A selection of Army acquisition civilian education and training programs


Acquisition Leadership Challenge Program (ALCP)
ALCP harnesses self-awareness as the tool for enhancing leadership, innovation and professional development by demonstrating how individual preferences and behaviors affect the ways we interact with co-workers and are viewed by others. Program offerings help participants understand how accepting individual differences can produce a stronger group and a leadership corps that’s capable, collaborative and creative.

Civilian/Military Acquisition Workforce members, including Science and Technology Reinvention Laboratories (STRLs) term employees

Announcement Dates:
FY25 ALCP 3rd Quarter Announcement open: Jan. 2-31, 2025

Defense Acquisition University‐Senior Service College Fellowship (DAU-SSCF)
This 10-month training and educational program is designed to provide leadership and acquisition training to prepare senior-level civilians for leadership roles such as product and project manager, program executive officer, and other key acquisition leadership positions to include contracting. All graduates receive credit for the completion of the DAU Program Management Course (PMT 4010).

GS-14/15 (or equivalent broadband) civilians

Announcement Dates:
Announcement Opening:  Nov. 4, 2024
Announcement Closing:  Jan. 24, 2025
Program Start:  Late July 2025


Defense Civilian Emerging Leader Program (DCELP)
DCELP is now part of the Enterprise Civilian Talent Development Programs (ECTDP).  Please visit the ECTDP page for more information about DCELP and how to apply.

GS-7 to 12 civilians

Announcement Dates:
Announcement Opening: March 1, 2024
Announcement Closing:  April 30, 2024


DOD Public Private Talent Experience
The PPTE program provides selected DOD acquisition workforce employees the opportunity to obtain a professional experience with industry by serving a six-month assignment at a private sector organization. PPTE promotes increased communication between government and industry, enables participants to gain a better understanding of industry’s business operations and challenges, and facilitates the sharing of innovative best practices.

GS 12-15 or AcqDemo-equivalent payband

Announcement Dates:
Announcement Opening: October 15, 2024
Announcement Closing: November 15, 2024
Program Start: March 2025


Inspiring and Developing Excellence in Acquisition Leaders (IDEAL)
Leader development program for new and emerging Army Acquisition Workforce supervisors. Three one‐week sessions over a period of approximately four months. Applicants must be GS-12, -13, or broadband equivalent and DAWIA certified in current position or within certification grace period. Completion of Acquisition Leadership Challenge Program – I (ALCP-I) strongly recommended.

GS-12/13 or broadband equivalent Civilians

Announcement Dates:
Announcement Opening: May 22, 2024
Announcement Closing: July 31, 2024


Graphic Image of the LEAD program

Leadership Excellence and Acquisition Development (LEAD)
The premier 24-30 month leadership development program offering expanded training through a series of education, leader development and broadening assignments to build skills required for positions of greater responsibility. The program is designed to enhance the leadership acumen of the Army’s civilian acquisition workforce. Participants are provided centrally funded leadership training and developmental assignments within the acquisition community.

GS-12/13 and/or pay band equivalent civilians

Announcement Dates:
Nov. 4 – Dec. 20, 2024


DoD College Acquisition Internship Program (DCAIP)
The DoD College Acquisition Internship Program (DCAIP) is an opportunity for Army acquisition organizations to hire eligible college students for a 12-week paid summer internship. Upon a student’s successful completion of the internship, the organization may noncompetitively convert the individual to a permanent position in the acquisition workforce.

Army acquisition organizations who seek to hire a college sophomore or junior for a term position, with the intent to convert the intern to a permanent AAW position upon program completion may participate in DCAIP.

Announcement Dates:
Announcement Opening: October 9, 2024
Announcement Closing: November 6, 2024, or until 500 applications have been submitted

The Enterprise Civilian Talent Development Programs
The Enterprise Civilian Talent Development Programs (ECTDP) are Army talent management programs created to produce senior civilian leaders with an enterprise perspective who could serve in increasing levels of responsibility. Senior Level and Entry/Mid-Level Programs consists of multiple modules, and leadership development courses, and applicants may apply for one or more module/courses for which they are qualified. ECTDP is administered by the Civilian Human Resources Agency (CHRA) Army Civilian Career Management Activity (ACCMA).

