Who may apply for ATAP?


  Provided all eligibility requirements are met, ATAP welcomes: Army Acquisition Workforce Civilians Military Occupational Specialty 51C Noncommissioned Officers Technical appointment employees in designated STRLs, with exceptions as detailed in…

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I completed the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) curricula 522 / 815 / 816. How do I get credit for the Defense Acquisition University (DAU) courses associated with the degree?


Dept of Army will grant fulfillment credit for the DAU courses as identified in DACM memo at https://asc.army.mil/web/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/FA51-NPS-Fulfillment-27-February-2024.pdf. Graduates automatically receive fulfillment for curricula 522, 815, and 816 or certificates…

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