The Army Acquisition School


Army Acquisition Transition Course (AATC)


**FA51s going to a program management assignment will attend 8 Weeks of initial training (AATC). **FA51s going to a contracting assignment will attend 8 Weeks of initial training (AATC) as well as the follow on 1 week (ACWL) for a total of 9 weeks.

The AATC course is designed not only to prepare participants for their first assignment in the Army Acquisition Workforce, but to also establish their foundation of knowledge for their acquisition career. AATC is designed to provide a broad spectrum of knowledge pertaining to the acquisition process, program management and contracting. The program of instruction covers legal and regulatory policies, guidelines that shape the acquisition process, the application of contracting and program management principles, systems engineering, information technology, cost and pricing fundamentals, contingency contracting practices. Course content and instructional techniques are designed to provide participants with a knowledge and understanding of basic materiel acquisition, contracting principles and processes, and how to apply those across the acquisition lifecycle “from cradle – to – grave”.

The foundation for all course material is based primarily on Department of Defense Instruction 5000.02, Operation of the Defense Acquisition System (DODI 5000.02), the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) (Parts 1-53) and the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS). Classroom presentations will emphasize these principles, demonstrate techniques of analysis, and illustrate typical applications of the analytical techniques. The course will also prepare participants on how to operate successfully within the acquisition environment through intensive FAR and DFAR research practical exercises. Participants will be given scenario based exercises using prior lecture and the internet to resolve each scenario. Learning will be assessed by closed book examinations, in-class quizzes, exercises, take-home work, and class participation, which will be graded to determine the student’s comprehension, and mastery, of the material.

The course content and instructional techniques provide each participant with a knowledge and ability in the military environment to perform the following critical tasks: (1) formulate solutions to complex problems, (2) apply technical analytic skills to acquisition issues; (3) conduct analysis, and (4) communicate complex ideas in terms relevant to the audience. Unique functions performed by the Army acquisition workforce are based in statute and cannot be performed by non-acquisition personnel. This course will prepare participants for entry-level contingency contracting positions. Further, this course emphasizes Army-unique system acquisition procedures, organizations, and Army doctrine throughout its curriculum.

Special Information:

  1. In order to complete the FA 51 basic qualification training requirements, FA51s going to a program management assignment will attend 8 Weeks of initial training (AATC). FA51s going to a contracting assignment will attend 8 Weeks of initial training (AATC) as well as the follow on 1 week (ACWL). These courses meet the individual DAWIA education requirements for the newly assessed Acquisition Soldier in both program management and contracting carrier fields.
  2. In order to complete MOS 51C basic qualification training requirements, NCO’s must complete AATC (FA51AATC) and ACWL (FA51ACWL). These courses meet the individual DAWIA education requirements for the newly assessed Acquisition Soldier in both program management and contracting carrier fields.
  3. Additional Requirements / Directed Studies – DAU Home
    a. ACQ0030 (ALL students) Due NLT COB Friday, week one of class.
    b. PMT0140 (Officers Only) via DAU online training. Due NLT COB Friday, week five of class
  4. Equivalencies granted for successful completion of AATC: ACQ 1010, ACQ 2020, ACQ 2030, PMT 2750, CON 1100, CON 1200, CON 1300, CON 1400, CON 8300.
  5. This course can be found on ATRRS under School Code 701H. It is taught at the Army Acquisition Center of Excellence (AACoE) on the campus of the University of Alabama at Huntsville (UAH)

To register for this course Soldiers must see their training section and complete an A1 application.

Course material is NOT releasable to students from foreign countries.

School Code:

Course ID:

Mode and Duration:
FA51AATC Resident: 8 Weeks

Recommended Credit:
Continuous Learning Points (CLPs) FA51AATC: 240 points

Functional Areas:
51A Program Management
51C Contracting

Active, Reserve and Guard Officers:
Commissioned officers must have completed their branch advanced course, must be a Captain (O3) or above, and must have been assessed into the U.S. Army Acquisition Corps with a Functional Area code of 51. Officers must have a baccalaureate degree or higher with 24 business hours.

Active, Reserve, and Guard Non- Commissioned Officers:
Non-Commissioned Officers must have been assessed into the 51C MOS and must be a Sergeant (E5) or above.

Security Clearance Requirement:
NCOs requiring a security clearance must contact the US Army Acquisition Support Center, ATTN: NCO Proponent, CMF 51 and MOS 51C, 9900 Belvoir Road, Suite 201, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-5567.

