I am required to be certified at the highest level for my position. Must I first obtain certification at the lower level?

NO. You only need to obtain the highest level certification. However, keep in mind that many of the courses required for the highest certification require completion of lower level prerequisite courses. You must complete the prerequisite courses but you are not required to actually obtain the certification at the lower levels. The certification requirements and the prerequisites for each course can be found in the DAU Interactive Catalog at


Can an employee grieve an executed SRPE, regardless of venue warranting the SRPE (i.e. during annual mandate, during CSL, etc.)

Yes, bargaining unit employees can grieve any personnel matter if not specifically excluded from the negotiated grievance procedure and this doesn’t appear to fit any of the subject matter exclusions IAW 5 USC 7121(c). Non-union employees may also grieve under the administrative grievance procedure.

SRPE-2 Q: Can an employee decline the completion of a SRPE, as we move to annual mandate?

The employee does not have a role in the completion of SRPE. The SRPE is completed by the employee’s rater and Senior Rater (SR).

What is a Senior Rater Potential Evaluation (SRPE)?

The SRPE is a tool to assess the potential of civilian acquisition professionals in the grades of GS-12 through GS-15/broadband equivalent level designated to perform in positions of greater responsibility and for selection into positions in designated senior leadership programs.  The SRPE is also a Talent Management (TM) tool enabling comparison of civilian grade/broadband structure with the incumbents in those positions. It is NOT a performance evaluation.

What is the actual purpose of the SRPE–only board reviews, or used in conjunction with appraisals?

As per SRPE Policy, dated 10 July 2015, Paragraphs 3a and 3b, the SRPE is not to be used in conjunction with the various performance appraisal systems. One use of the SRPE is a part of the application process for Centralized Selection List (CSL) boards, the competitive development group/army acquisition fellows (CDG/AAF) program, and certain senior service college (SSC) programs. The SRPE is also a Talent Management tool enabling comparison of civilian grade/broadband structure with the incumbents in those positions.

Can GS-11s request a SRPE?

The system will allow employees, at all grades, to have a SRPE; at the discretion of the rater and the SR.

Can SRPEs be used for promotions?

The SRPE is a tool to evaluate the potential of civilian employees in designated grades/broadbands to perform in positions of increased responsibility for selection into positions in designated senior leadership programs.

If a Selecting official, as part of a non-BQ selection process (i.e. promotion to a GS-14/equivalent position) wants to request a copy of an employee’s SRPE during interview process, is this acceptable?

SRPEs are designed to evaluate an employee’s potential, for Army Director Acquisition Career Management (DACM) specified selection boards, for specific leadership positions, and acquisition education/training opportunities.

Under SRPE Policy, Paragraph 4k, it explains the employee must have reported to the rater and SR for a minimum of 90 days. Under current evaluation systems, raters must be in this role for at least 120 days to be eligible to rate an employee, and the SR has no time limitations. What is the rationale for the 90 days?

The SRPE is not a performance evaluation system. 90 days is the minimum for the rater and SR. This provision has been in effect since the initial roll out of the SRPE in 2001. The first line supervisor has the ability, within the CAPPMIS system, to identify an alternate SR, within the same chain of command, to be the SR providing that he/she is senior in grade/position to the AAW member and has been in that position for 90 days.

What are the ramifications to the employee or rater if the SPRE is not completed as mandated in this policy?

As the requirement to complete the SPRE is imposed upon the raters and SRs, there is no imposed ramification to the AAW member. The annual SRPE completion compliancy will be reported quarterly to the Army DACM, along with the certification and CLP compliancy reports by Command/PEO. However the employee would miss out on an important feedback regarding their potential and future opportunities.

Guidance states that the SRPE will be placed in official personnel file? Is this the official personnel file (OPF) with the CPAC?

As per SRPE Policy, dated 10 July 2015, Paragraph 4f, if the AAW wishes to place a copy of the SRPE in their own OPF, they would need to take action and coordinate with their servicing CPAC.

None of my GS14s or GS13s are bargaining unit employees. Please confirm that this new policy does not go into effect for GS12s until October 2017.

Raters are required to include GS-12s, to include BB equivalents, beginning October 2017, assuming all local bargaining unit obligations are met.

If I have over 10 years of active federal service, can I still get a waiver?

You may apply for a Time in Service (TIS) Waiver not to exceed 14 years, 0 months at the time of the selection board panel. The Time in Service is calculated by the reclassification board date in which you are applying. The Director of Acquisition Career Management (DACM) scrutinizes TIS waivers. Therefore, you must ensure that you follow (to the letter) the instructions provided to you for packet submission.


If my GT score is less than 110, can I get a waiver?

No. You must have a GT score of 110 or higher. There are no waivers.


Do I need 24 hours of business or a Bachelor’s degree to apply for the MOS?

No, you do not. However, you will need to complete both your Bachelor’s degree and 24 business hours within 24 months of becoming a 51C. It is for this reason; we consider your civilian education as a selection consideration.


How long does it take to get a training seat?

It will typically take 6 to 9 months to get a training seat. This will depend on the Soldiers situation; pending deployment, DEROS, how long they have been at their current duty station, or special assignment. If your Soldier is selected, and they still do not have a training seat at the 9-month mark, please get in contact with the 51C proponent office immediately!


Do I get ALC credit for attending training?

Yes. According to the SMAPP MILPER message, NCOs must complete DLC online common core for Phase 1 credit. NCOs will receive Phase 2 credit upon completion of the Army Acquisition Professionals Course (AAPC).

Do I need to take the common core class if I took ALC in my previous MOS?

No. You will not need to retake the common core class. However, you will still need to complete the Army Acquisition Professionals Course (AAPC) for MOS conversion to 51C.


Do I need the last four years of NCOERS?

If you do not have enough rated time to provide 4 years of evaluations, you must provide what you have, to include any DA 1059s (AERs) you received from any NCOES you have attended. An absolute minimum of 18 months as an NCO is required for reclassification consideration. Your current senior rater in a memorandum for record must address any gaps in rated time, to include time between the last NCOER/AER and the Accession Panel Date.

Can a solider submit a packet if he/she is on assignment?

No. if the Soldier Record Brief (SRB) indicates the Soldier is on assignment, he/she will need to contact their branch manager and either ask for removal of the assignment, or the branch manager needs to provide a memorandum stating the Soldier will be removed from assignment if he/she is selected for MOS 51C.

Do I have to reenlist when I complete training as a 51C to meet the service remaining requirement?

If you are in the current reenlistment window, you have to reenlist to fulfill the 5 year Service Remaining Requirement (SRR) for MOS 51C; this must be done BEFORE school attendance in accordance with AR 614-200. Once you have completed the Army Acquisition Professionals Course (AAPC), if available or offered, you may be eligible for the MOS Conversion Bonus.

Do I have to reenlist to submit a packet?

No, you do not have to reenlist in order to submit a packet. However, you will be required to reenlist prior to attending the Army Acquisition Professionals Course (AAPC).


I am National Guard/Army Reserves/ or another military service interested in joining the Active Army component, do I qualify?

No, MOS 51C is not an initial entry MOS. Therefore, you cannot directly come into the Army as a 51C.


Do I need to have the DAWIA training completed to apply for the MOS?

No, there is no need for Soldiers to complete any DAWIA training, online or otherwise. Soldiers will receive credit for their required DAWIA training upon completion of the Army Acquisition Professionals Course (AAPC) at the Army Acquisition Center of Excellence (AACoE) in Huntsville, Alabama.

What if I have a profile?

If your PULHES is 222222 or less, you may apply. However, you will be required to submit a current copy of your profile. You must be worldwide deployable, and you must be able to carry 40 pounds regularly and 80 pounds occasionally. If there is a “3” anywhere in your PULHES, you do not qualify.


If I have something derogatory in my record, can I still apply or is there a waiver?

No. If you have any derogatory information in your records, you do not qualify. As part of your packet, you must submit a signed memorandum stating you have no derogatory information in your file. Furthermore, we will check your records to verify. If any information is found, your packet will be pulled immediately.


I do not have a LTC/O-5 for my letter of recommendation. Can I still apply?

Yes, you can still apply! Have a Major/O-4 or acting commander sign your letter of recommendation. Be sure to include a copy of the acting commanders “assumption of command” orders with the letter. If you do not work for an officer in a command position, please contact the proponent office for additional guidance.


Does my LTC/O-5 need to sign my DA 4187?

No. Your company commander can sign the 4187.

Can I resubmit my packet for a second board review if I’m not selected the first time?

Yes, you can resubmit your packet if you are not selected on your first try. However, we suggest you resubmit your packet as if you are submitting it for the first time. Meaning, we want you scrutinize your packet as if you missed something (act as if you are updating your records for the promotion board). Resubmitted packets should demonstrate improvements in performance, education, awards, etc. Ensure you follow the same procedures outlined in the instructions for packet submission and that your documents reflect the most current dates.


After an active duty Soldier is selected, do they then wait for a class date or take the online classes and then attend class?

Soldiers should wait for their class date. They will get credit and a better understanding of contracting at the Army Acquisition Professionals Course (AAPC) in Huntsville, Alabama.


For the E-5 Soldiers, what happens as far as the promotion, is it after the class and the Soldier has been awarded the new MOS?

Upon completion of the Army Acquisition Professionals Course (AAPC), Soldiers in the grade of E-5 (Sergeant) are promoted to Staff Sergeant normally within 30 to 60 days after their arrival to their follow-on assignment.


Will the results of this evaluation help determine training and promotion opportunities for acquisition professionals?

An open dialogue among the AAW member, rater and SR is strongly encouraged, and suggested for utilization during the IDP development/update process.

Under Policy Paragraph 4, can you explain the methodology used in determining the order of the defined phases? Also, why aren’t the GS14s and GS15s phasing in at the same time?

