






reduced acquisition timelines while keep- ing costs low.

A FLEXIBLE MECHANISM Cornerstone was established by the Office of Industrial Policy through the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Acqui- sition and Sustainment. It was launched in February 2018 under the Title 10 U.S.C 2508 Industrial Base Analysis Sustain- ment Program.

Cornerstone creates a flexible mechanism for a public-private partnership across a range of industrial base sectors in order to strengthen the U.S. industrial base and improve U.S. competitiveness in support of DOD. It provides a way to bring together industry and government stake- holders through a structured engagement forum. Cornerstone consists of multilevel consortiums, and consortium members are encouraged to collaborate within their selected sector, across sectors and with other approved interested parties.

Cornerstone’s aim is to bring together industry and government stakeholders in the diverse and currently fragmented sectors to ensure industrial base resiliency and a robust manufacturing innovation ecosystem. Cornerstone OTAs can be used in 19 technical sectors, ranging from munitions and missiles to space. Sectors can be added or removed by the govern- ment, when there are requirements that are not categorized in one of the estab- lished sectors. Cornerstone is available to all DOD military services that require OTA assistance to strengthen the indus- trial base for their production needs.

For PM CAS, use of the Cornerstone OTA enables an efficient and streamlined award process that will allow for the production of the extended-range projectile. It will help mitigate range and effectiveness gaps for the Army in both legacy and future

cannon artillery systems, while maturing a much-needed, modernized production capability that has not been available domestically for decades.

ELIGIBILITY, SCHEDULE Companies that support the industrial base under Cornerstone apply to become members of the Cornerstone Consortium, and are then eligible to bid on Cornerstone OTA initiatives. Cornerstone agreements can include cost-type, firm fixed-price and indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quan- tity agreements, as well as base agreements and options agreements.

Unlike a FAR-based contract, the Corner- stone OTA can reduce award timelines to as little as 55 business days, once an agree- ments officer approves the documentation package.

The three standardized solicitation processes under Cornerstone are:

• Open one-step solicitation (default process)—The target is 80-100 busi- ness days. Competitive request for full proposals is open to all consortium members.

• Open two-step solicitation—The target is 90-100 business days. There is a competitive request for white papers, followed by a down-select and the request for full proposals from selected candidates.

• Closed solicitation (sole source)—The target is 55 business days. The solici- tation is directed to a single offeror. It requires justification for why this approach is necessary.


“Communication is key” is a common phrase among top program management


The 155 mm XM1128, shown here before testing, has an expected range of more than 30 kilometers. (Photo courtesy of JPEO A&A)

officials. With that principle in mind, PM CAS reached out to the Cornerstone team at ACC-RI in order to use its OTA. Although the Cornerstone OTA was new to both Picatinny Arsenal and PM CAS, the information provided by the ACC-RI team helped PM CAS better define and understand the requirements in order to see how this OTA could be used with the XM1128 project.


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