






LTG William T. Grisoli,


reappointment to the rank of lieutenant general and assignment as director of the Army Staff, Office of the Chief of Staff, U.S. Army, Washington, DC. He is currently serving as director, Office of Business Transformation in the Office of the Undersecretary of the Army.


Deputy to the CG, AMCOM Mary “Cathy” Dickens receives the Exceptional Civilian Service Award from Michael Hutchison, deputy to the ACC CG, on May 13 at Redstone Arsenal, AL. (Photo by Lauren Smith, AMCOM)

MG Alan R. Lynn, CG, U.S. Army Network Enterprise Technology Com- mand, Fort Huachuca, AZ, to vice director, Defense Information Systems Agency, Fort Meade, MD.

BG(P) Jonathan A. Maddux, deputy CG (DCG),

Dickens previously was the executive director of ACC-Redstone and was nom- inated for the award by MG Camille M. Nichols, ACC CG. Hutchison credited Dickens for overseeing the realignment of contracting duties under ACC-Redstone and ACC, increasing the ACC-Redstone talent pool and increasing training for its acquisition employees, while managing 900 acquisition personnel, $25 billion in contract awards in 2012 and $110 billion in active contracts.

“Tis award belongs to ACC-Redstone for providing the best global contracting support within DOD,” Dickens said.

“At ACC-Redstone, I’ve been blessed to work with a group of people who are truly patriots and will do whatever it takes to complete the mission.” At the ceremony, Dickens also received the Order of St. Michael from the Army Aviation Association of America (AAAA).

GENERAL OFFICER ANNOUNCEMENTS Chief of Staff of the Army GEN Raymond T. Odierno announced the following officer assignments:

support, Combined Security

Transition Command – Afghanistan, Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), to assistant military deputy to the ASA(ALT) Washington, DC.

MG Michael E. Williamson, assis- tant military deputy to the ASA(ALT), Washington, DC, to DCG, support, Combined

mand – Afghanistan, OEF.


the U.S. Army

Communications-Electronics Command (CECOM) and senior

commander of

Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG), MD, received the Military Leader of the Year award from the Association of Defense Communities during a ceremony June 13 in Washington, DC.

Ferrell was one of 10 people nation- wide who received awards from the association, a national membership orga- nization representing 200 communities, states and regions with a significant military presence. “Tis award recog- nizes an individual from the military

184 Army AL&T Magazine July–September 2013 DISTINGUISHED LEADER

APG Senior Commander MG Robert S. Ferrell, with his wife, Monique Ferrell, expresses his appreciation to the Association of Defense Communities after accepting the organization’s Military Leadership Award during a breakfast June 13 in Washington, DC. (Photo courtesy of CECOM)

whose outstanding leadership has been essential in building

and sustaining

partnerships with defense communities,” said Tim Ford, association CEO.

David Craig, county executive of Harford County, MD, next to APG, nominated Ferrell. “He has led a number of initia- tives to foster and continue to build the relationships between the installation and the local communities,” said Craig, who noted Ferrell’s emphasis on science, tech- nology, engineering and math education.

Ferrell also directed the first installa-

tionwide advance planning briefing for industry, a three-day event outlining business opportunities available in each of the installation’s five program areas.

Security Transition Com-

“I am incredibly humbled to receive this award,” Ferrell said. “It really reflects the hard work and support of our APG team members and the many dedicated com- munity leaders who, working together, make APG such a special place to live and to serve.”

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