The NH-IVs will be converted to GS equivalency in the SRPE system, using demo conversion rules, step 4, for SRPE implementation purposes. The GS14 equivalents will go in first (as they are the largest population competing for most BQs and talent management opportunities) followed by the GS13 equivalents (the future BQs etc.)….This phased approach ensures the right people enter first, followed by the remaining AAAW, and to ensure the SRs are subject to an overwhelming workload during initial transition.

Because these are going to be annual evaluations of potential, can the SR potentially change the evaluations of potential determinations of past and current personnel to adjust how they have allocated their evaluation of potential to the 4 rating types?

Once the evaluations of potential are deemed final in the system (7 days after completion and submission) they cannot be modified/changed.

Will current SR SRPEs override prior annual SR SRPEs?

All completed/annual SRPEs are stand alone and remain in the system.

Should we advise SR’s to be careful to not give the Exceptional Potential rating unless they have a real superstar for an employee because this stays with them throughout their career as a SR?

SRs need to be cognizant of the 50% profile rule and ensure they assign their evaluations of potential accordingly.

As this is an evaluation of potential for civilians, I am surprised that the Senior Executive Service (SES) Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs) are not a part of the evaluation. Is this something that SRs are advised to consider?

During the initial implementation of the SRPE in 2001, SES ECQs were considered. It was determined that in order to mirror the military evaluation report, those competencies would NOT be utilized for the SRPE. However, rater and SR comments relative to the achievement/demonstration of SES ECQs, would speak very loudly about the AAW’s potential for positions of higher grade, requirement, etc., and would not discourage that approach.

Are individuals typically involved (or recommended to be) in the SRPE process? After implementation, I plan to schedule meetings with my rater and senior rater to discuss my potential. I would imagine the process is time consuming and now the rater/senior rater’s number of evaluations is increasing.

An open dialogue between the AAW member, rater and SR is strongly encouraged, and suggested during the IDP development/update process and prior to completion of the SRPE. While it will take some time, these conversations are imperative to AAW career development. And while initially, the process may be time consuming, once the SRPE becomes a part of civilian’s documentation, it will not seem cumbersome.

This sounds like a process for identifying acquisition professionals who appear to be candidates for promotion. Is that correct?

The SPRE is a tool to evaluate the potential of civilian employees in designated grades/broadbands to perform in positions of increased responsibility or for selection into positions in designated senior leadership programs. For example, positions subject to the Army Acquisition Corps (AAC) Centralized Selection List (CSL) boards as well as for the Competitive Development Group/Army Acquisition Fellowship (CDG/AFF and the Defense Acquisition University – Senior Service College Fellowship (DAU-SSCF) program boards. It should help identify if you are on-track for the future positions you aspire to, or to identify positions to help you get to where you aspire to be.

Can an SES be the rater and senior rater for an employee, or is the SES’s supervisor the senior rater? Also, can a senior rater be a non-acquisition employee?

SRPE Policy, dated 10July2015, Paragraph 4m, defines the SR to be the rater/supervisor, of the employee’s rater. Yes, the rater and/or the SR may be designated non-acquisition workforce.

The SRPE form mentions that an employee may file a reclama. However, the policy does not mention who hears the reclama, or how the responding official responds to the employee’s reclama. Also, if the decision is made to change the potential, who makes the system change and how does this play into the less than 50% mandate?

This provision is a new to the SRPE process, as requested by Army Office of General Counsel (OGC). Essentially, the SRPE remains in the CAMP/CAPPMIS system until such time as the AAW member applies for one of the BQ positions/acquisition leader development opportunities (i.e. CSL Board, CDG/AAF and some SSCs). The SRPE would be submitted by the AAW to the Selection Board, as part of their application process. If the AAW member did not concur with the SRPE that was prepared, he/she would “click” Reclama and upload a Memorandum For Record (MFR) which would indicate his/her non-concurrence, with reason. It would not change the rating/profile of the SR, it would simply enable the board to review disputing comments during their review process.

The policy mentions that a copy of the SRPE may be placed in the employees’ OPF, but performance appraisals are no longer filed in the OPF. Will a separate file be created to house the SRPE within the OPF?

If the AAW member is not applying for one of the aforementioned opportunities, the SRPE simply remains in the CAMP/CAPPMIS system. If an AAW member, wishes to place a copy of his/her SRPE into their OPF, they would need to print a hard copy and coordinate that transmission with their servicing CPAC. The CAMP/CAPPMIS System, as well as the embedded SRPE application, is stand alone in this regard.

Phase 1 – for broadband equivalents – what is the rule? Our demo project, says to use the highest grade in the pay band; however, if they are a new GS-13/14 pay band at an equivalent GS-13, step 1, I’m not sure that is fair. Should we use salary or the pay band rules?

Broadband equivalency is based on pay band rules and salary (aka Step 4 Rule), please refer to the SRPE Guidance, dated 10 July 2015, Enclosure.

Are these ratings correlated with CCAS or other personnel appraisal systems?

No, the SRPE is not related to any performance appraisal system.

Can the employee receive a copy of the completed SRPE during the 7 day waiting period?

During the 7 day waiting period, the SR has the option to provide the employee with a copy of the completed SRPE.

Why does phase 1 only include GS-14 or equiv. and not GS-15s? I assume, but need to validate, GS-15s are already at the top of what we can control, to move up they will go to SES boards, etc.?

The purpose of the phased approach to mandate is to ensure that the raters and SRs are not overwhelmed with a new process/procedure applicable to so many all at once. The GS14 population was targeted simply because they are the traditional (not exclusive) applicants for the BQ boards. All others are not prohibited from completing this cycle, regardless of board application intent, they are simply not required unless applying for a BQ board.

Do we need to gain approval from our individual Unions or is USAASC still working this?

Prior to policy signature, national union consultation occurred, and comments were cleared by the USAASC Army DACM Office. The policy and guidance are now effective for all non- bargaining unit AAW employees at the GS12 and above levels (to include bb equivalents). The policy and guidance documents have been provided by the Army G1 Labor Division to the various Civilian Personnel Advisory Centers (CPACs) for coordination with the local unions, enabling the commencement of bargaining unit obligations. Once those individual bargaining unit obligations have been met, those BU employees are then subject to the mandate.

Who is the SR for matrixed personnel supporting another organization (i.e. Program Executive Offices (PEOs))?

The Parent organization will complete the SRPE on their matrixed acquisition employees. However, the Matrix organization supervisor can provide recommended SPRE comments to the SR of the Parent organization. The IDP Supervisor (Parent organization) will initiate the SRPE request to their Rater (Parent organization) to complete the SRPE. There will have to be some coordination amongst the supervisors from the Parent and Matrix organization.

If the SR is incorrect, how does the supervisor change the name of the SR to reflect the correct name?

Supervisors can change an employee’s SR when they initiate the SRPE Request in the supervisor’s module of the IDP. Click the “select a different Senior Rater” link to change the SR.

If a SR is departing in December, and the new SR starts in January, who should complete the SRPE?

When possible, the departing SR should rate early, so the employee is not disadvantaged by not having 90 days under the new SR.

A group of people require SRPEs, the SR has left and will probably be unwilling/unable to rate the employees. Would they wait for the 90 days to be rated by the new SR, which would make them past the due date or just use another supervisor/rater that works in the organization?

They would wait 90 days. 

Is there a minimum time a rater/senior rater should be in the position in order to rate you? In my personal experience, I have had a few supervisors with less than 90 days on the job, but rating me in CCAS, which I have mixed feelings about. When possible, due to the purpose and longevity of these evaluations, rater/senior raters should be in an individual’s chain of command for 6 months before rating individuals.

90 days is the minimum for the rater and SR. This policy has been in effect since the initial roll out of the SRPE in 2001. The 1st line supervisor, however, has the ability, within the CAPPMIS system, to identify an alternate senior rater within the same chain of command to be the senior rater providing that he/she is senior in grade/position to the AAW member and has been in that position for 90 days.

Is the SPRE completed 1 Oct no matter what the employee’s rating cycle is?

As the SRPE is not tied to the performance appraisal process, the SRPE cycle is fiscal year, for all AAW.

The date these evaluations are due is unclear. Is the window open 1 Oct – 31 December?

The SRPE mandate commences this FY with the evaluation period ending 30 September. The rater and SR will have a total of 90 days from the end of the FY (1 Oct-31 Dec) to complete the SRPE, otherwise they will be considered delinquent. The annual SRPE submission process will provide email reminders of the 90 day timeline to mandated raters and SRs to ensure compliancy.

Does the period for the SRPE have to be 1 Oct – 30 Sep or can it be any period in that time longer than 4 months. In other words, does it have to be a 1 year period? And, does it have to be the FY? Our rating cycle runs 1 July – 30 Jun and for the rater’s sake, I would like to marry these up.

The cycle needs to remain fiscal year, and must occur within 90 days. This is to ensure consistency across the acquisition enterprise. There are situations that may arise that allow for deviation (out of cycle) and they can be found in the SRPE Policy, dated 10 July 2015, Paragraph 4j.

Under the DOD Civilian Acq WF PDP, for phase I, do NH IVs count, since the rules say use the highest grade level, which is a GS-15 equivalent. I would assume all of NH-IVs fall into Phase IV?

The phases are designed/driven by general schedule grades, with GS14s (and their BB equivalents – not the entire broadband) effective October 2015. GS15s (and their BB equivalents) are mandated in Phase IV (Oct 2018). SRPE Policy, dated 10 July 2015, Paragraph 4a1-4.

When the SR is in the process of completing the SRPE form, there is an entry that states “I currently rate ___ employees in this grade/pay grade”. How is this number computed?

When the SR is ready to finalize his/her SRPE form for an employee, the system will prompt the SR to input the accurate and total number he/she senior rates at the same grade level, to include broadband equivalents.

Why do some employees, in the IDP module, show “Request a SRPE” and others do not? 

