Yes, your application can be opened for you to make revisions; however, it can only be opened 2 times. If you need your application re-opened after you have submitted it you…
The approved amount provided by the SLRP PM.
No, DO NOT stop your payments on your loan(s). If you default, the Army DACM Office SLRP will not pay any money towards your loan.
Federal employees, by law, can only receive $10,000 per calendar year towards student loan repayment. As long as you are not receiving $10,000 per calendar year from the other organization,…
Yes, you can enter multiple loans totaling up to $10,000.
The loan documentation that needs to be provided may be screen shots and printed documents, downloaded from your account website. The information you upload must show your name, account number,…
The Federal Tax ID number can be obtained from your lending institution. This is the tax identification number that is used on all federal tax forms. Look at your 1098…
Proponency Officers are Individuals assigned to USAASC who are responsible for: reviewing and developing policy and procedures for ACF initiatives; developing and maintaining the career model; and establishing a career…
Functional Chief Representatives Representatives are designated by the Functional Chief in the occupational area associated with their ACFs. The FCR is responsible for approving the list of AFRs in their…
Assignment Officer. Military officers assigned to the HRC, AMB serving in a capacity to assign AAC military personnel to AL&T Workforce and AAC positions. Assignment Officers also provide assistance on…
There is reciprocity among all Department of Defense (DoD) organizations with respect to DAWIA certifications. The Army DACM Office will recognize and accept DAWIA certifications issued by other military departments,…
Position Category Descriptions for each acquisition career field can be found at
In Section VI (Acq/Leader Training) of the ACRB, a total of 26 courses will display on the printed record. If you have more than 26, you have the option to…
The TEN most recent awards can be displayed in Section VIII (Awards) of the ACRB. Only Award titles found in the Defense Civilian Personnel Data System (DCPDS) can appear in…
Army policy requires that all Continuous Learning (CL) cycle dates will reflect one standard CL cycle regardless of when the individual entered the AT&L workforce. However, as his supervisor, you…
CEU’s are assigned to most classes and are shown on the course completion certificate and on the DAU transcript. The course descriptions in the DAU iCatalog provide CEU information at…
The Individual Development Plan (IDP) in CAPPMIS at is the primary vehicle used to annotate, award, and track CLPs. For Defense Acquisition University (DAU) courses (to include Continuous Learning…
The Department of Army Continuous Learning Policies can be found at // The purpose of the policy is to ensure acquisition professionals develop and stay current in leadership and functional…
The Acquisition Position Code (APC) is the functional subset that has been identified for the specific duties of the position. This is the field in which the employee should be…
Please refer to the “Civilian Steps to Planning Your Acquisition Career” at //
Reference the Defense Acquisition Workforce Program Desk Guide at, Section 1
Acquisition is the conceptualization, initiation, design, development, test, contracting, production, deployment, logistics support, modification, and disposal of weapons and other systems, supplies, or services (including construction) to satisfy DoD needs,…
An additional source for training to obtain CLPs might be the Army E-Learning training site. The website is at; it contains over 2,000 web-based courses, most of which are…
The Core Plus construct was designed to advance the DoD Army Acquisition Workforce (AAW) competency management model by providing a “roadmap” for the development of acquisition workforce members beyond the…
Who do I contact if I have any questions about my travel orders or travel vouchers for a DAU course?
For FUNDING questions, send an email to For questions regarding CREATING the travel order or travel voucher in DTS, send your questions to the DTS Administrator in your organization…
Go to AITAS at Select “Create/Edit Travel Worksheet” and log in. The status of your worksheet will be shown next to the class.
If a DAU training application has been approved as a reservation and you are eligible and approved for centralized funding, log into and click on “Create/Edit Travel Worksheet”. Once…
To view or print a copy of your DAU completion certificate, log into the DAU Virtual Campus at On the blue tool bar, click on “Records” and then “Certificates”….
The DoD offers a set of competencies for course fulfillment. Fulfillment is a process by which individuals can request credit for DAU courses based on prior knowledge and experience. At…
Several training providers offer courses that have been certified equivalent to DAU curriculum courses and can be used to meet the requirements of the Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA)….
DAU courses are updated for currency. They may undergo name changes, number changes, or even be replaced by a new course with very similar content. Some courses no longer…
You can view/print a copy of your DAU transcript at
Students with a duty station located in the continental United States (CONUS) are not authorized to attend DAU training that is outside the continental United States (OCONUS).
Yes, your training priority will be downgraded by one priority. Your command must fund your travel to retake the course you academically failed. For Acquisition workforce members, you will not…
Follow the DAU Student Academic and Administrative Policies and Procedures Handbook, part III, section 4. Walk-ins recommended for local students where zero travel cost is incurred. If travel cost is…
If a student cannot attend a DAU class for which they have a reservation, they must officially cancel their application. The student must submit their cancellation request through AITAS at…