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Te United States has held a leading position in the development of quantum information science and associated technologies for many years. Te Army, recognizing the importance of the field to the future fight, has even boosted its baseline investments since 2015 to explore capabilities in ultra-secure communications and networks and dramatically to improve precision sensing and timekeeping.

Te United States, however, isn’t alone. Canada, Australia, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, the European Union, Singa- pore, Russia, North Korea and Japan have all invested heavily in research into quantum information science. China established a $10 billion national laboratory primarily targeting pre-eminence in quantum communications and successfully launched a quan- tum satellite in 2016. After the satellite program’s success, China began building a nationwide quantum network for impenetrable military communications and financial transactions.

Te House Science Committee recently announced plans for a 10-year National Quantum Initiative to increase America’s strate- gic focus on quantum information science. Tis effort will provide a greater degree of coordination between agencies, essential for successful capability development. Such a large initiative will depend on multiple investments and partnerships in academia, DOD labs and industry.

It’s important to understand the basic principles of quantum mechanics essential for information applications, as well as how quantum information science can enhance or establish certain technologies for the Army, including quantum cryptography and communication, quantum metrology (measurement) and sens- ing, and quantum computation and simulation.

THE BASICS FOR QUANTUM COMPUTING Tree of the most important concepts to understand in quan- tum mechanics are superposition, matter-wave duality and entanglement.

Superposition is the counterintuitive ability of a quantum entity, such as an electron, to be in two states, “0” and “1”, simulta- neously, such as the lowest energy level of an atom and its first excited state. However, the atomic state is only defined when it is measured: Until we “look” at the atom, it is in both states at once, with probabilities that can be manipulated with quantum operations. Such “quantum bits,” or qubits, are therefore unlike classical bits, which are in one state, either 0 or 1, whether we measure them or not. Quantum superposition is also at the heart of how the world’s most exquisite atomic clocks and magnetom- eters function.

Matter-wave duality – Light is often thought of as composed of discrete photons—particles—but simultaneously behaves like a wave, exhibiting interference like water waves. Remarkably, a particle with mass (atoms, etc.) can also interfere with its own path or movement, just like waves can. Tis nonintuitive prop- erty has led to “matter wave interferometers” for rotation sensing that could potentially outperform the best laser-based gyroscopes. (Gyroscopes can provide a reference for how an object is oriented in space, among other things, and airplanes and spacecraft use them to help maintain stability and to navigate.)


Complex quantum computers of the kind depicted in this concep- tual rendering are decades away, but quantum clocks and other applications of the knowledge that quantum mechanics has discov- ered could be in wide use much sooner. (Graphic by Getty Images)

Entanglement – Two or more qubits can further demonstrate differences from classical bits: Tey can be entangled such that a measurement on one instantaneously determines the outcome of the other. Such nonclassical correlations persist even over long distances, seeming to enable information transfer faster


Army AL&T Magazine

October-December 2018

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