Initially, the IDP/SRPE database was set up to show all GS-12s/Equivalents and above as needing a SRPE.  However, all AAW members are eligible for a SRPE, if the supervisor so desires.  Just click on the words “SRPE Not Required” and it will take you to the same link as if you clicked on “SRPE Required”.

Do boards have access to the profile of SR’s percentages?

Many indicated they would like to see it printed on the form.  The SRPE Software has this capability, if designated as a BQ board requirement.  However, the SRPE form has been modified to include the total ratings performed by one SR and of that total how many were given to that particular employee. This is displayed in the lower left hand corner, above the Potential Mass Range.

An email notification was sent to an employee upon completion of SRPE application, but the employee is unable to review the SRPE in the system. Why?

The system automatically notifies the employee upon completion of a SRPE. At such time, the employees will only be allowed to view the status of the SRPE and not the completed electronic AAC Form 1’s or Profiles. However, 7 days after initial notification of completion, the employee will be able to view the completed SRPE online within their SRPE, Employee Module.

Will there be a profile reset?

No. There is no profile reset.

How long does a SRPE stay in CAPPMIS? For example, when a new SRPE is created, is the old one moved to history, or deleted?

SRPES remain in CAPPMIS for an indeterminate amount of time. SRPEs are not deleted.

Who will be able to access these documents?

Only the AAW member, his/her rater, and his/her senior rater (SR). If an AAW member elects to apply for a best qualified board or an acquisition leadership opportunity which requires a SRPE, then the AAW member will take action to submit the SRPE or SRPE’s along with the other required documentation involved in the application process and will be seen by board members only.

Will employees get a chance to see how they are evaluated under this process?

The SPRE is an automated module within the career acquisition management portal (camp)/career acquisition personnel & position management information system (CAPPMIS) and may be accessed here: Completed SRPEs may be downloaded, at the employee’s discretion 7 days following completion of the SRPE in the CAPPMIA system.

How do we, as a command, quality check the SRPEs?

Each Organization’s Acquisition Point of Contact (OAP) can review the compliancy of their organization, using the SRPE reporting feature within CAPPMIS.

Once the SRPE is completed by the SR can corrections be made?

Corrections can only be made within the first 7 days following the finalization of the SRPE. Coordination with the SRPE system administration would be required to “unlock” the SRPE for this purpose. Guidance on same, will be included in the SRPE user manuals, which will be posted in the CAPPMIS/SRPE system.

Will USAASC/Army DACM Office develop a report in CAPPMIS to assist OAPs with this policy?

The USAASC Army DACM office is developing user manuals to help AAW members, their raters, and their SRs comply with the annual mandate. Additionally, the system will send email blasts to all those required to have a SRPE, along with their rating chain to help manage compliancy, with periodic reminders. Within CAPPMIS – reports – acq specific reports, OAPs can query AAW that are subject to the annual mandate.

I understand about the SPRE user manuals; will face-to-face trainers be available if requested by organizations?

Subject to the availability of resources, requests for face-to-face trainers can be considered. Utilization of desktop sharing capability can also be explored, to help train organizations, if onsite training is not available.

As the SRPE Rater (i.e. 1st level supervisor), I made an error in preparing the SRPE for one of my employees. The SRPE has not been signed by the Senior Rater, nor submitted to the RATED Employee. How do I go about making subsequent changes to the Rater Portion of the SRPE?

SRPEs may only be unlocked by the USAASC Army Director of Acquisition Career Management (DACM) Office administrators prior to signature and submission by the rated employee. All requests must be submitted by the rater/senior rater on a Help Request ticket, via the Help Request link,, located in CAPPMIS. In the help request ticket, please include the name of the PEO/Command, the name of the rated employee and the justification/reason for the SRPE Unlock Request. All Help Request Tickets will then be sent to the Army DACM office administrators for disposition.

I have made an error in preparing the SRPE for one of my employees. How do I go about making changes after the SRPE has been deemed final, and subsequently “locked” from enabling additional updates?

After an employee signs and submits their SRPE or after the seven (7) day wait period ends, SRPEs may not be unlocked without the written approval of the Deputy DACM (DDACM). All unlock requests must be submitted in writing and uploaded as an attachment via the Help Request link, In the Unlock SRPE Request, please include the name of the PEO/Command, the name of the rated employee, and the justification/reason for the SRPE Unlock Request. The unlock SRPE request will be routed to the Army DDACM for approval/disapproval.

Our organization will not be able to reach 100% compliance with the SRPE Phased implementation suspense dates; how do we apply for an exception/extension?

The Army DACM office may, on a case by case basis, allow an extension to the phased implementation suspense dates. All requests must be submitted in writing, via the Help Request link,, located in CAPPMIS. In the help request ticket, please include the name of the PEO/Command and the justification/reason for the extension request.

I may not be able to complete all of the required SRPE’s by the mandated phased implementation suspense dates; will the SRPE system lock me out?

No. The SRPE system will continue to allow you to complete SRPEs for AAW members.

I am an Organizational Point of Contact (OAP), and when I review the SRPE Impact Reports for my organization, I see that the Senior Rater is still identified as the IDP Senior Rater, and does not reflect the change the Rater has made to the Senior Rater designation.

The SRPE report pulled by OAPs will always show the IDP Rater and the IDP Senior Rater as defaults even if the Rater changed the Senior Rater in the SRPE System. Our current SRPE System was developed to coincide with the Army DACM SRPE policy signed on 10 July 2015. Future OAP reports will be expanded to show the IDP SR designation and any subsequent changes made to the SR in the SRPE System.

I am an Army Acquisition Workforce (AAW) member, and part of a local bargaining union (BU). When will I be mandated to have an annual SRPE?

IAW Army DACM SRPE policy, signed 10 July 2015, BU employees will be subject to the SRPE mandate IAW with the identified phases, and upon completion of all local BU obligations. As a result, as each Regional Civilian Personnel Operations Centers (CPOC) concludes bargaining, those BU AAW members will be phased in. It is anticipated that the Phase 1 BUs, will commence mandate as of 15 January 2016. Each AAW member, their rater and senior rater will be notified of their personal mandate, via email.

I am not a member of the Army Acquisition Workforce (AAW), may I request a SRPE?

The mission of the Army DACM Office is to provide support to AAW members, IAW the Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA). Therefore, only AAW members are identified in the Career Acquisition Management
Portal (CAMP) with access to the various system portals (i.e., SRPE)

Does the SRPE policy apply to rehired annuitants?

The SRPE policy, applies to all civilian members of the Army Acquisition Workforce, with career appointments, at the GS12 and above levels, to include broadband equivalents.

I am about to leave my current position, but we are not in a current SRPE annual reporting cycle. What should I do?

If you are an Army Acquisition Workforce member, and plan to depart your current position in the July-September timeframe, you should request a Close Out SRPE from your current Rater and Senior Rater. This will ensure that your Annual SRPE cycle remains intact. Your Rater will need to modify the annual default dates, to identify a new end date for the Annual SRPE.

Can the SRPE be utilized as part of the application process for local training and/or developmental opportunities?

Yes, Army Acquisition Workforce organizations may utilize the SRPE for training opportunities, provided the organization provides a correlation of need between the SRPE and the specified selection process, for the particular training/developmental opportunity. Please note, however, that the Army Acquisition Workforce member applying would need to print and submit a hard copy SRPE, as part of the application process. Non-AAW members are not able to request/receive a SRPE.

Are Senior Rater profiles published and/or made available?

No. Individual SR profiles are NOT published or made available to anyone but the SR and his/her delegate.

How does the Supervisor or the Senior Rater handle doing a SRPE on a person who is deployed during the rating period. Does a SRPE still get done on this person?

Yes a SRPE is still required for a deployed employee. The SRPE is automated and available to the Rater, Senior Rater and Employee within CAMP/CAPPMIS. The Rater and Senior Rater of the deployed employee can still complete a SRPE as long as they meet the 90/120 rule. The deployed employee must be under under the designated Rater and Senior Rater a minimum of 90 days, and occupy the Acquisition position a minimum of 120 days. The Supervisor (Rater) or Senior Rater identified on the employee’s IDP can change to the appropriate Senior Rater. The AAW member will be disadvantaged if a SRPE is not completed on him/her and may affect their eligibility for future boards requiring SRPE.

Where may the Senior Rater view suggested comments for utilization in preparation of the SRPE?

The Army DACM Office is unable to provide sample comments for this purpose. However, as a result of After Action Reviews of prior best-qualified boards, a SRPE Comments Guide has been prepared. It is imperative that SRs understand the SRPE’s purpose and use language that will accurately and effectively convey the employee’s leadership potential. It is recommended that raters and SRs address the following elements in the comments section of the SRPE: Enumeration; Potential or Promotion Potential; Schooling/Leadership Developmental Opportunities and Leadership Potential. You may access the SRPE Comments guide here:

I received an automated email from USAASCCAMP.SRPE stating that I’m required to have my SRPE completed for FY16. I started work for the Army Sept. 18, 2016. My SRPE tab in CAMP shows my start date as of Oct. 1, 2015. I believe this is in error.

The SRPE system does not differentiate between start dates for AAW members, it simply identifies your current AAW status and Grade Equivalency when determining your personal status under the DACM SRPE Policy. To be rated, the employee must have been in the AAW position a minimum of 120 days and under the Rater and Senior Rater for a minimum of 90 days. As a result, if you believe that you do not meet the 90/120 rule and your ACRB verifies same, please ensure your Rater notifies your Organizational Acquisition Point of Contact who will keep an internal Command/PEO response and coordinate same with the Army DACM Office. This action will ensure the Army DACM’s compliancy reports are updated and reflect the corresponding status by AAW name.

I noticed that a SRPE was started, but never completed for the prior potential evaluation cycle. What action is necessary, at this point?

