Six Army acquisition professionals were deemed “pre-qualified” for chief developmental tester key leadership positions (KLPs) during the December DOD Joint KLP Test and Evaluation Qualification Board. Learn more about how the Army is identifying KLPs.
- Roger Breece, U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM)
- Christopher Jais, Program Executive Office for Intelligence, Electronic Warfare and Sensors
- Megan Jais, U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command
- Melanie Loncarich, Office of the Secretary of the Army
- Joseph Parrish, RDECOM
- Jeannie Sommer, RDECOM
Career Acquisition Management Portal (CAMP)
Check out the new enhancements to CAMP that make it easier to map your acquisition goals and objectives. Click on the News section for links to onboarding resources, individual development plan updates, and DACM Office acquisition career models.
DAU offering new student pilot course
Attention international acquisition professionals: DAU is offering ACQ 380 (International Management Course), providing Level III training for workforce members in positions coded for international acquisition. The pilot session is scheduled for May 8-12, 2017, at the DAU Capital/Northeast regional campus at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Apply through AITAS/ATRRS.
The Acquisition Leadership Challenge Program (ALCP) nomination window is now open through February 28. One of our most popular courses, it uses a variety of different tools and exercises to provide a better understanding of individual leadership styles and preferences. The course is offered in three levels: Beginner, or B; I; and II. Applicants must be nominated by their command or organization’s Acquisition Career Management Advocate or Organizational Acquisition POC. Course dates:
- ALCP Level I, Feb. 27-March 1, 2017, Orlando, Florida
- ALCP Level B, March 2-3, 2017, Atlanta, Georgia
- ALCP Level I, March 20-22, 2017, Atlanta, Georgia
- ALCP Level II, March 22-24, 2017, Atlanta, Georgia
- ALCP Level II, March 29-31, 2017, Atlanta, Georgia
Defense Acquisition University Senior Service College Fellowship (SSCF) program is open through March 23, 2017 for GS-14/15 or broadband equivalents. The 10-month leadership and educational program is offered by DAU at Huntsville, Alabama; Warren, Michigan; and Aberdeen, Maryland. The purpose of the program is to provide leadership and acquisition training to prepare senior civilians for senior leadership roles, including product and project manager and program executive officer.
Product and Project Director selectees will be released this week.