.atrrs.army.mil/aitas/. Select Apply for Training under the Student section. At the next screen, select Non-acquisition Civilian & Military…
Prepare an application by accessing the ATRRS Internet Training Application System (AITAS) at https://www.atrrs.army.mil/aitas/. Once logged in, select “Apply for Training” under the Student section and follow the steps from…
Prepare an application by accessing the ATRRS Internet Training Application System (AITAS) at https://www.atrrs.army.mil/aitas/. Once logged in, select “Apply for Training” under the Student section and follow the steps from…
No. Your application must be submitted via AITAS. AITAS is interfaced with the IDP system but it is a separate system. The DAU course(s) you are applying for must show…
Occasionally, supervisor TED approvals may not properly post to CAPPMIS (usually because the TED or CAPPMIS system was down on the day of your TED request/approval). When this occurs, notify…
Steps for applying for DAU classes for TED users: Request the DAU class in TED. Hint: Search under course number (e.g. CON 100, LOG 350, etc.). Your TED request will…
ATRRS Data-on-Demand at https://www.atrrs.army.mil/channels/dataondemand/ allows you to review the DAU Course Schedule. NOTE: Since changes to schedules occur frequently, the data at this website may not be the most current….
There is no tuition cost to the organization for DAU Courses for civilian employees or military members. The TDY costs will be funded for Priority 1 (course required for certification)…
If your supervisor is not a member of the acquisition workforce he/she will need to request an account. To do this, the supervisor must log into https://apps.asc.army.mil/camp/ , select the…
You must first identify (“claim”) your acquisition workforce employees in the “Supervisors Module” of the automated Individual Development Plan (IDP). You can access the IDP from CAPPMIS at <a href=”https://apps.asc.army.mil/camp”…
After adding all appropriate training in the “Planning” section of the IDP, you must select the block next to the training that you intend to send to your supervisor. Then…
You cannot add your new supervisor’s name to your IDP. Please advise your new supervisor to logon to the IDP site from the CAPPMIS Homepage at <a href=”https://apps.asc.army.mil/camp” target=”_blank”>https://apps.asc.army.mil/camp</a> and…
Only your supervisor can update the supervisor email address by using the CHANGE EMAIL ADDRESS button provided at the CAMP Homepage at https://apps.asc.army.mil/camp.
Log into CAPPMIS, select the IDP tab, then “Planning”, then click on the “Add DAU Training” button. Under Step 1, conduct a search by career field and level; under Step…
Log into CAPPMIS, select the IDP tab, then “Planning”, then click on the “Add DAU Training” button. Under Step 1, conduct a “Search by Title” by typing in the course…
Use this category to add all training or experience not found under any other Category selection lists and to request continuous learning points (CLPs) if applicable. You must enter the…
Neither you nor the ACM can make these changes directly. Twice each month, position data is transferred from the personnel system (DCPDS) into CAPPMIS (which houses both the ACRB and…
If you need assistance with the content of your IDP, you should discuss with your supervisor. If you are experiencing problems with the functionality of the IDP, you may submit…
You may access your IDP at https://apps.asc.army.mil/camp/. Once logged in, you must first list your Objectives. The “objectives” button is located on the first page of your IDP. Objectives should reflect…
Per the DACM Office’s “Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act Certification Policy for the Army Acquisition Workforce”, the same months of specialized experience used to obtain certification in one Acquisition Functional…
Yes. The certification process allows an applicant who is denied certification by a certifying official to appeal the decision within 30 calendar days from the denial date. The appeal process…
Certification issued by federal (non-DoD) organizations are not accepted, with one exception: the DACM Office will accept Federal Acquisition Certifications– Contracting (FAC-C) issued by the Federal Acquisition Institute (FAI). AAW…