Registration Assistance:
(256) 824-4548

Mailing Address:
The Army Acquisition School (TAAS)
1410 Ben Graves Drive
Huntsville, AL 35816

Army Contract Writing Lab (ACWL)

**FA51s going to a contracting assignment will attend 9 Weeks of initial training (AATC) as well as the follow on 1 week (ACWL).

**FA51s going to a program management assignment are not required to attend the 1 week ACWL course.

The Army Contract Writing Lab (ACWL) provides Officers and NCOs assigned to Contracting positions an immersive, hands-on training experience in operating the current procurement contracting writing software (Procurement Desktop – Defense (PD2)) used by the DoD in both CONUS and OCONUS operations.

Special Information:

  1. AATC is not a stand alone course offering. Currently AATC is only available as a follow on course requirement for FA51s going to a contracting assignment
  2. In order to complete MOS 51C basic qualification training requirements, NCO’s must complete AATC (FA51AATC) and ACWL (FA51ACWL). These courses meet the individual DAWIA education requirements for the newly assessed Acquisition Soldier in both program management and contracting carrier fields. (excluding DAU class CON 0072)
  3. There are no DAWIA equivalencies granted for successful completion of ACWL
  4. This course can be found on ATRRS under School Code 701H. It is taught at The Army Acquisition School (TAAS) on the campus of the University of Alabama at Huntsville (UAH)

To register for this course Soldiers must see their training section and complete an A1 application.

Course material is NOT releasable to students from foreign countries.

School Code:

Course ID:

Mode and Duration:

  • FA51ACWL Resident: 1 Week (Directly following FA51AATC)
  • Onsite

Recommended Credit:
Continuous Learning Points (CLPs) FA51ACWL: 30 points

Functional Areas:
51C Contracting

Active, Reserve and Guard Officers:
Commissioned officers must have completed their branch advanced course, must be a Captain (O3) or above, and must have been assessed into the U.S. Army Acquisition Corps with a Functional Area code of 51. Officers must have a baccalaureate degree or higher with 24 business hours.

Active, Reserve, and Guard Non- Commissioned Officers:
Non-Commissioned Officers must have been assessed into the 51C MOS and must be a Sergeant (E5) or above.

Security Clearance Requirement:

NCOs requiring a security clearance must contact the US Army Acquisition Support Center, ATTN: NCO Proponent, CMF 51 and MOS 51C, 9900 Belvoir Road, Suite 201, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-5567.

Registration Assistance:
(256) 824-4548

Mailing Address:
The Army Acquisition School
1410 Ben Graves Drive
Huntsville, AL 35816


School Code:
701 H

Course ID:

Mode and Duration:
Resident: 3 Weeks
Onsite: 3 Weeks

Recommended Credit:

Functional Areas:
51A System Development
51C Contracting

The 3-week functional area 51 Intermediate Qualification Course (FA51 IQC) is the Army Acquisition Corps (AAC) functional-area specific follow-on to the core intermediate Level Education (ILE). FA51 IQC is part of the FA51 Leader Development Plan and together with ILE grant MEL-4 certification. FA51 IQC develops acquisition leaders capable of leading and managing any acquisition organization at the LTC/GS-14-level and develops a pool of future senior officers and civilians trained in innovative leadership & acquisition topics. IQC provides training in acquisition-related leadership topics not found in the Core ILE.

Special Information:
Purpose: Provides more advanced acquisition-related education to military and selected civilians who have demonstrated exceptional leadership potential in previous acquisition assignments. Prepares students for critical acquisition assignments.
This course can be found on ATRRS under School Code 701H. It is taught at The Army Acquisition School (TAAS) on the campus of the University of Alabama at Huntsville (UAH). For additional information visit Web site
To register for this course Soldiers must see their training section and complete an A1 application.
Course material is not releasable to students from foreign countries.

Participants must be currently assigned in a military acquisition position, completed the Army Acquisition Transition Course and have least a year of Army acquisition experience at time of attendance.

Priorities – Officers should attend IQC after they have attended the Core ILE although it can be taken prior to completing the Core ILE on a case-by-case basis.

Acquisition Officers who require ILE for MEL IV as per the G-3 ILE implementation message.

