Program Management


Acquisition professionals in the Program Management functional area are concerned with all functions of a program management office to accomplish program objectives for the development, production, deployment, and sustainment of systems to meet the user’s operational needs.

The Program Management functional area is supported by:

MG Rob Barrie (Army Acquisition Functional Leader)

MG Barrie comes to ASA(ALT) after serving as the Program Executive Officer for Aviation (PEO Aviation), from 2020-2023. In that role, he led the modernization programs of the Army’s Rotary Wing fleet to include the Future Long Range Assault Aircraft (FLRAA) and the Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft (FARA). MG Barrie was commissioned as an aviation officer after graduation from the United States Military Academy in 1990. After completion of UH-60 flight training, he was assigned to the 7-227th Aviation Regiment, First Armored Division, Germany, where he served as an Assault Helicopter Platoon Leader and Battalion Staff Officer. Read full bio here.

Rob Barrie
Marty Zybura

Mr. Marty Zybura (Army Acquisition Functional Advisor)

Mr. Zybura comes to ASA(ALT) after serving as the acting Deputy Program Executive Officer (DPEO) at PEO EIS. Prior to assuming his role as the acting DPEO he served as the PEO EIS Chief of Staff and was responsible for overseeing many of the organization’s day to day operations and initiatives. Mr. Zybura began his Army career as a Soldier. While on active duty he served as chief of staff of the Army Contracting Command (ACC) at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama. He was the principal assistant to the commanding general and was responsible for planning, coordinating, directing, supervising, and training more than 200 headquarters staff members. He also coordinated support and oversight of two one-star subordinate commands and six subordinate contracting centers. Read full bio here.

Workforce Demographics

(Data current as of 31 December 2024)

Top 5 Civilian Occupational Groups/Military Functional Areas

Occupational Groups


DAWIA Grace periods for Program Management

Practitioner = 5 years
Advanced = 4 years

Exam Prep Course and Certification Exam

  • PM 4800V (PM Practitioner Certification Exam Prep Course): This optional 9-day course prepares the acquisition professional to successfully prepare for the PMT 4890V Practitioner, Program Management, Certification Exam leading to the “Practitioner Certification in Program Management.” The course is a review of the six courses required for practitioner program management certification.
  • PM 4890V (PM Practitioner Certification Exam): This closed book, comprehensive Program Management Certification Exam covers the learning objectives from ACQ 0030, ACQ 1010, ACQ 2020, ACQ 2030, PMT 0140, and PMT 2570. Successful completion of this exam is a requirement to achieve Program Management Practitioner Certification.
  • PM 4910 (PM Advanced Certification Exam Prep Course): This optional Online Training (OLT) course prepares the acquisition professional for successfully passing the advanced, program management, certification exam leading to the “Advanced Certification in Program Management”. The course is a review of the seven courses required for advanced program management certification.
  • PM 4990V (PM Advanced Certification Exam): This closed book, 100 question comprehensive Program Management Certification Exam covers the learning objectives from ACQ 315 and PMT 0120/0130/0170/3400/3500/3600. Successful completion of this exam is a requirement to achieve PM Advanced Certification.


View the Certification and Development Guides in DAU’s iCatalog

Continuous Learning


Defense Acquisition Credentials provide the knowledge and associated skills needed to perform job-centric, niche, and/or emerging functions in the defense acquisition environment. They are intended to enhance specific skills and improve performance in the workplace. Whether you manage capability requirements, acquire services/systems, or sustain capabilities, earning credentials can build your competence, confidence, and value to your organization and the DOD.

Career Models



The Army DACM Office has developed Career Models for each acquisition functional area, which are intended as notional guides for professional growth and a well-rounded acquisition experience. Acquisition workforce employees, along with their supervisors, should use these models as tools for developing a plan to advance throughout one’s acquisition career.
