






Wong: We have a close working relation- ship with ATEC. Teir representatives engaged with Soldiers during pauses in the exercise to gain valuable user feedback on radio versatility, operation, reliability and ergonomics to inform the next generation of radio requirements and acquisitions. We are still consolidating the data, and we know that it is critical that we turn this feedback around and deliver the product they want and need.

Bailey: What was the outcome of the experiments?

Wong: We are in the process of analyzing the Soldier feedback and ATEC data to help inform potential network design for our upcoming network capability sets. We have also provided feedback to the vendors who participated in the [Rapid Innova- tion Fund] effort so they can continue to operationalize and improve their products.

Bailey: What topics are you addressing for RIFs 18, 19 and 20?

Wong: [Rapid Innovation Fund] 18 is supporting Project Manager Mission Command’s Joint Battle Command – Platform, where we are looking at anti-jam and multipath blue force tracker antennas.

For [Rapid Innovation Fund] 19, we are finalizing vendor selections for capabil- ities that provide next-generation high frequency, high-bandwidth SATCOM [satellite communications] on helicopters, AI [artificial intelligence]-enabled radios and a protected SATCOM chipset. We expect to make a final award in early 2020.

We will spin these technologies into viable prototypes and Soldier experimentation in 12 to 18 months.

Bailey: What advice could you pass on to other organizations—acquisition, indus- try and Army units, who are considering using the Rapid Innovation Fund for their rapid fielding efforts?

Hasan: I have been working at the fore- front of engineering for many years and have had the opportunity to work with technology leaders, radio develop- ers, Soldiers and Army leaders. Tis is one of the first times I was able to work in the field with Soldiers and vendors during a 48-hour mission. Support from our leadership, partnering with N-CFT and 82nd Airborne, combined with our team’s commitments, helped us to accom- plish [Rapid Innovation Fund] goals and objectives. At the end of the effort, we


Dr. Sayeed Hasan, PEO C3T chief engineer, and a Soldier from the 1/504 PIR pause during a break in the capstone event at Yakima Training Center. PEO C3T, along with the Network Cross-Functional Team, assessed three separate commercial waveforms designed to enhance the PACE plan for Soldiers in areas where communications might be difficult.


Master Sgt. Charles Vaughn, Network Cross-Functional Team operations lead, assesses the signal strength on a commercial waveform in September during the PEO C3T and Network Cross-Functional Team Rapid Innovation Fund capstone event at Yakima Training Center, Washington.

found that Soldiers truly appreciated these technologies, and that is my great- est satisfaction.

Wong: Te [Rapid Innovation Fund] and DevOps have been a game changer for us, and I am certain would be for other organizations seeking to rapidly insert the products Soldiers need, and expect, to enhance their missions. Our goals are always the same: Deliver capabilities that are simple, support the mission, are user- friendly and provide our Soldiers with the confidence they deserve.

For more information, go to: https://

KATHRYN communications

BAILEY is a public specialist

for Bowhead

Business and Technologies Solutions, assigned to PEO C3T. She holds a B.A. in communications studies from the University of Maryland University College. 75

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