





LESSON Up Writing up a lesson learned for the ALLP is easy Is this lesson learned being

submitted following a program milestone or termination?

Input yes or no. If “Yes” is selected above, please indicate which program event occurred. Please refer to the Program Event worksheet for valid choices.

Lesson Learned Provide a concise, specific, actionable state-

ment that describes the knowledge you gained through this experience that can benefit other programs if shared and reapplied. (Limit 200 characters)

Background: Describe the events that you observed and/or the actions that you took and why.

Recommendation: Provide details regard- ing the benefits of the lesson learned and how it can be reapplied in the future to benefit other programs/organizations.


n many respects, the Center for Army Acquisition Les- sons Learned could not have made it easier to post a lesson learned. For most people, the biggest issue is assembling all of the documentation required. Ten there are two

ways to enter a lesson: You can type it directly into the portal or download the form. Upgrades that are in the works include simplifying the process for entering data directly into the por- tal’s form. Whether using the online form or the downloadable template, the information needed is identical and presented in essentially the same format.

Te template is in Microsoft Excel format (which may change in the future). Tat makes it easy for the folks reviewing and posting the lesson learned to import it into the portal’s data- base. Te spreadsheet has 10 tabs, the most important of which is the first, the ALL submission form.

Te form is simple, with instructions in each box. Many of the areas on the downloadable form are quite straightforward, such as “enter yes or no.” Te most important parts are the background, which describes the events that created the chal- lenge and how the program overcame the challenge; and the recommendation, which details the benefits of a lesson learned and how it might be applied in other areas. Tese areas are the real meat of lessons learned, and in many cases what those searching the database for solutions are looking for. Tat means it’s incumbent upon those entering lessons learned to write plainly and clearly.




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