When each new cycle starts, no action is necessary nor permissible on any prior cycle SRPEs. The incomplete SRPE will remain in the CAPPMIS System, as it appears. SRPE Compliancy for the new cycle will not be impeded by the prior cycle’s status.

My Senior Rater was changed during the last SRPE Cycle. Who is my Senior Rater for the current SRPE cycle?

Each year the SRPE System will reset. Meaning, the SRPE cycle will restart, and any prior SRPEs will be deemed historical. Resulting, your rating chain for SRPE compliancy will once again be consistent with your IDP rating chain: Workforce Member, AAW Member’s Rater, that Rater’s Rater. If omissions exist or corrections are needed, the AAW member’s Rater and/or Senior Rater may take corrective action measures in accordance with the SRPE Rater’s Manual.

Where can I find additional training and information on the annual SRPE?

The Army DACM Office has made numerous visits to the field, providing training to AAW members, Rater and Senior Raters at the request of many Commands and PEOs. In addition to the dedicated SRPE site:, which contains the policy, guidance and user manuals, the Army DACM office is in the process of preparing instructional videos on the SRPE Policy as well as Procedures. You may view the first SRPE Socialization video here:

What is an Acquisition Career Management Advocate?

Acquisition Career Management Advocates (ACMAs). A senior level Acquisition Corps member, chartered by the Director of Acquisition Career Management (DACM) and/or Deputy Director of Acquisition Career Management (DDACM), located throughout areas where there are large concentrations of workforce members to serve as an advocate for the Army Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology (AL&T) Workforce.

What is Certification?

Certification is the process through which it is determined that an individual meets the mandatory education, experience, and training standards established for an Acquisition Functional Area (AFA) and to a specific Acquisition Functional Area Foundational/Professional, Practitioner and Advanced in effect at the time of request for certification. Certification is granted when a designated AFA Certifying Official (CO) validates, by signature, on the official document of record that the mandatory AFA standards for certification have been met.

What are Certifying Officials?

Certifying Officials (COs). Individuals responsible for reviewing, validating/revalidating, approving/disapproving, requests for certification in all acquisition functional area and levels, ensuring all mandatory requirements have been successfully met. These individuals are designated by the Army DACM office with support by the Functional Chief Representative to review, approve and disapprove certification requests in 7 FAs.

, I no longer work for the Department of Army. How can I obtain a copy of my Acquisition Career Record Brief (ACRB) or Certifications?

(1) If you still have a valid CAC, you can log into the Career Acquisition Management Portal (CAMP)( and access the Career Acquisition Management Personnel and Positions Information System (CAPPMIS).  In CAPPMIS, click on the “ACRB” tab which provides links to print your ACRB and Certifications.

(2) If you do not have a valid CAC or cannot access CAMP, you may request a copy of your ACRB and/or Certifications by submitting a help desk ticket through CAMP at

aac cert
Who is the Army DACM?

The Army Director of Career Management, is the official appointed to assist The Army Acquisition Executive in managing the accession, training and education, and career development of the Army’s acquisition workforce. The Army DACM Office works directly with the Defense Acquisition University (DAU), the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Acquisition), the Undersecretary of Defense (Acquisition and Sustainment) (USD A&S), and the USD A&S Human Capital Initiatives (HCI) Office to enable acquisition workforce initiatives and to serve as advocates for the AAW.

What is DAWDA?

The Defense Acquisition Workforce Development Account was established in Section 852 of the 2008 National Defense Authorization. The fund permits the Department of Defense to recruit and hire, develop and train, and retain its Acquisition workforce. The U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center DACM Office is responsible for identifying the Army’s DAWDA initiatives in support of the Army Acquisition Executives strategic objectives and Better Buying Power.

What is a Component Acquisition Executive?

A Component Acquisition Executive (CAE) is the Service Acquisition Executive of a Military Department or the person designated to be the CAE by the Head of a DoD Component other than a Military Department.

What is a Contracting Officer?

A Contracting Officer is a person with the authority to enter into, administer, and/or terminate contracts and make related determinations and findings.

What is the Workforce Education, Training, and Career Development Program?

The Army Acquisition Workforce Education and Training Program includes the structure, resources, policies, and procedures to enable the AAW to achieve the competencies required to perform the duties and responsibilities as required by Army Acquisition positions and to promote integrated Army Acquisition Workforce management.

What are Functional Advisors?

Functional Advisors (FAs) are senior DoD officials who serve as the subject matter expert for their respective functional area for oversight and management of career development requirements.

What is a Senior Contracting Official?

A Senior Contracting Official is a director of contracting, or a principal deputy to a director of contracting, serving in the office of the Secretary of a Military Department, the headquarters of a Military Department, the Head of a Defense Agency, a subordinate command headquarters, or in a major systems or logistics contracting activity in the Department of Defense.

What are Record Briefs?

There are a few types of Record Briefs, which are the official document of record of an individual’s education, training, experience, certification and acquisition assignment history: Acquisition Career Record Brief (ACRB). Officer Record Brief (ORB), Enlisted Record Brief (ERB), and Army Reserve Acquisition Corps Management Information System (ARACMIS)

What are Functional Representatives?

Acquisition Functional Representatives. Serve as the decision authority for certifications and appeals, as indicated in the DA Certification Policy and Procedures.

I have a reservation for a DAU resident (classroom) course. When will I receive course information?

DAU resident course Welcome emails will be sent 60 days prior to the course start date or 24 hours after you receive a reservation for a class starting in less than 60 days. A follow up reminder Welcome email will be sent 2 weeks prior to your class start date. If you have not received a Welcome email within these timeframes, please contact the DAU Help Desk directly at or call 1-866-568-6924 (toll free), DSN 655-3459 or Commercial 703-805-3459.

The DAU Centrally funded Line of Accounting was already placed on my DTS orders; however, my orders were cancelled. How can I get the Line of Accounting placed back on my new DTS orders?

Send an email to

I did not successfully complete a distance learning DAU course and need to re-apply for the course but the system is not allowing me to reapply?

Please wait 48 hours from your unsuccessful attempt to re-apply to same course. If you continue to run into issues with reapplying for the distance learning course, capture the error you are getting and provide this information to the DAU helpdesk directly at or call 1-866-568-6924 (toll free), DSN 655-3459 or Commercial 703-805-3459

Does DAU fund my local travel to a DAU course?

No, effective 12 August 2013, we no longer fund local travel. Your Command/Unit is responsible for any local mileage cost incurred to attend a DAU course. This applies regardless of your training priority.

When applying for DAU resident course, why are some class offerings listed in red font?

The courses listed in red font are full with waits. Recommend you select a course that is not listed in red, with available seats.

How does the system determine my cost effective location(s)?


The cost effective location (CEL) is a moving target. It is dynamic and will be different depending on the availability of seats at the time the student applies to the course. The CEL takes the zip code from the student home and work address to compute the distance to the course location. The lowest TDY cost location(s) with available seats are displayed with a “C” next to the location.


How do I dis-enroll or cancel an on-line DAU course?

Login to your Virtual Campus account at and select the “Withdraw” button next to the enrollment you wish to cancel. A confirmation window will appear asking if you are sure you want to withdraw from the course. Selecting “Yes” will cancel your enrollment. No penalty will be applied for dropping an online course.”


My application for a DAU course was disapproved because I have not completed the prerequisite course. However, I was certified a few years ago and met the training required at that time. Can this prerequisite be waived?

Acquisition employees may submit a request for a prerequisite waiver through a Help Request at In your
Request, you must include the number of years of experience you have in the career field, the certification level you achieved, and the DAU courses you completed. The Chief, Workforce Support (WS) Division, US Army Acquisition Support Center (USAASC) will review your request based on your individual circumstances and either approve or disapprove your request.

Prerequisite waiver requests from non-acquisition employees will not be granted.

I accidentally cancelled my DAU course reservation. I want to attend the course. How can I retrieve the cancellation request?

To request your cancellation be disapproved, please submit your request via the Acquisition Career Management Portal on fuseaction=support.helpRequest .


What are the guidelines for use of ATAP funding?


ATAP is centrally funded by the DACM Office for eligible AAW civilians and MOS 51C NCOs. Funding required above the established funding limit is the responsibility of each participant and/or their organization. The DACM Office’s ATAP funds will not be used to reimburse expenses incurred by the participant or another organization above the established funding limit.  Participants are required to provide grades for courses funded by the ATAP no later than two weeks after the course ending date.


How do I apply for fulfillment of DAU courses?

The DoD offers a set of competencies for course fulfillment. Fulfillment is a process by which individuals can request credit for DAU courses based on prior knowledge and experience. At web site is a link to the “competencies” for each DAU course. Click on the “Student Course Materials” icon at the bottom middle of the page; this takes you to the DAU Blackboard. Click on the DAU Course number for which you would like to request fulfillment. Once the course information is displayed, click on the “Fulfillment Guide” button of the left side of the screen. Then click on Fulfillment Guide at the bottom of the screen. The course information will be broken up into ‘competencies’ (i.e., the various topics taught in the class). Employees who wish to seek fulfillment of one or more DAU courses must provide “answers” to each competency listed for the course to explain how he/she already thoroughly knows and understands the topics through on-the-job experience and/or other formal training. Please attach the DD Form 2518 (with only Sections I and II completed), a resume, your ACRB, and any other information that will be helpful. The link to the DD Form 2518 can be found at The Army Implementing Instructions and Fulfillment Application Helpful Hints can be found at the USAASC web site at // under “Fulfillment Info” (As a note, INDIVIDUALS CANNOT SEEK FULFILLMENT OF A DAU COURSE BASED SOLELY ON TRAINING OR COLLEGE COURSES WHICH ARE NOT ALREADY APPROVED AS DAU EQUIVALENTS. IF WISHING TO USE A TRAINING COURSE OR COLLEGE EDUCATION AS PART OF THE REQUEST, THEY NEED TO MAKE SURE TO SUPPLEMENT THAT INFORMATION WITH ON-THE-JOB EXPERIENCE.). The entire fulfillment package should be scanned as one document and uploaded to a Help Request at where it will be forwarded to the appropriate person for processing.

