December hot topics

By December 5, 2017August 30th, 2018Career Development
Hot Topics

Army DACM Office Updates

    Ethics training:

It’s the final countdown! Seriously, it’s time to get it done. The 2017 annual ethics training requirement is due Dec. 31, so if you don’t want to spend your New Year’s Eve doing your training, then get it done now. One last time, here are your options:

  •  Attend any installation or organizational judge advocate general-sponsored ethics training (ETH 004).
  • Complete the DAU continuous learning module Overview of Acquisition Ethics (CLM 003).
  • Complete the DAU continuous learning module Ethics at Work (HBS 415).
  • Watch the 16-minute DAU on-line ethics video at (ETH 004).

Once the requirement  is complete, be sure to capture it in your CAPPMIS-IDP using one of the following titles to receive credit: CLM 003, HBS 415 or ETH 004.

SRPE: Are you a GS-12 to GS-14 (or broadband equivalent) AAW member? Has your senior rater completed your Supervisor Rater Potential Evaluation (SRPE)? If your answer is “yes,” then “no,” there’s a requirement that needs your attention ASAP. Talk to your rater and senior rater about this requirement. The SPRE is now mandated for all of the above-mentioned AAW members no later than Dec. 31. Fear not: a dedicated SRPE resources website provides help with SRPE policy and guidance, user manuals, instructional briefings, frequently asked questions, example comments and even a video.

Loggies—plan ahead! The Life Cycle Logistics (LCL ) Career Field Continuous Learning (CL) Opportunities Memorandum provides recommended continuous learning opportunities for the LCL career field. The recommended CL modules are categorized into Executive Leadership, Functional Training and Cross-Functional training, and correspond to the USD (AT&L) training areas required for personnel in key leadership positions. If you’re a “loggie” short on your CLs, this is a great opportunity to take tailored training.

Engineers—you too! The Engineering Core Plus Course Recommendations for Continuous Learning Opportunities Memorandum  recommends two new course offerings for continued professional development. These courses have been added to the Engineering Core Plus Guide, and engineers are highly encouraged to consider taking these courses toward meeting their 80-hour continuous learning point requirement.

In case you missed it:

  • Interested in what coaching can do for you and your command? You should be. Check out Sign Me Up Coach.
  • Stay in the know! Check out the October – December edition of Army AL&T magazine.
  • Coming soon: We’re working hard on the January 2018 Army DACM Newsletter, and will soon bring you a fresh new perspective for a new year. In the meantime, be sure you’ve reviewed the October newsletter, which has lots of great references you’ll want to keep around.

Acquisition Training, Education and Leader Development Opportunities

  • The Competitive Development Group/Army Acquisition Fellowship Program deadline is fast approaching: Applications must be submitted through AAPDS in CAPPMIS no later than Dec. 14. Visit the program page for more information.
  • The Acquisition Leadership Challenge Program (ALCP) is one of the most popular classes the Army DACM Office has ever offered, and it’s open again. The deadline for 2QFY18 opportunities is right around the corner, so commands should nominate participants as soon as possible through their organizational ACMA/OAP. Submissions must be received by the ALCP Manager no later than Dec. 15.
  • The DAU Senior Service College Fellowship program announcement for 2018-2019 opened for applications on Dec. 1. Please submit applications through AAPDS in CAPPMIS no later than March 30, 2018. Visit the program page for more information.Need more help? Want to know more about a program? OAPs or workforce members can submit a CAMP Help Request ticket and we’ll be happy to get you there.



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