GS-07 through GS-15 and equivalent employees; eligibility varies by module.

Announcement Dates:
Announcement Opening: March 1, 2025
Announcement Closing: April 30, 2025


Acquisition Tuition Assistance Program (ATAP)
The Acquisition Tuition Assistance Program (ATAP) provides tuition assistance, including laboratory and technology fees, to eligible Army acquisition workforce members pursuing acquisition, technical and business-related courses towards a bachelor’s or master’s degree in an acquisition, technical and business-related discipline.  ATAP will also fund courses that are acquisition, technical or business related that are not towards a degree or a declared discipline.  ATAP will not fund books or any other fees outside of laboratory and technology fees.  A Service Agreement is incurred as part of participating in the ATAP Program.

Army acquisition workforce (AAW) civilians (any GS level or equivalent) and Military Occupational Specialty 51 Contracting Non-Commissioned Officers who meet their certification level required in their current position, or are within their certification grace period, and meet eligibility requirements in the posted announcement may apply to the ATAP Program.

Announcement Dates:
June 3 – July 15, 2025

The Enterprise Civilian Talent Development Programs
The Enterprise Civilian Talent Development Programs (ECTDP) are Army talent management programs created to produce senior civilian leaders with an enterprise perspective who could serve in increasing levels of responsibility. Senior Level and Entry/Mid-Level Programs consists of multiple modules, and leadership development courses, and applicants may apply for one or more module/courses for which they are qualified. ECTDP is administered by the Civilian Human Resources Agency (CHRA) Army Civilian Career Management Activity (ACCMA).

GS-07 through GS-15 and equivalent employees; eligibility varies by module.

Announcement Dates:
Announcement Opening: March 1, 2024
Announcement Closing: April 30, 2024

Student Loan Repayment Program (SLRP)
The annually funded program is designed to repay federally insured student loans as a retention incentive for civilian acquisition employees with critical acquisition skills.

Civilian Acquisition Workforce (Any GS Level or equivalent)

Announcement Dates:
October 1 – November 15, 2025


Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) Systems and Program Management (MSSPM) Non-Resident Master’s Degree Program

The NPS-MSSPM gives participants the opportunity to obtain a Master’s of Science Degree in Systems and Program Management, a certificate in Systems Engineering and earn Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act training equivalencies in various acquisition career fields outlined in the current announcement within two years, on a part-time basis.  Students take two distance learning courses per quarter for eight consecutive quarters. The Army DACM Office sponsors the program and will fund the cost of books and tuition.

Civilian Acquisition Workforce GS-12 through GS-15 or broadband/pay band equivalent

Announcement Dates:
11 March – 13 May 2024


Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) Systems Engineering Non-Resident Master’s Degree (MSSE) Program
The NPS-MSSE gives participants the opportunity to obtain an MS in systems engineering within two years, on a part-time basis. Students take two distance learning courses per quarter for eight consecutive quarters. The Army DACM Office sponsors the program, and will fund the cost of books and tuition.

Civilian Acquisition Workforce GS-12 through GS-15 or broadband/pay band equivalent

Announcement Dates:
11 March – 13 May 2024

Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA)
The Defense Acquisition University (DAU) provides mandatory, assignment-specific and continuing education courses for military and civilian acquisition personnel within DOD. Its mission is to provide a global learning environment to support a mission-ready Defense Acquisition Workforce that delivers and sustains effective and affordable warfighting capabilities.

Civilian Education System (CES)
The Civilian Education System (CES) is a progressive and sequential leader development program that provides enhanced educational opportunities for Army Civilians throughout their careers. CES provides multiple levels of Civilian development to include the Foundation Course, Basic Course, Intermediate Course, Advanced Course, Continuing Education for Senior Leaders, Supervisor Development Course, Organizational Leader Development Course, Manager Development Course, and Action Officer Development Course.

Army Acquisition Workforce (AAW) members are required to complete ethics training every fiscal year. Options to meet the requirement include: Attend any installation or organizational judge advocate general-sponsored ethics training (ETH 007); Overview of Acquisition Ethics (CLM 003) – DAU Continuous Learning Module; Ethics at Work (HBS 415) – DAU Continuous Learning Module; or watch the 16-minute DAU online  Ethics Video (ETH 007) or the Army OGC Annual Ethics Online Training.