June 7 is the LAST day to submit your nominations to the Army Acquisition Hall of Fame. The Army Acquisition Hall of Fame award recognizes and honors former members of the Army Acquisition Workforce (AAW) who have made significant and enduring contributions in support of Army acquisition. By submitting a nomination, you have the opportunity to help preserve the legacy of the Army acquisition community and inspire a sense of heritage, honor and pride throughout the workforce.
As the official collection point for Army Acquisition Hall of Fame nominations, the Army Director, Acquisition Career Management (DACM) Office will compile the nominations and submit them to a diverse, cross-functional selection committee. The strongest nominations will be staffed to the Army Acquisition Executive for final decision.
Completed nominations must reach the Army DACM Office by June 7, 2024.
For nomination information, submission instructions and more, go to https://asc.army.mil/web/hall-of-fame/.
If you have any questions, please contact Rachel Longarzo at rachel.m.longarzo.civ@army.mil.
If any of your employees are members of the AAW, the Supervisor Guide is a great tool for helping with career management. This booklet provides supervisors with relevant acquisition-related information to manage and develop military and civilian AAW professionals.
As a supervisor of AAW professionals, you are responsible for ensuring your subordinates meet the various requirements for their acquisition-coded position and maintain currency in their primary Acquisition Functional Area. Topics covered in this booklet include:
- Steps for ensuring that a position is coded Acquisition (Functional Areas, levels, CAPs/KLPs and other considerations.
- Individual Development Plans.
- DOD Acquisition Credential Program.
- Civilian acquisition career models and military career timelines.
- The supervisor’s role in the DAU training application process.
- Equivalency and fulfillment.
- The supervisor’s role in Continuous Learning Point (CLP) accumulation.
- The supervisor role in helping an AAW professional applying for DAWIA certification.
- Training and education opportunities.
- Senior Rater Potential Evaluation.
- Supervisor’s role in coaching and guiding AAW professionals.
You can access and download the guide at https://asc.army.mil/web/career-development/supervisors-corner/.
Now through July 31, applications are being accepted to the Inspiring and Developing Excellence in Acquisition Leaders (IDEAL) program. IDEAL is a leader development program for new and merging AAW supervisors at GS-12 and -13 (or broadband equivalent). It uses a competency-based approach focused on the Army leadership competencies identified in Army Regulation 600-100, Army Profession and Leadership Policy, and standard across all Acquisition Functional Areas. Those competencies include:
- Prepares self.
- Builds trust.
- Stewards the profession.
- Communicates.
- Develops others.
- Leads by example.
- Gets results.
- Creates a positive environment.
- Leads others.
- Extends influence.
Participants should possess clearly documented potential for supervisory or leadership positions. There will be one FY 2025 cohort, which will meet in Huntsville, Alabama, for three week-long resident sessions held over a period of approximately four months. Between sessions, participants will return to their workplaces to use newly learned skills and put into practice the concepts and competencies they studied during the resident sessions. The IDEAL curriculum includes classroom instruction, engagement with senior leaders, a site visit and group activities.
For more details, go to https://asc.army.mil/web/career-development/programs/inspiring-and-developing-excellence-in-acquisition-leaders-ideal/.
The ATAP application window is wide open! Applications are being accepted now through July 15. ATAP provides tuition assistance, including laboratory and technology fees, to eligible AAW professionals taking individual acquisition or business-related college courses OR pursuing an acquisition or business-related bachelor’s or master’s degree. Eligible applicants who already have a master’s degree can now apply for a second master’s degree in a business, technical or acquisition-related discipline. For complete details, go to https://asc.army.mil/web/career-development/programs/acquisition-tuition-assistance-program.
The first quarter FY 2025 ACLP application window will open on July 1, 2024. Offered in targeted iterations, ALCP is available to top-performing civilian and military AAW professionals at GS-7 through GS-15, Functional Area 51 captains and majors, 51C staff sergeants and sergeants first class and term employees within the Science and Technology Reinvention Laboratories. The program ensures communication through common language and helps develop l
eaders who value individual styles and behaviors by creating a leadership corps more capable of critical thinking, problem solving, teamwork management, collaboration and creative innovation.
ALCP uses self-awareness as the key to leadership and diversity development. Additionally, participants learn the role of self-awareness in creating an innovative culture by helping to understand each individual’s preferences and behaviors, how each interacts with their co-workers and how they are viewed by others. This approach includes addressing an individual’s unconscious biases and emphasizes the benefits of accepting individual differences to produce a stronger “whole.”