Leadership Excellence and Acquisition Development (LEAD) participants must completed IQC before graduation from the LEAD Program. Attendance for these civilians will be funded by the LEAD Program Manager.

Acquisition Officers who do not require IQC for MEL IV but who desire attendance at IQC for professional development. These officers may attend if seats are available after personnel from the priorities above have been accommodated. USAASC will not fund these officers; their commands may fund at their discretion.

Contractor personnel may attend on a space available basis if their supporting Government point of contact approves their application for training.

Security Clearance Requirement:

The US Army Acquisition Support Center,
ATTN: NCO Proponent, CMF 51 and MOS
51C, 9900 Belvoir Road, Suite 201,
Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-5567.

Registration Assistance:
Contact: TAAS
Phone: (520) 671-0027

Mailing Address:
The Army Acquisition School
1410 Ben Graves Drive
Huntsville, AL 35816



The 1-week Contracting Pre-Command Course (KO PCC) is a branch specific course designed to meet the needs of Lieutenants Colonel, Colonels and Federal Civilians selected through the Centralized Selection List (CSL) for command positions. It prepares selectees for command by providing a common understanding of current doctrine and providing training in selected functions and duties.

The Contracting Pre-Command Course is a mandatory, branch specific course designed to fill the needs of Lieutenant Colonels and Colonels and Federal Civilians who have been designated through the Centralized Selection List (CSL) for command positions. It prepares selectees for command by providing a common understanding of current doctrine and by providing both new and refresher training in selected functions and duties. The PCC program goal is to ingrain battlefield contracting integration with combined arms consideration into commanders. The course curriculum includes the nature and peculiarities of the mission, installation, or facility to be commanded; management of manpower; labor relations and human resources; public affairs relationships, DoD financial management and funding system; contract administration at the installation, service and DoD levels; morale, welfare and recreation programs; and analytical techniques used in the decision making process. The Contracting Pre-Command Course emphasizes Army doctrine and Army-unique system acquisition procedures and organizations throughout its curriculum providing selected commanders with the most current trends and practices in accordance with the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation and Federal Acquisition Regulation.

Special Information:
This course can be found on ATRRS under School Code 701H. This course fulfills the mandatory Phase 1 requirement for 51A and 51C CSL Contracting Battalion Command and Phase 2 Contracting Brigade positions outlined in DACM memo “Requirements for Individuals Selected for Centralized Selection List Acquisition Key Billets, Centralized Selection Board Positions, and Command Sergeant Major Positions” dated 29 February 2024. It is taught at The Army Acquisition School (TAAS) on the campus of the University of Alabama at Huntsville (UAH). For additional information visit Web site

Course material is NOT releasable to students from foreign countries.

School Code:

Course Code:
2G-F113 (MC)

Modes and Duration:
Resident: 1 Week
Onsite: 1 Week

Recommended Credit:

Functional Areas (FA):
51C Contracting
51T Testing

Active, Reserve, and Guard Officers: All prospective attendees must have been centrally selected to contracting command position within the US Army Acquisition Corps.

Security Clearance Requirement:

Registration Assistance:
Contact: The Army Acquisition School (TAAS)
Phone: (256) 824-4548

Mailing Address:
The Army Acquisition School
1410 Ben Graves Drive
Huntsville, AL 35816



The 1-week Army Acquisition Pre-Command Course (APCC) is designed to equip all centrally-selected product managers and directors, contracting commanders, and acquisition directors preparing to assume command with knowledge and skills to effectively address a host of leadership challenges.

NO Current website presence – Page needs to be created

Special Information:
This course can be found on ATRRS under School Code 701H. This course fulfills the mandatory Phase 1 requirement for 51A and 51C CSL positions outlined in DACM memo “Requirements for Individuals Selected for Centralized Selection List Acquisition Key Billets, Centralized Selection Board Positions, and Command Sergeant Major Positions” dated 29 February 2024. It is taught at the US Defense Pentagon in Washington D.C. For additional information visit Web site
Course material is NOT releasable to students from foreign countries.

School Code:

Course Code:

Modes and Duration:
Onsite: US Defense Pentagon, 1 Week

Recommended Credit:

Functional Areas (FA):
51C Contracting
51A Program Management

Active, Reserve, and Guard Officers and Civilians: All prospective attendees must have been centrally selected to Contracting Command, Program Management or Product Director positions within the US Army Acquisition Corps.

