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KPP: 99.9 percent probability of detection.

This requirement leaves very little room for the system to fail test iterations and still meet the requirement. This quest for perfection makes the eval- uation more susceptible to uncontrolled variables, such as user error or something that has little to do with the core capa- bility of the system. Tat is, the system might fail a test, but the reason could be a Soldier error or inclement weather.

amount of data required to ensure that the system is meeting the requirement with statistical confidence. Figure 2 demonstrates the impact that ambitious requirements could have on the design of weapon system reliability testing. Te greater the number of rounds needed for an acceptable test, the more costly the test will be, in time and money.

that the system fails to meet its require- ments. Remember: system requirements drive the system design. Materiel develop- ers may consider design factors that they otherwise would not consider in order to support these extra or infrequently used requirements. Tese decisions can result in a suboptimal system design as well as the expenditure of research and development funds to develop the required capability.

Another problem is requiring too high a level of statistical confi- dence. Statistical confidence is a scientific parameter used to make sure the test produces enough data to show that the demonstrated results are representative of the system at any time it is used during its life cycle. A statistical confidence of 80 percent is the Army accepted best- practice standard for an adequate test design. Reducing the statistical confi- dence below 80 percent increases the risk that the demonstrated test results are not representative of the system’s actual performance. Statistical confidence can be reduced below 80 percent in specific scenarios, however, when circumstances or resource constraints require the acqui- sition community to assume more risk.

A big problem with ambitious require- ments is the necessity to increase the

The test and evaluation community has observed five common challenges to well-developed requirements. These enemies of sound requirements have stymied program development and increased the scope of testing.

Ambitious requirements have their place, but it is critical that acquisition stake- holders determine whether the potential benefits are worth the additional risk of failure and the necessary resources. Te requirements development process should include an analysis showing that the ambi- tious level of performance is necessary to complete the mission.

CHALLENGE #3: EXTRA OR INFREQUENTLY USED REQUIREMENTS Extra or infrequently used require- ments also can unnecessarily increase the resources required to support system development and testing, as well as the risk

Te design impacts created by extra or infrequently used requirements can increase program costs in both the development and sustainment phases. Te test and evaluation community must design a test to verify that the system meets such a requirement in the expected combat environment. The risk increases the chance that the system fails because the conditions surrounding the requirement may be difficult to meet. Te example below from an unmanned ground system demonstrates some of these challenges.

KPP: Unmanned system control. The system controller must have the ability to achieve and main-

tain active and/or passive control of any current Army and Marine Corps battalion and below level unmanned (air or ground) system and/or their respective payloads in less than three minutes.

This KPP requires development of a universal controller that operates with all Army and Marine Corps unmanned air and ground systems. Te benefits of a universal controller are obvious: It drives commonality and reduces the number of pieces and parts the unit has to carry and maintain. But the chal- lenges of such a broad requirement are less obvious: It drives a hardware and software solution that is capable of 149

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