Will I receive Continuous Learning Points (CLPs) for DAU courses for which I was granted fulfillment credit?

No. CLPs are only awarded for successful completion of the actual DAU courses. See the Army Continuous Learning Policy at // However, you may request CLPs for completion of the program by entering the program as completed in the “Planning” section of your acquisition IDP in CAPPMIS. Submit your IDP to your supervisor for awarding of the CLPs.

I completed the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) Masters of Acquisition and Contract Management. How do I get credit for the Defense Acquisition University (DAU) courses associated with the degree?

Dept of Army will grant fulfillment credit for the DAU courses as identified in DACM memo at // Graduates may apply for fulfillment by submitting a completed DD Form 2518 (Fulfillment of DoD Mandatory Training Requirement) for each of the courses through a Help Request in CAPPMIS; scan and upload all documents to include the DD Form 2518 and academic transcripts into one document then upload to a Help Request in CAPPMIS at

I completed the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS)/Air force Institute of Technology (AFIT) Masters of Cost Estimating and Analysis (MCEA). How can I get credit for the Defense Acquisition University (DAU) courses associated with the degree?

Dept of Army will grant fulfillment credit for the DAU courses as identified in DDACM memo at // Graduates may apply for fulfillment by submitting a completed DD Form 2518 (Fulfillment of DoD Mandatory Training Requirement) for each of the courses through a Help Request in CAPPMIS; scan and upload all documents to include the DD Form 2518 and academic transcripts into one document then upload to a Help Request in CAPPMIS at

What is the Military Acquisition Position List (MAPL) process?

The MAPL is a statutory requirement supported by a process that validates, prioritizes, and then documents military acquisition positions in the Career Acquisition Management Portal (CAMP) and the Intergrated Personnel and Pay System – Army (IPPS-A). The MAPL process requires all PEOs, major Army commands and Joint/Defense organizations with active duty, Army National Guard (AGR) and Army Reserve (AGR) military acquisition officer authorizations (Functional Area 51) on their respective Table of Distribution and Allowances (TDA) or Modified Table of Organization and Equipment (MTOE) to review all valid MAPL positions annually, at a minimum, IAW DACM business rules and priorities.

The MAPL Review, which is held annually for all commands with FA51 authorizations, culminates with resourcing decisions made by the Principal Military Deputy (PMILDEP) to the Army Acquisition Executive (AAE). The Deputy Director, U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center serves as the President for the Review Board. Representatives from PEOs and Army Commands (ACOM) also serve on the board on a rotational basis.

The MAPL review process begins with the Command POC’s input of changes to existing MAPL, New Start requests, and requests for disestablishment into the MAPL system. Next, The Army Acquisition Workforce Proponency and Analysis (AAW P&A) Division analysts review the command’s entries and provide the MAPL Review Board their recommendation. The MAPL Board then reviews all changes, New Starts, and disestablishments before sending their consolidated recommendation forward to the PMILDEP. The PMILDEP is the final decision authority on all MAPL positions. Once the MAPL is approved by the PMILDEP, the AAW P&A Division finalizes the results in the MAPL System which generates a Flash Report which is sent to all MAPL System users by email showing approved MAPL. The final step in the process is the creation of an Acquisition Structure Message (ACQSTRUC) documenting the Board’s decisions and guidance. As soon as the ACSTRUC is signed, it is published within the “Info” section of the MAPL system. The MAPL Review results are used by affected commands to update their TDA/MTOEs.

What is the Centralized Selection List (CSL) Analysis and Review process?

The purpose of the CSL process is to select the best-qualified individuals (COL/GS-15 and LTC/GS-14) for specifically identified acquisition command and acquisition key billet positions to meet the needs of the Army Acquisition Corps (AAC). The CSL Board is conducted annually by the Principal Military Deputy (PMILDEP) and approved by the Army Acquisition Executive for CSL candidates two fiscal years in advance For example, the CSL incumbents rotating out in FY26 will be replaced with individuals deemed fully qualified and certified for command during the CSL process in FY24. The AAE reviews and approves the final CSL slate before it is publically released approximately 1 FY prior (e.g. FY25 slate to be released Spring of FY24).

Why can’t I view the Military Acquisition Position List (MAPL)?

The MAPL synchronizes DAWIA (10 U.S. Code § 1722) and the Army’s force management process. The MAPL is a force structure tool and not a list of available positions. The Acquisition Officers official document for available Acquisition positions is the Interactive Module (AIM) marketplace. Typically, your Acquisition Management Branch (AMB) Career Manager will provide assignment instructions at least 120-days before your report date. Based on the Director, Army Acquisition Corps (DAAC) assignment guidance and the incumbents Year and Month Availability (YMAV) and the available assignments in AIM for a particular cycle (Winter or Summer).


What is the chartering process?

The Army Acquisition Executive (AAE), with the U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center (USAASC) as the executive agent, prepares charters for all Program Executive Officers (PEOs) and centrally selected Project/Product Managers (PMs). Charters are created under the following circumstances: Charters will only be issued to Acting PEOs when directed by ASA(ALT). We do not issue charters to acting PMs.

All Charters have a standard format. Tailoring of the Charter will be reflected in the PEO’s or PM/PdM’s name, the program title, and the signature block of the PEO. The Army and U.S. Army Acquisition Corps (AAC) seals will be universally applied to charters with the exception of those for Joint PEOs. The basic text will remain uniform for all charters, reflecting the source of authority granted to a PEO or PM, and basic responsibilities.

It is the responsibility of the recipient organization to request Charters from the Army Director, Acquisition Career Management (DACM) office at least one month prior to the incumbent’s report date. At a minimum, Charter package submissions will include a Charter Request Form and a Tenure and Program Management Agreement (T&PMA). If the incoming PM/PdM has not completed all mandatory training prior to his report date, a Position Requirements Waiver (DD2905) must also be submitted. Sample documents can be found here :
Charter Request Form

Charter packages will not be staffed until ALL documents, in final form, have been received. Charter packages take, on average, three weeks to process. If the signed Charter documents are not received in time for the Change of Charter ceremony, the gaining organization may prepare a mock Charter for ceremonial purposes; DACM office will provide a template for the mock Charter upon request.
The AAE approves establishment of a new Program Management Office (PMO).
A new PEO is appointed.
A new PM is centrally selected.


What is the Tenure and Program Management Agreement (T&PMA)?

All PMs/PdMs are required to sign a T&PMA prior to assuming command.  This agreement acknowledges their role, responsibility, and accountability to the specific goals of their program and establishes the tenure of the individual in the position.  By signing the T&PMA, the PM/PdM agrees to complete the prescribed tenure period and abide by the Acquisition Program Baseline, requirements identified in Capabilities Documentation, and other programmatic expectations identified and agreed to as significant but not found in the approved program documentation.  The T&PMA is signed by the PM/PdM, their respective PEO, and the AAE.


What is The Army Acquisition School (TAAS)?

The Army Acquisition School is a centralized training, education, and career development school for Army acquisition officers, noncommissioned officers, and Department of the Army civilians. This facility centralizes Army institutional training, education, and career development courses for the acquisition, logistics, and technology workforce and improves the effectiveness of leader development efforts while increasing acquisition synergy.

What courses are offered at TAAS?

The Army Acquisition Transition Course (AATC), 8 weeks, ATTRS course ID FA51AATC
The Army Contract Writing Lab (ACWL), 1 week, ATTRS course ID FA51ACWL
The Intermediate Qualification Course (IQC), 3 weeks, course ID FA51 IQC
Contracting Officers Pre-command Course (KO PCC), 1 Week, ATTRS course ID 2G-F113 (MC)
Acquisition Officers Pre-command Course (APCC), 1 week Inspiring and Developing Excellence in Acquisition Leaders (IDEAL), 3 weeks

Additional information regarding TAAS courses can be found at


What is the course sequence for TAAS courses?

Newly assessed Acquisition Soldiers (both officers and NCOs) will attend the Army Acquisition Transition Course (AATC) (ATTRS course ID FA51AATC). Soldiers going to a contracting assignment will attend the Army Contract Writing Lab (ATTRS course ID FA51ACWL) immediately following the completion of AATC.


How do I obtain a quota for an TAAS course?

Military: To obtain a quota for TAAS courses you need to coordinate with your assignment officer at Human Resources Command (HRC). The assignment officer provides the names to the different quota managers who will then secure a reservation for the course(s) in ATTRS.

Civilians: Civilians must be in the grade range of GS-07 through GS-13 and a member of the acquisition work force in Career Program 14.

Civilians must go through their training manager to request a seat in any course offering. The training manager will then contact the TAAS Registrar with all requests.

TAAS classes are not centrally funded (as DAU classes are) and the sending organization would be required to pay all travel, lodging, and expenses for all Civilian students attending TAAS classes.

At two weeks out from a class start date TAAS is allowed to offer available seats to civilians. This is with the understanding that military students have priority, and those seats may be filled by military members, up until the class start date (i.e. civilians may get bumped even at 2 weeks out.)

The courses provided at TAAS have equivalency with DAU curriculum, meaning all DAU learning objectives are covered and tested during TAAS courses. However, TAAS courses are provided on a compressed timeline when compared with the same DAU instruction, which can present a challenge for some students. Army Acquisition Workforce members that have had learning/comprehension challenges while attending DAU courses will not find the TAAS curriculum any easier.


How do I obtain funding for an TAAS course?

Soldiers will need to coordinate with their resource managers to obtain a line of accounting (LOA) to attend courses at TAAS.

Where can I go to find further information on TAAS and the courses offered at TAAS?