Security Clearance Requirement:

Registration Assistance:
Contact: The Army Acquisition School (TAAS)
Phone: (256) 824-4548

Mailing Address:
The Army Acquisition School (TAAS)
1410 Ben Graves Drive
Huntsville, AL 35816


School Code:

Course ID:

Mode and Duration:
Resident: 3 one-week sessions
Onsite: 3 one-week sessions

Recommended Credit:

Functional Areas:

Inspiring and Developing Excellence in Acquisition Leaders (IDEAL) is a leader development program for GS-12 and -13 (or broadband equivalent) Army Acquisition Workforce (AAW) new and emerging supervisors. Participants should possess clearly documented potential for supervisory or leadership positions.

Sessions will convene for three one-week resident sessions held over a period of approximately four months. In between sessions, participants will return to their workplaces where they will utilize newly learned skills and put into practice the concepts and competencies they studied and examined during the resident sessions.

The IDEAL curriculum includes classroom instruction, engagements with senior leaders, site visits and group activities.

Special Information:
Purpose: Focus is on Supervisor / Leader Development. IDEAL is designed to train and equip new and emerging supervisors to lead across the workforce leading to increased retention and higher productivity. The development of Army leaders and supervisors is critical in managing the talents of our personnel. This course focuses on Self-development, Interpersonal Relationships, and Strategic Management to enhance existing skills and abilities to meet our multi-domain operations-capable force objectives.

If supervisory development and preparation is not your focus, please visit the UDAASC website to learn about other programs for the AAW:

The application process is located online in the Career Acquisition Management Portal (CAMP) under the Army Acquisition Professional Development System (AAPDS) tab. It is taught primarily at The Army Acquisition School (TAAS) on the campus of the University of Alabama at Huntsville (UAH) and sometimes at other locations. For additional information visit Web site

Selection Process: The Army DACM Office will administer a Board to review and rate eligible applications, with the DACM making final selections.

Applicants must meet all of the following requirements:

  • Must be a permanent tenure Civilian member of the Army Acquisition Workforce. Exception: per Section 1109, of the FY16 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and Section 11.A.3.f, 82 of Federal Register 43339, eligibility to participate in the IDEAL program is extended to flexible length and renewable term technical appointment employees in the Department of Defense laboratories designated as Science and Technology Reinvention Laboratories (STRLs). Term employees not appointed under Section 1109, FY16 NDAA are not eligible for the IDEAL program. Tenure status is indicated on the SF-50, Notification of Personnel Action, Block 24.
  • Must be GS-12 or -13 (or broadband equivalent)
  • Must meet DAWIA position certification requirement or be within the certification grace period

Strongly recommended: Completion of Acquisition Leadership Challenge Program-I (ALCP-I). For more information on this program, please visit

Security Clearance Requirement:

Registration Assistance:
Ms. Kristine Faria
IDEAL Program Manager
Army DACM Office
(202) 604-2507

Administrative Information

Course enrollment procedures

Military students
  • To obtain a quota for TAAS courses Soldier needs to coordinate with their assignment officer at Human Resources Command (HRC). The assignment officer provides the names to the different quota managers who will then secure a reservation for the course(s) in ATTRS.
  • Organizations with quotas for a particular class have until 45 days prior to the class start date to enroll their employees in the class. Afterwards, they lose their quotas and the seats will be given to applicants who are listed in ATRRS in a WAIT status. These applicants will be enrolled in the class on a first-come-first-served basis.
DA Civilians
  • DA Civilians are accepted on a space available basis ONLY. The Defense Acquisition University (DAU) remains the primary trainer for ALL DA Civilians.

Registration Assistance:
Contact: TAAS
Phone: (256) 824-4548

Mailing Address: 
The Army Acquisition School
1410 Ben Graves Drive
Huntsville, AL 35816

Course Schedules

TAAS Administrative information

pdf TAAS Course Schedule

pdf FY25 PDF Schedule

Directions to TAAS

TAAS Administrative information

Traveling East on 1-565

Take Madison Pike Exit 15 toward Sparkman Dr./Bob Wallace Ave. 0.3 miles
Turn left onto Sparkman Dr./Bob Wallace Ave. SW.
Continue to follow Sparkman Dr. NW 0.8 miles
Turn right at light onto Holmes Ave NW 0.4 miles
Turn left onto Ben Graves Dr NW/N Loop Rd 0.4 miles
Turn Left into parking lot – You have arrived at: Conference Training Center
1410 Ben Graves Drive
Huntsville, AL 35816

