In September 1996 a Process Action Team (PAT) was formed by the Secretary of Defense in response to Section 4308 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1996. The PAT was chartered to take full opportunity of this legislation and to develop solutions for many DoD acquisition workforce personnel issues. The team included managers from each of the Military Services and DoD Components, as well as subject-matter experts from civilian personnel and manpower. This team developed initiatives that, together, represent sweeping changes to the entire spectrum of human resource management for the DoD acquisition workforce. Several initiatives were designed to assist DoD acquisition activities in hiring and placing the best people to fulfill mission requirements. Others focused on developing, motivating, and equitably compensating employees based on their contribution to the mission. Initiatives to maintain organizational excellence were also developed. These initiatives were endorsed and accepted in total by the acquisition leadership.
The AcqDemo’s first Federal Register Notice was published on March 24, 1998. The second version was published ten months later on January 8, 1999. Several amendments to this document, which are available below, have occured since January of 1999.
On September 30, 1999, the first Contribution-based Compensation and Appraisal System (CCAS) rating cycle was completed with the General Pay Increase, Contribution Rating Increase and Contribution Award effective January 2, 2000. The program is now in its 6th cycle.
There are AcqDemo participants from all the Services, OUSD (AT&L), and the Defense Agencies.
- Federal Register Amendment October 4, 2006 NSPS Transition
- Federal Register Amendment July 1, 2002
- Federal Register Amendment Volume 67 – Number 79 April 24, 2002
- Federal Register Amendment Buy-In After Initial Implementation May 21, 2001
- Federal Register Amendment January 8, 1999
What is AcqDemo?
The DoD Civilian Acquisition Workforce Personnel Demonstration Project (AcqDemo) is a Congressionally-mandated project designed to show that the DoD Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (AT&L) workforce can be improved by providing employees with a flexible, responsive personnel system that rewards employee contribution and provides line managers with greater authority over personnel actions.
Why have a demonstration Project? In the coming years, the population of the DoD AT&L workforce is projected to decline. The AcqDemo is designed to attract, motivate, and retain high-quality acquisition, technology, and logistics professionals.
Who is covered by the AcqDemo? Acquisition professionals across DoD AT&L in all Services and Agencies are potentially eligible, as well as supporting personnel assigned to work directly with the AT&L workforce. There are currently over 5,000 total participants in the AcqDemo from the Services and OSD (AT&L).
For additional information on the Army implementation of this project please see/select the listed topics. If you have any questions on this demonstration project, please contact:
703-664-5610 – or – 703-664-5670
For additional information on the Acquisition Demonstration Project please visit these sites:
DOD Acquisition Demonstration Project Homepage
CCAS Business Rules Template
AcqDemo Employee Req for Grievance Template
AcqDemo Rating Official Recommendation for Grievance template
AcqDemo PPM Grievance Decision Template
AcqDemo Employee Req for Review and Final Decision Template
AcqDemo Final Review and Decision Template
AcqDemo Non-Disclosure Agreement PDF
ACDP Developmental Plan_(fill-in)
Pay Pool Feedback Form
Factor Descriptions
NH – Factors, Discriminators, Descriptors (Business Management/Technical Management Professional)
NJ – Factors, Discriminators, Descriptors (Technical Management Support)
NK – Factors, Discriminators, Descriptors (Administrative Support)
- 2024 Army CCAS Pay Pool Results
- 2023 Army CCAS Pay Pool Results
- 2022 Army CCAS Pay Pool Results
- 2021 Army CCAS Pay Pool Results
- 2020 Army CCAS Pay Pool Results
- 2019 Army CCAS Pay Pool Results
- 2018 Army CCAS Pay Pool Results
- 2017 Army CCAS Pay Pool Results
- 2016 Army CCAS Pay Pool Results
- 2020 FEVS: Army AcqDmo Results