Further information about TAAS and TAAS courses can be found at //

Is there a service agreement (SA) required to participate in ATAP?


Yes, applicants must complete a SA as part of the ATAP application process. Applicants must agree that upon completion of the training received, they will fulfill the period of obligated service, or reimburse the federal government, whichever is applicable. Each applicant will indicate the period of obligated service on the required SA based upon the projected curriculum provided at the time of submitting their application. More information about the SA requirement can be found in the ATAP Policy and Procedures.

When is the ATAP Program announced?


ATAP is announced twice a year: in February, for classes starting on or after April 1, and in June, for classes beginning on or after October 1, subject to fund availability.

Who may apply for ATAP?


Provided all eligibility requirements are met, ATAP welcomes:

  • Army Acquisition Workforce Civilians
  • Military Occupational Specialty 51C Noncommissioned Officers
  • Technical appointment employees in designated STRLs, with exceptions as detailed in the program announcement.
What are the eligibility requirements for ATAP?



General Eligibility Criteria:

  • Civilian applicants must be coded as “Tenure Group 1 – Permanent” in the Defense Civilian Personnel Data System. The tenure status is indicated on the SF-50, Notification of Personnel Action, in Block 24.
  • All applicants must either meet the certification level required for their current position or be within the certification grace period.

 Individual College Courses:

In addition to the general eligibility criteria outlined above:

  • Applicants must provide documentation demonstrating that the undeclared major is not intended for a degree or certification.

 Bachelor’s Degree Pursuit:

In addition to the general eligibility criteria outlined above:

  • Applicants must not hold a bachelor’s degree in a technical, acquisition, or business discipline.
  • Must be fully (not conditionally) accepted into a business, technical, or acquisition bachelor’s degree discipline with a declared major at a nationally or regionally accredited university or college.
  • Applicants must provide documentation that validates their full acceptance into the declared major and program.

 Master’s Degree Pursuit:

In addition to the general eligibility criteria outlined above:

  • Applicants must be fully (not conditionally) accepted into a business, technical, or acquisition master’s degree discipline with a declared major at a nationally or regionally accredited university or college.
  • Applicants must provide documentation that validates their full acceptance into the declared major and program.

Military Occupational Specialty 51C Noncommissioned Officers:

  • Applicants must satisfy both the general eligibility criteria and the specific criteria for the course or degree type they are pursuing.

Department of Defense (DoD) Science and Technology Reinvention Laboratories (STRL) Applicants:

  • Applicants must satisfy both the general eligibility criteria and the specific criteria for the course or degree type they are pursuing.
  • Eligibility Exception: Per Section 1109 of the FY16 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and Section 11.A.3.f, 82 Federal Register 43339, ATAP eligibility is extended to flexible-length and renewable-term technical appointment employees in designated STRLs. Please note: Term employees not appointed under Section 1109, FY16 NDAA, are not eligible for ATAP.
  • Supervisors are required to certify that STRL applicants have been appointed under Section 1109 of the FY16 NDAA. This certification should be conveyed through an email to the ATAP Program Manager, Ms. Uhura Smith, at
When can I take my first class once selected into the ATAP?

Participants are allowed to start courses on or after the date indicated in the announcement through which they were selected for ATAP. It is essential that the beginning and ending dates on each SF-182 for every course align with the dates established by the school. Moreover, these dates must match those on each invoice. Please note that funding commencement may be affected by a continuing resolution, impacting when ATAP-funded courses can begin.

When does the Fiscal Year (FY) begin and end?


The FY begins October 1st and ends September 30th.


What are acquisition, technical, and business-related disciplines/courses?


Acquisition, technical, and business-related disciplines or courses form the foundation of the Army Acquisition Workforce’s operations. These encompass sciences, engineering, and various technical fields, along with business and management programs. For a comprehensive list of program disciplines, please refer to ATAP website.


When can I apply for ATAP?


ATAP is available twice a year: in February for new applicants intending to start classes on or after April 1, and in June for those planning to commence classes on or after October 1.

How competitive is the ATAP?


ATAP is a non-competitive program.

Do I need to submit a new application for the ATAP program for each FY?


Once selected for the program, there’s no need to submit a new application annually. However, the existing application should include only the courses requesting ATAP funding and those necessary for the program, even if these courses extend into future fiscal years. If additional funding is required or if the allocated funding for a specific FY is not utilized, please inform the ATAP Program Manager accordingly.


Once I complete my bachelor’s degree can I continue in ATAP to obtain my master’s degree?

Once you have completed a program of study you have officially completed ATAP. You must reapply for ATAP during an open announcement to be considered for a new program of study.

How many classes am I required to take per term?

Applicants are required to take a minimum of one class per term and may take more than one class per term if workload permits. However, participants must execute all funds requested within a FY or risk receiving diminished funds in future FYs.

Does ATAP fund the cost of books and materials?


ATAP does not provide funding for registration fees, parking costs, travel expenses, entrance exams, graduation fees, the cost of books and materials, or any other miscellaneous expenses.


Does ATAP fund dual major, certification, law degrees, Doctorate degrees or PhDs?

ATAP will not be used to fund professional degrees (i.e. PhD, MD or JD), dual majors, certificate programs or any AET centrally funded programs.

Does ATAP fund prerequisites?


ATAP does fund prerequisite coursework required for admission into the approved course of study or prerequisite coursework necessary for completing a degree program.


Does ATAP fund electives?


Elective courses must contribute to the functions of the Army Acquisition Workforce as part of a degree program. Any electives not meeting this criterion will not receive funding from ATAP. Courses should align with the functions of the Army Acquisition Workforce, unless the specific class is a designated degree requirement. If the legitimacy of a course is questioned by USAASC, ATAP participants may be asked to provide documentation of actual course requirements.


Does ATAP fund second degrees?


Courses toward a second bachelor’s or master’s degree will be funded by ATAP if the first degree is not in an acquisition, technical, or business-related field.

What is the procedure for funding my courses?


Payments are electronically transferred to the college or university once the school submits appropriate documentation. This follows the billing instructions outlined in Section C6 of each SF-182. For a detailed visual representation of the payment process, refer to the Payment Process and Flowchart available on the ATAP website.


Is ATAP a reimbursable program?

ATAP operates as a tuition assistance program. Participants are not eligible for reimbursement of prepaid tuition expenses, or any courses undertaken prior to their selection into the program.

What types of waivers are available for the Acquisition Workforce?

There are primarily two types of waivers available for members of the Acquisition Workforce, (1) certification position waiver and (2) Critical Acquisition Position/Key Leadership Position (CAP/KLP) waiver.

Certification Position waiver: If an individual is unable to obtain their current position certification requirement within 24 months of occupying their position the organization may submit a DD Form 2905 ( Acquisition, Logistics and Technology (AT&L) Workforce Position Requirements or Tenure Waiver) requesting a waiver. Normally, a waiver is for no more than 12 months to allow an individual to meet position certification requirements. Please refer to the document entitled “Position Requirement Extension Waiver” at // for the procedures and signature authority for submission of a waiver.

CAP/KLP waiver: When an individual is tentatively selected to occupy a CAP/KLP they must have Army Acquisition Corps (AAC) membership. If the individual does not have AAC membership either the Civilian Personnel Office or the organization must submit a DD Form 2905 (AT&L Workforce Position Requirements or Tenure Waiver) with supporting documentation requesting a waiver prior to the individual filling the position. Normally, a waiver is for 24 months to allow an individual to meet AAC requirements and access into AAC. Please refer to the document entitled “CAP Waiver Instructions” at // for the procedures and signature authority for submission of a CAP/KLP waiver.

I made a tentative selection to fill a Critical Acquisition Position. However, the selectee is a not a member of the Acquisition Corps. What process do I need to follow to place this selectee into the position?

There’s a two phase process in filling a CAP/KLP position with an individual that has not achieved AAC membership. (1) An AAC application must be reviewed to determine if they meet the AAC membership requirements, please refer to the document entitled “AAC Membership tentative select” for the appropriate procedures. (2) If the individual is denied AAC membership, please refer to document entitled “CAP Waiver Instructions” at AAC Membership tentative select for procedures for submission and signature authority. The tentative selectee shall not be placed into the position until Acquisition Corps membership is achieved or the waiver is approved.

One of my employees has failed to meet their position certification requirement within the grace period. Is it possible to request for an extension?

If you believe the individuals failure to meet the certification requirements is due to circumstances beyond their control you can request a waiver. You can submit a DD Form 2905 (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology (AT&L) Workforce Position Requirements or Tenure Waiver) application for the individual through the Workforce Management Inquiry (WMI) in the CAPPMIS database. Please refer to the document entitled “Position Requirement Extension Waiver” at // for procedures for submission/signature authority. Waivers will not be processed prior to 90 days of expiration of the allotted grace period (normally 24 months).

I will not be able to obtain certification by the end of the grace period. How can I submit for an extension?

You cannot request a extension waiver, but your organization can submit a position waiver on your behalf provided there is a valid reason. Normally, the waiver is no more than 12 months to allow you additional time to meet your current position certification requirement. Please refer to the document entitled “Position Requirement Extension Waiver” at // for the procedures and signature authority for submission of a waiver.

What is a Critical Acquisition Position (CAP)?

Critical Acquisition Positions (CAPs) are a subset of Army Acquisition Workforce (AAW) positions, as designated by the Army Acquisition Executive (AAE), based on the criticality of these positions to the acquisition program, effort, or function that they support. CAPs have significant supervisory, managerial or lead acquisition responsibilities. The Army Acquisition Executive (AAE) has designated the following Army acquisition positions as mandatory CAPs: (1) all military acquisition positions at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and above; (2) all supervisory AAW civilian positions in the grade of GS-14 and higher (or broadband equivalents); (3) all Key Leadership Positions; and (4) all Military Occupational Specialty 51C Master Sergeant, Sergeant Major, and Command Sergeant Major positions (including Centralized Selection List (CSL)).