Traveling West on 1-565

Take Madison Pike Exit 15 toward Sparkman Dr. NW 0.3 miles
Merge right onto Sparkman Dr. 0.8 miles
Turn right at light onto Holmes Ave NW 0.4 miles
Turn left onto Ben Graves Dr NW/N Loop Rd 0.4 miles
Turn Left into parking lot – You have arrived at: Conference Training Center
1410 Ben Graves Drive
Huntsville, AL 35816

TAAS Classrooms and offices are located on lower level of the Conference Training Center

What to Wear and Bring to School

TAAS Administrative information


  • The dress for U. S. Army military students is the Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP).
  • U.S. Army military students should bring their PT uniform for a mandatory weigh-in.
  • Civilian students wear business casual attire.

* Business casual attire is defined as dress slacks, shirts with collars, dress shoes/loafers and the equivalent attire for women. Shorts, sandals, athletic shoes, tank tops, jeans, and athletic sweat suits are examples of inappropriate attire.

Misc Supplies:

  • School supplies (three-ring binder, paper, pens, pencils, paper clips, index cards, tape, Post-it Notes®, stapler, etc.)
  • Personal printer is helpful but not required. Reading assignments are provided in electronic files and some students may have difficulty reading from their computer screens. The school does not print reading materials, class notes, etc.
  • Thumb Drive

You should have a working knowledge of Microsoft Windows® and Microsoft Office®. This includes Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Familiarization classes will be given on Microsoft Project® and unique Government software to students attending AATC.

If you have a physical profile, bring the documentation.

All Soldiers who are attending the AATC will receive a Service School Academic Evaluation Report (DA 1059) at the end of the course.

For further FAQs & information: Click Here

Noncommissioned officers (MOS 51C)

51C MOS Training

The 9-week transition consists of the following two courses – the Army Acquisition Transition Course (AATC) and the Army Contract Writing Lab (ACWL).

  • The Army Acquisition Transition Course (AATC), School Code 710H, Course ID FA51AATC. This eight-week course provides entry-level training in program management and contracting, intermediate level training in program management, training in contingency contracting and Procurement Desktop-Defense (PD2) Software and cost and pricing.
  • Army Acquisition Intermediate Contracting Course, School Code 701H, Course ID 8D-F49/551-F49 (MC) – This four-week course is designed to provide intermediate level training in contracting. This course will be taken after you have completed your current DAWIA Level I education in Contracting, have an associate’s degree or 60 semester credit hours (with a minimum of 24 semester hours in accounting, law, business, finance, contracts, purchasing, economics, industrial management, marketing, quantitative methods or organization management), and have a minimum of two years of operational contracting experience.

FA 51 Army officers

FA51 Training

The 8-week transition course consists of the following course – the Army Acquisition Transition Course (AATC).

  • The Army Acquisition Transition Course (AATC), School Code 710H, Course ID FA51AATC. This nine-week course provides entry-level training in program management and contracting, intermediate level training in program management, training in contingency contracting and Procurement Desktop-Defense (PD2) Software and cost and pricing.
  • FA51 Intermediate Qualification Course (IQC), School Code 701H, Course ID FA51 IQC – This three-week course provides more advanced acquisition-related education to officers who have completed at least one acquisition assignment. This course prepares you for more challenging acquisition assignments. The FA 51 IQC is the functional area specific follow-on to the core ILE which together with ILE satisfies the MEL-4 certification requirement.

****FA51s going to a program management assignment will attend 8 Weeks of initial training (AATC). FA51s going to a contracting assignment will attend 8 Weeks of initial training (AATC) as well as the follow on 1 week (ACWL)**

51C Officers Selected for Command:

  • 51C Pre-Command Course (KO PCC). School Code 701H, Course ID ALMC-PD – This one-week course is for all COLs and LTCs who have been designated through the CSL for command positions. It prepares selectees for command by providing a common understanding of current doctrine and providing both new and refresher training in selected functions and duties.
  • Army Acquisition Pre-Command Course (APCC). School Code 701H, Course ID ACQPCC – This one-week course is designed to equip all centrally-selected product managers and directors, contracting commanders, and acquisition directors preparing to assume command with knowledge and skills to effectively address a host of leadership challenges.