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Barker, who served as PM for three years, received the Legion of Merit at the ceremony. He now serves as assistant PEO for Enterprise Informa- tion Systems. (U.S. Army photos by Patrick Ferraris, PEO Soldier)

1: CHANGE OF LEADERSHIP FOR AIR WARRIOR Lt. Col. Bryan Bogardus, second from right, received the colors of the Product Manager for Air Warrior from Jim Isaacs, deputy product manager, at a July 20 ceremony at the Marshall Space Flight Center at Redstone Arsenal. Col. Wayne Barker, left, then-PM for Soldier War- rior, led the ceremony and presented outgoing product manager Lt. Col. (P) John Maher, second from left, with the Meritorious Service Medal and the Bronze Medal of the Order of St. Michael.

The Product Manager for Air Warrior is assigned to PEO Soldier’s PM for Soldier Warrior. Bogardus comes to the organization from the Pentagon, where he served as a staff officer for the deputy assistant secretary of the Army for plans, programs and resources, and later as a DA System Coordinator. Maher is now with the U.S. Army Contracting Command at Redstone Arsenal. (U.S. Army photo by Russell Petcoff, PEO Soldier)

2: NEW ORGANIZATION FOR PEO SOLDIER PEO Soldier has created a new organization—the Assistant Program Executive Officer for Futures and Integration (APEO F&I)—designed to expand the organization’s ability to provide adaptive and respon- sive leap-ahead capability to U.S. land forces. APEO F&I is led by Col. Christopher Schneider, who also serves as PM for Soldier Sensors and Lasers.

The establishment of APEO F&I enables PEO Soldier to deliver integrat- ed squad capability to the close combat force, which supports the efforts of the Soldier Lethality Cross-Functional Team as well as other cross- functional teams whose work overlaps with the PEO Soldier portfolio.

APEO F&I is divided into four lines of effort and is making progress on several fronts. The integration team is working with the PM for Soldier Weapons to build interfaces for the Next Generation Squad Automatic Rifle. The innovation team is developing plans to bring together engi- neers, scientists and experts to work on multidimensional Soldier and squad equipment challenges. The performance team, in conjunction with the Maneuver Center of Excellence and the Joint Readiness Training Center, is planning initial assessments at Fort Polk, Louisiana, to inform future efforts and determine squad performance. The futures team is de- veloping a vision for the squad as an integrated platform.


Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley announced the follow- ing officer assignments:

Brig. Gen. Robert A. Rasch Jr., deputy program executive officer (PEO) for Missiles and Space, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, to PEO for Missiles and Space.

Col.(P) Christine A. Beeler to deputy commander, U.S. Army Con- tracting Command, Redstone Arsenal. She most recently served as dep- uty director of contracting, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Washington.


Army AL&T Magazine

October-December 2018

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