What is a Key Leadership Position (KLP)?

Key Leadership Positions (KLPs) are a subset of CAPs and have more stringent experience requirements upon entry into the position. They include positions that warrant special Under Secrterary of the Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (USD(A&S) and Army Acquisition Excutive (AAE) attention with regard to KLP qualifications, accountability, and tenure. In general , KLP incumbents have direct responsibility for, direct influence on, and are key to the success of an acquisition program. The AAE has designated that all positions listed below as mandatory KLPs for active Acquisition Category (ACAT) and Business System Category (BCAT) I and II programs, and be in the Functional Area associated with that lead function:

a) Program Executive Officer (PEO) and Deputy PEO.
b) Senior Contracting Official (SCO)
c) Project Manager, ACAT/BCAT I and II
d) Deputy Project Manager, ACAT/BCAT I and II
e) Chief Engineer / Lead Systems Engineer
f) Product Support Manager (PSM) or Program Lead Logistician
g) Chief Developmental Tester
h) Program Lead, Business Financial Manager

What is the Army Acquisition Corps (AAC)?

Effective March 25, 2022, the DoDI 5000.66 codified the termination of Defense Acquisition Corps and subsequent Acquisition Corps memberships as required by the FY20 National Defense Authorization Act.

Although the membership requirement no longer exists, the term “Army Acquisition Corps” is very well known and will continue to be used within our community. AAC will still be used when referring to the Military Functional Area 51 (Acquisition Corps). Additionally, the ASA(ALT) Principal Military Deputy is designated as the “Director, AAC” and that title will remain. The ASA(ALT) Office of General Counsel has provided legal guidance that the acquisition community may continue to use this term.

I no longer work for the Department of Army. How can I obtain a copy of my Corps Membership documents?

If you still have a CAC, you can log into CAMP, access CAPPMIS, and pull your AAC Membership documents from the AACMS tab. If you no longer have a CAC or are unable to access CAMP, please request a copy by submitting a Help Request in CAMP at

What is an ACRB?

The Acquisition Career Record Brief (ACRB) is a one-page display of your pertinent acquisition information. It contains your personal, position, assignment, training, education, awards and certification information. The ACRB is primarily designed for civilian members of Army Acquisition, Logistics and Technology (AL&T) Workforce. Army Reserve (AR) and National Guard Bureau (NGB) Acquisition workforce members utilize the ACRB to reflect their acquisition qualification. Active Army Acquisition Officers official record is the Officer Record Brief (ORB).

Why is the ACRB important?

Your ACRB is a tool to help manage your career and should be updated periodically as needed. It is also an essential part of the application package for Army Acquisition selection boards or processes such as:

  • Competitive Development Group/Army Acquisition Fellowship (CDG/AAF)
  • Civilian Project/Product Manager (PM)
  • Best Qualified (BQ)
  • Acquisition Education, Training, & Experience (AETE)
  • Acquisition Tuition Assistance Program (ATAP)
  • Army Acquisition Corps (AAC) Accession
  • Acquisition Career Field Certification
Where does the data come from to populate my ACRB?

The ACRB data comes from many sources:

  • Twice monthly input files provided by Defense Civilian Personnel Data System (DCPDS) for the civilian acquisition workforce.
  • Monthly input files provided by the Total Officer Personnel Management Information System (TOPMIS) for the NGB and the AR Acquisition workforce.
  • Web-based Individual Development Plan/Continuous Learning System (IDP/CL)
  • Updates posted by individual Acquisition Workforce Civilians.
  • Updates posted by Acquisition Career Managers (ACMs) and Army Reserve members.
  • ATRRS (Army Training Requirements & Resources System) weekly update of completed training.
How can I access my ACRB?

The ACRB is available to Army Acquisition Workforce (AAW) Civilians at The first time you access the Career Acquisition Management Portal (CAMP)/ Career Acquisition Personnel and Position Management Information System (CAPPMIS) website, you will need to click the Login using CAC button. CAMP will use the EDIPI on CAC with the EAMS-A database to authenticate you into the portal. You must have an EDIPI in EAMS-A in order to access CAMP. Please note, for new AAW members, it may take up to 30 days from your effective start date for your data to appear in the CAPPMIS system. If, after 30 days of your effective start date, you are still not able to access your ACRB, please contact your supervisor. Your supervisor must ensure that your position has been coded as acquisition in the personnel system (DCPDS). For additional information, please see FAQ CAMP-5 and ACRB-8.

If any information on my ACRB is incomplete or incorrect, how do I correct it?

Employees have access to edit some sections of their ACRB. To make these corrections yourself, you may log into CAPPMIS at, click on CAPPMIS on the navigation bar, click on the ACRB tab, and then the “Edit ACRB” tab. ACRB Instructions are available at the ACRB tab. The information included in the ACRB instructions shows the data source for each section. For those sections for which you cannot edit yourself, please generate a Help Request ticket in CAPPMIS for assistance.


How can I get the Acquisition Position Category (APC)/Acquisition Career Field (ACF) changed on my ACRB?

Section I (Current Position Data) of your ACRB reflects the career field and level required of your position. If you feel that your Acquisition coding is incorrect, please discuss with your supervisor. Your administrative personnel (ex.,G-1, HR) can make the change at the “Manager” tab within CPOL. Once in the Employee Data section, the change is made in the “Acquisition Update Tool”. If the change was successful, the word “Pending” will appear in the Status column beside the field that was changed. It will take 24-48 hours before the change becomes effective in DCPDS. Once the change is made in DCPDS, your new career field/category will be updated in CAPPMIS during the twice monthly data transfer between DCPDS and CAPPMIS.


How can I get the Acquisition Certification Level changed on my ACRB?

Section I (Current Position Data) of your ACRB reflects the career field and level required of your position. If you feel that your Acquisition coding is incorrect, please discuss with your supervisor. Your administrative personnel (ex., G-1, HR) can make the change at the “Manager” tab within CPOL. Once in the Employee Data section, the change is made in the “Acquisition Update Tool”. If the change was successful, the word “Pending” will appear in the Status column beside the field that was changed. It will take 24-48 hours before the change becomes effective in DCPDS. Once the change is made in DCPDS, your new level will be updated in CAPPMIS during the twice monthly data transfer between DCPDS and CAPPMIS.


According to Section III of my ACRB, my Workforce Status shows Non-acquisition. How do I get my status changed to Acquisition?

The workforce status is shown in two sections of the ACRB (Section I and Section III). You must contact your supervisor to request a change. If
your supervisor/command determines that your position should be coded as acquisition, then your supervisor must contact your organization personnel
office (ex., G-1, HR) to have the change made in DCPDS. The organization personnel office will update the Acquisition Data Fields of “Career Level”,
“Critical Position”, and “Career Category” in the DCPDS Position Build located under “Acquisition Program Information.” NOTE: Once the change is
made in DCPDS, the information will be updated in CAPPMIS during the twice monthly data transfer between DCPDS and CAPPMIS.


The “date entered present position” on my ACRB is incorrect. How can I get it changed?

This date is shown in two sections of the ACRB (Section III and Section IX). To correct this date, log into CAMP at, click on CAPPMIS on the navigation bar, click on the ACRB tab, and then the “Edit ACRB” tab. Click on the Assignment History title and correct the “Start Date” of the first line in the Assignment History Section. If there is more than one entry in the Assignment History Section, then you must correct the “End Date” of the second line before correcting the “Start Date” of the current line. In other words, there can be no overlapping dates. ACRB Instructions and an ACRB Video Tutorial are also available at the ACRB tab if needed.


How can I change my phone number on my ACRB?

Log into CAPPMIS at, click on CAPPMIS on the navigation bar, click on the ACRB tab, and then the “Edit ACRB” tab. Click on Section IV –Personal, edit the phone number and save.


How can I change my email address on my ACRB?

Log into CAPPMIS at, click on CAPPMIS on the navigation bar, click on the ACRB tab, and then the “Edit ACRB” tab. Click on Section IV –Personal, edit the email address and save.

How can I change my name on my ACRB?

To change your name, you must contact your local Civilian Personnel Advisory Center (CPAC) for guidance. Your name on your ACRB is the same as in your official personnel records as shown in the Personnel Database (DCPDS). If a name change is processed through an official personnel action, then it will be transferred to your CAPPMIS record during the twice monthly data transfer from DCPDS to CAPPMIS.

How can I change my mailing address on my ACRB?

To change your address please go to the Defense Finance and Accounting System website at and follow the instructions. Corrections posted to myPay will be reflected on the ACRB within 30-45 days.

How can I update the security information on my ACRB (Section II)?

This data is pulled from the personnel database (DCPDS) and transferred from DCPDS into CAPPMIS during our twice monthly data build. Please contact your Civilian Personnel Advisory Center (CPAC) to ensure that the most current information is entered into DCPDS.


How does the degree information on my ACRB (Section VII-Education) get updated?

The education information on your ACRB is updated based on information shown in your record in the Defense Civilian Personnel Data System (DCPDS). To view the education information that is shown in your DCPDS record, log into the DCPDS Portal at Once logged in, click on “Professional Development”. You will be able to “ADD” a degree under the “Education” tab. However, if any of your degree information is incorrect in the MyBiz database, you must contact your servicing Human Resources office to correct the information. Once the information is added/corrected in DCPDS, it will then be transferred to your ACRB during the next data transfer from DCPDS to CAPPMIS which occurs twice monthly.

I am working towards a degree; how can I have that reflected on my ACRB.

Only awarded degrees can be added to the Education section of the ACRB. Upon completion of the degree program, suggest that you add your degree to your Personnel records in Defense Civilian Personnel Data System (DCPDS). The education information on your ACRB is updated based on information shown in your record in the DCPDS. To add your degree, log into the DCPDS Portal at Once logged in, click on “Professional Development” and add your degree under the “Education” tab. Once your degree is added in DCPDS, it will then be transferred to your ACRB during the next data transfer from DCPDS to CAPPMIS which occurs twice monthly.

