Neither you nor the ACM can make these changes directly. Twice each month, position data is transferred from the personnel system (DCPDS) into CAPPMIS (which houses both the ACRB and…
If you need assistance with the content of your IDP, you should discuss with your supervisor. If you are experiencing problems with the functionality of the IDP, you may submit…
You may access your IDP at Once logged in, you must first list your Objectives. The “objectives” button is located on the first page of your IDP. Objectives should reflect…
Per the DACM Office’s “Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act Certification Policy for the Army Acquisition Workforce”, the same months of specialized experience used to obtain certification in one Acquisition Functional…
Yes. The certification process allows an applicant who is denied certification by a certifying official to appeal the decision within 30 calendar days from the denial date. The appeal process…
Certification issued by federal (non-DoD) organizations are not accepted, with one exception: the DACM Office will accept Federal Acquisition Certifications– Contracting (FAC-C) issued by the Federal Acquisition Institute (FAI). AAW…
Yes, it is possible. Per the DACM Office’s “Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act Certification Policy for the Army Acquisition Workforce”, AAW professionals may count up to 12 months of education…
Per the DACM Office’s “Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act Certification Policy for the Army Acquisition Workforce”, AAWprofessionals must be certified in the AFA at the level at which their encumbered…
Per the DoDI 5000.66 and the DACM Office’s “Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act Certification Policy for the Army Acquisition Workforce”, non-AAW professionals are not eligible to apply for certification. For…
Per the DoDI 5000.66 and the DACM Office’s “Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act Certification Policy for the Army Acquisition Workforce”, non-AAW professionals are not eligible to apply for certification. For…
The Defense Acquisition University (DAU)’s iCatalog ( is the official source for DAWIA certification standards for the Acquisition Functional Areas (AFAs). Each AFA prescribes the education, training and experience standards…
Military personnel’s official document of record is the ORB/ERB and therefore you don’t have access to the ACRB. Military CAPPMIS accounts are generally reserved for Acquisition officers and NCO in…
The Army DACM Office gets an updated list from ATRRS of all of your previous DAU training the first time you appear in our database. Please note, for new AAW…
All levels of certifications granted in each career field are listed in the CAPPMIS database; however only the highest level achieved in each career field will display on the printed…
Certification is not automatically granted. To apply for certification, please submit electronically through the CAMP website at Once logged in, click on CAPPMIS and then select CMS (Certification Management…
In order to receive Continuous Learning Points and/or to add the courses to your ACRB, you will first need to add them under the “Other Training” section of your IDP….
The course will not show up on the ACRB/IDP immediately. First the student must be shown as “graduated” in the DAU system (this is normally done within a day or…
The first line in this section depicts your current position. This data is pulled from the Defense Civilian Personnel Data System (DCPDS). Since this is your official position of record,…
To add previous experience to your ACRB, log into CAPPMIS at, click on CAPPMIS on the navigation bar, click on the ACRB tab, and then the “Edit ACRB” tab….
Civilian Personnel Actions are first entered into the Defense Civilian Personnel Data System (DCPDS). Twice monthly a DCPDS data file (reflecting personnel changes) is loaded into CAMP. Therefore, depending upon…
Only awarded degrees can be added to the Education section of the ACRB. Upon completion of the degree program, suggest that you add your degree to your Personnel records in…
The education information on your ACRB is updated based on information shown in your record in the Defense Civilian Personnel Data System (DCPDS). To view the education information that is…
This data is pulled from the personnel database (DCPDS) and transferred from DCPDS into CAPPMIS during our twice monthly data build. Please contact your Civilian Personnel Advisory Center (CPAC) to…
To change your address please go to the Defense Finance and Accounting System website at and follow the instructions. Corrections posted to myPay will be reflected on the ACRB…
To change your name, you must contact your local Civilian Personnel Advisory Center (CPAC) for guidance. Your name on your ACRB is the same as in your official personnel records…
Log into CAPPMIS at, click on CAPPMIS on the navigation bar, click on the ACRB tab, and then the “Edit ACRB” tab. Click on Section IV –Personal, edit the…
Log into CAPPMIS at, click on CAPPMIS on the navigation bar, click on the ACRB tab, and then the “Edit ACRB” tab. Click on Section IV –Personal, edit the…
This date is shown in two sections of the ACRB (Section III and Section IX). To correct this date, log into CAMP at, click on CAPPMIS on the navigation…
The workforce status is shown in two sections of the ACRB (Section I and Section III). You must contact your supervisor to request a change. If your supervisor/command determines that…
Section I (Current Position Data) of your ACRB reflects the career field and level required of your position. If you feel that your Acquisition coding is incorrect, please discuss with…
Section I (Current Position Data) of your ACRB reflects the career field and level required of your position. If you feel that your Acquisition coding is incorrect, please discuss with…
Employees have access to edit some sections of their ACRB. To make these corrections yourself, you may log into CAPPMIS at, click on CAPPMIS on the navigation bar, click…
The ACRB is available to Army Acquisition Workforce (AAW) Civilians at The first time you access the Career Acquisition Management Portal (CAMP)/ Career Acquisition Personnel and Position Management Information…
The ACRB data comes from many sources: Twice monthly input files provided by Defense Civilian Personnel Data System (DCPDS) for the civilian acquisition workforce. Monthly input files provided by the…
Your ACRB is a tool to help manage your career and should be updated periodically as needed. It is also an essential part of the application package for Army Acquisition…
The Acquisition Career Record Brief (ACRB) is a one-page display of your pertinent acquisition information. It contains your personal, position, assignment, training, education, awards and certification information. The ACRB is…