







Medical logisticians are among the many different functional groups across the military that learn, through IMAC, how to interact effectively; others include lawyers, resource managers, combat developers, field medics, engineers, testers, bench scientists and statisticians. Here, U.S. Air Force Capt Amanda Davis, a medical logistics adviser with Medical Training Advisory Group, Regional Support Command Southwest, watches the transfer of a refrigerator into a warehouse during a supply offload at Camp Shorabak, Helmand province, Afghanistan, July 7, 2012. (Photo by Bill Putnam, Regional Support, NATO Training Mission – Afghanistan and Combined Security Transition Command – Afghanistan)




experience Te result of

in working on multifunctional teams, while helping members of the command to develop networks outside of their own organization.

Lawyers, resource managers, combat

developers, field medics, logisticians, engineers, testers, bench scientists, statis- ticians and a host of others learn how to interact effectively to develop and imple- ment a sound acquisition strategy. Many remain in contact even after the course is over. Each group learns more about the kinds of information the others need to better accomplish their jobs, and often they learn how to communicate better.

54 Army AL&T Magazine

this has been that


tists and PMs are far less hesitant to visit with their servicing contracting officer; logisticians are included far earlier in project planning; and the user com- munity is part of

the team, consulted

throughout technology and product development. Tis improved communi- cation is producing better requirements and acquisition strategies, and resulting in helping hands across the “valley of death” of acquisition.

For more information, contact the author at 301-619-3786 or Tomas.p.aeillo.

MR. TOM AEILLO is an associate vice president at BRTRC. He

currently pro-

vides acquisition management and policy consulting support to the USAMRMC’s principal assistant for acquisition,


project managers, and to various teams developing medical products

A retired Army artilleryman, Aeillo

for DOD. is

a 1979 graduate of the United States Military Academy and is Level III certi- fied in program management and in test and evaluation.

July–September 2013

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