Nominations are submitted through your lead Organizational Acquisition Point of Contact (OAP). All ALCP program details, including application and nomination processes and policies and how to find your OAP, can be found on the ALCP website at https://asc.army.mil/web/career-development/programs/acquisition-leadership-challenge-program.
For members of the AAW, meeting your acquisition position’s Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) certification requirements is a condition of hire and an absolute must. Our workforce is currently 100% certified or within the grace period. However, beginning in February 2025, we will begin seeing grace periods expire for the Foundational and Professional levels. Those who are still within their grace period should plan ahead and keep a steady yet achievable pace when scheduling required training. Reminders are being sent from the DACM Office to those AAW members (and their supervisors) who are nearing grace period expiration.
Not sure what your position’s DAWIA certification training requirements are?
First, check in with your Acquisition Record Career Brief (ACRB), located in the Career Acquisition Management Portal at https://apps.asc.army.mil/camp/. Log in with your common access card (CAC), select the CAPPMIS tab on the upper left and then select the ACRB option. Once your ACRB appears, locate “Section III ACQ WF DATA.” There, you’ll find your position’s Acquisition Functional Area (AFA) and your position’s AFA certification level requirements. A sample screenshot is displayed below.
Each AFA’s training requirements can be found on DAU’s website at https://icatalog.dau.edu/onlinecatalog/CareerLvl.aspx. Save your list of training courses and register for a course using the CAC-enabled Army Internet Training Application System at https://www.atrrs.army.mil/Aitas/ for instructor-led training or virtual instructor-led training. The DAU iCatalog can be accessed at https://icatalog.dau.edu/.
DAU is excited to offer several new Contracting pilot courses in June, July and August.
CON 7900 Negotiation Training for the Acquisition Workforce:
June 24 and 25 at Fort Belvoir. This in-person course will be part of an upcoming credential, CCON 019 Negotiations. Seats are still available. For more details, go to
- CON 7320V: Cost Realism Analysis:
There are two offerings: July 15–19 and Aug. 12–16. As contracts become increasingly complex, the ability to accurately assess the realism of proposed costs is paramount. In this course, students will explore methodologies and techniques for conducting rigorous cost realism analysis, equipping them with the skills needed to confidently navigate real-world contract scenarios. This course is a natural complement to any source selection training, such as CON 0074, Source Selection. For more details, go to https://icatalog.dau.edu/onlinecatalog/courses.aspx?crs_id=12550.
- CON 7170V: Analyzing Profit or Fee:
Set to run Aug. 19–23, CON 7170V focuses on the crucial aspect of analyzing profit or fee structures within contracts. Understanding how profit or fee elements are structured and evaluated is essential for ensuring fair and equitable agreements. Students will dissect profit and fee arrangements through a blend of synchronous and asynchronous learning experiences, honing their ability to assess appropriateness and negotiate effectively. For more details, go to https://icatalog.dau.edu/onlinecatalog/courses.aspx?crs_id=13106.
- CON 7030V: Advanced Indirect Cost Analysis:
Running from July 29 to Aug. 9, CON 7030V offers an advanced exploration of indirect cost analysis—a vital component of contract management. Participants will delve into sophisticated methodologies for analyzing indirect costs, thereby gaining insights into allocation strategies, cost pools and more. This course is ideal for seasoned professionals looking to expand their expertise in this nuanced area of contract analysis. For more details, go to https://icatalog.dau.edu/onlinecatalog/courses.aspx?crs_id=12502.
These are not your typical lecture-based offerings. Instead, they embrace a blended approach, combining self-paced study with synchronous (face-to-face) and asynchronous elements. This format allows for flexibility, while ensuring meaningful interaction and engagement with course material.
All pilot courses are available for direct registration. For more details, including enrollment, go to https://www.dau.edu/blogs/title-exploring-exciting-new-course-offerings-sneak-peek-pilot-programs-fy24. .
On June 13, DAU will host a 90-minute online session for participants to learn how AbilityOne can support marketing and research efforts for recompetes, new requirements and roles and responsibilities of those involved in a Procurement List Addition, in accordance with FAR Subpart 8.7. This is also a great way to earn 1.5 continuous learning points!
Speakers include:
- Carla Goulart, senior director of AbilityOne, Strategic Business Development, SourceAmerica.
- Matt Buchana, AbilityOne business development manager, National Industries for the Blind.
- Rosa Criggedorn, AbilityOne program manager, U.S. AbilityOne Commission.
For more details and access to the registration portal, go to https://www.dau.edu/events/abilityone-market-research-and-abilityone-procurement-list-addition-process#tab1.