What are Record Briefs?


There are a few types of Record Briefs, which are the official document of record of an individual’s education, training, experience, certification and acquisition assignment history: Acquisition Career Record Brief…

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What is DAWDA?


The Defense Acquisition Workforce Development Account was established in Section 852 of the 2008 National Defense Authorization. The fund permits the Department of Defense to recruit and hire, develop and…

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Who is the Army DACM?


The Army Director of Career Management, is the official appointed to assist The Army Acquisition Executive in managing the accession, training and education, and career development of the Army’s acquisition…

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What are Certifying Officials?


Certifying Officials (COs). Individuals responsible for reviewing, validating/revalidating, approving/disapproving, requests for certification in all acquisition functional area and levels, ensuring all mandatory requirements have been successfully met. These individuals are…

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What is Certification?


Certification is the process through which it is determined that an individual meets the mandatory education, experience, and training standards established for an Acquisition Functional Area (AFA) and to a…

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As the SRPE Rater (i.e. 1st level supervisor), I made an error in preparing the SRPE for one of my employees. The SRPE has not been signed by the Senior Rater, nor submitted to the RATED Employee. How do I go about making subsequent changes to the Rater Portion of the SRPE?


SRPEs may only be unlocked by the USAASC Army Director of Acquisition Career Management (DACM) Office administrators prior to signature and submission by the rated employee. All requests must be…

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