Why is my promotion/reassignment not showing on my ACRB?

Civilian Personnel Actions are first entered into the Defense Civilian Personnel Data System (DCPDS). Twice monthly a DCPDS data file (reflecting personnel changes) is loaded into CAMP. Therefore, depending upon the timing of when the Personnel action was processed and the date of the data file transfer, your new position information could take up to 3 weeks to appear in your ACRB.

How do I add my previous experience to my ACRB (Section IX – Assignment History)?

To add previous experience to your ACRB, log into CAPPMIS at, click on CAPPMIS on the navigation bar, click on the ACRB tab, and then the “Edit ACRB” tab. Once in the ACRB Edit, click on the “Assignment History” block and add each position individually. If your previous positions were acquisition related, then make sure that you identify the “Acquisition Position Category” in the appropriate block when editing. Your total months of Acquisition Experience (Section III) are calculated based on the Months Experience column in the Assignment History (Section IX). It includes all of your Acquisition-related work experience where an APC code is assigned in the APC column. If needed, ACRB Instructions are available at the ACRB tab.

The information in the top line of my Assignment History (Section IX) on my ACRB is incorrect. How do I fix it?


I just completed a DAU course; when will it show up on my ACRB?

The course will not show up on the ACRB/IDP immediately. First the student must be shown as “graduated” in the DAU system (this is normally done within a day or two but could take up to 10 days after the class is completed). DAU information feeds into the Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS) database. CAPPMIS database administrators pull a data file from ATRRS and update CAPPMIS every Tuesday with course completions. Your completed DAU courses will automatically be added to Section VI of your ACRB and to your IDP History; the associated Continuous Learning Points (CLPs) will also be automatically added to your ACRB and IDP. So depending on when you completed the class, it could take one to two weeks before the class and CLPs show up on your ACRB.

You can view your DAU transcript at <a href=”” target=”_blank”></a> to verify that your course has been added to your DAU record.


How do I add Non-DAU courses/training to my ACRB?

In order to receive Continuous Learning Points and/or to add the courses to your ACRB, you will first need to add them under the “Other Training” section of your IDP.

  1. Log into CAMP at
  2. Click on CAPPMIS on the navigation bar
  3. Click on the “IDP” tab
  4. Click on “IDP Documents” and then “IDP How to Guide for Employees”

Once your supervisor has awarded the CLPs, the points will be totaled and shown on the front page of your IDP and in Section X of your ACRB. If you also want the training to be listed in Section VI (Acq/Leader Training) of your ACRB, log into CAPPMIS, click on the “ACRB” tab and then on “Edit ACRB”. Then click on Section VI – Acq/Leader Training, click on the check box next to the course you want to be displayed on the ACRB, and then click the “Save” button. To remove a course from the ACRB, uncheck the check box and click the “Save” button. Repeat this process, until you have all completed courses you want listed on your ACRB.


Why is my certification not showing on my ACRB when I already completed the DAU training?

Certification is not automatically granted. To apply for certification, please submit electronically through the CAMP website at Once logged in, click on CAPPMIS and then select CMS (Certification Management System). If needed, please see the CMS documents housed within this portal for submission instructions. Once certification is approved, it will be displayed in Section X (Certifications/Licenses).


I achieved several levels of certification, so why are they not showing in Section X of my ACRB?

All levels of certifications granted in each career field are listed in the CAPPMIS database; however only the highest level achieved in each career field will display on the printed ACRB.


I was recently assigned to an Army acquisition position. Prior to this assignment, I completed DAU courses. How do I add these courses to my ACRB?

The Army DACM Office gets an updated list from ATRRS of all of your previous DAU training the first time you appear in our database. Please note, for new AAW members, it may take up to 30 days from your effective start date for your data to appear in the CAPPMIS system. If, after 30 days after of your effective start date, your previous DAU training does not appear on your ACRB, you must first obtain a copy of your DAU Transcript at After logging in, click on the “View Unofficial Transcript” button, and then the “View/Print DAU Transcript in PDF Format” button. Scan and upload a copy of this DAU Transcript to a Help Request at


Why can’t I access the ACRB as a military member?

Military personnel’s official document of record is the ORB/ERB and therefore you don’t have access to the ACRB. Military CAPPMIS accounts are generally reserved for Acquisition officers and NCO in the Acquisition branch and/or career field 51. Army Reserve and National Guard personnel who are also DoD civilian employees will have two separate records if both jobs are acquisition. If the AAW member has two records, the military record will be indicated with an “X” as the fifth character of the SSN. Certain sections of the civilian record and military record are designed to synchronize data overnight so that training, education, security, personal data, and DAWIA certifications match.

What is CAPPMIS?

CAPPMIS is the Career Acquisition Personnel & Position Management Information System. CAPPMIS houses the software applications used for Army Acquisition Career Management. It includes the Acquisition Career Record Brief (ACRB), Individual Development Plan (IDP), Army Acquisition Professional Development System (AAPDS), Certification Management System (CMS), Senior Rater Potential Evaluation (SRPE) and Army Acquisition Corps Management System (AAC MS). CAMP (Career Acquisition Management Portal) is the Portal used for logging into CAPPMIS. CAPPMIS can be accessed at

I am a Department of Army Non-Acquisition employee. How do I obtain a CAMP account?

Non-acquisition employees are not added to CAMP. However, access can be granted for Non-acquisition supervisors (Civilian or Military) for the purpose of approving IDPs/SRPE for acquisition employees. If this applies to you, please complete and submit the “Non-DACM Request” form at The application will require that you identify your employees. Please allow up to two weeks for your account to be established.

I am trying to add my new employee to my Supervisor module within CAMP, but my employee’s information cannot be found. What could be the problem?

Assuming that the employee’s position has been coded as acquisition in the personnel system (DCPDS), their data will be transferred from DCPDS into CAPPMIS. This data transfer occurs bi-weekly. It may take up to 30 days from the employee’s effective start date for the data to appear in the CAPPMIS system. If 30 days has elapsed, then you must contact your Civilian Personnel Advisory Center (CPAC); only the CPAC can add the acquisition coding to a position. The CPAC must add the Acquisition Data Fields of “Career Level”, “Critical Position”, and “Career Category” into the DCPDS Position Build located under “Acquisition Program Information.” Once the change is made in DCPDS, the information will be updated in CAPPMIS during the bi-weekly data transfer between DCPDS and CAPPMIS. NOTE: Non-acquisition employees will not be added to CAPPMIS.

The CAMP system does not recognize my SSN? What do I do?

Assuming that your position has been coded as acquisition in the personnel system, your data will be transferred from the personnel system (DCPDS) into CAPPMIS.  This data transfer occurs twice each month.  It may take up to 30 days from your effective start date for your data to appear in the CAPPMIS system. If 30 days after your effective start date you are still not able to access CAMP, please contact your supervisor; your supervisor must ensure that your position has been coded as acquisition in the personnel system (DCPDS). (See FAQ CAMP-4). NOTE: Non-acquisition employees will not be added to CAPPMIS.


When I try to log into CAMP, the system is no longer recognizing my CAC. What should I do?

Recommend re-associating your CAC to your CAMP account at by clicking the “Login using CAC” button. If the problem persists please send a Help Request at In the Help Request, provide a detailed explanation of the problems you are experiencing so that your inquiry can be elevated to the CAMP Administrator.

I received an error message when trying to access CAMP regarding untrusted SSL server certificate issues?

Suggest you contact your local network support team.

My screen “flickers” when attempting to create a new CAMP account.

Log completely out of CAMP and then login again by clicking the Login using CAC button. Note that your browser may flicker or display a white page during CAC authentication. This is normal.

How does TED communicate with CAPPMIS?

TED downloads information to your CAPPMIS IDP.

a. IDP Planning. All TED class requests and supervisor approvals download to your CAPPMIS IDP planning module.

b. IDP History. TED class completions (history) and CLPs download to your CAPPMIS IDP history module. Be sure to inform your TED administrator when you complete DAU classes, so that they can update your DAU class completion in TED.

c. Goals/IDP. Your TED short term and long terms goals will download to your CAPPMIS IDP goals area when you update them in TED.

Important facts to remember.

  • TED downloads information instantly to CAPPMIS. CAPPMIS does NOT download any data to TED. For example, when you achieve a career field certification, you should contact your training coordinator to update your account and update your certifications under the Degrees/Certifications tab.
  • Occasionally, TED records do not post properly to CAPPMIS (usually when either or both systems is down at the time of the record update, but sometimes because your TED account may not be linked to CAPPMIS).

If this occurs, notify your TED administrator or the AMC TED team at and request their assistance.

Where can I find the current listing of acquisition certification standards?

The defense acquisition certification standards are posted and maintained on the DAU interactive catalog at Each of the Functional Areas (FAs) has a unique combination of education, training and experience standards which must be met to achieve Foundational/Professional, Practioner, and Advanced acquisition certification in the respective specific AFA. These standards are reviewed by the functional communities, DAU and the service Director of Acquisition Career Management (DACM) offices throughout the year. Changes to the standards are generally inserted at the beginning of the new fiscal year, although there are exceptions to this schedule.  DAU course descriptions, course prerequisites, and other pertinent information such as equivalent courses, predecessor courses, and Functional Area descriptions are also found in the interactive DAU Catalog at


I am a Department of Army Civilian Acquisition employee. How do I apply for DAWIA certification?

To apply for acquisition certification, please submit electronically through the CAMP website at Once logged in, click on CAPPMIS and then select CMS (Certification Management System). If needed, please see the CMS documents housed within this portal for submission instructions. NOTE: You will be required to submit a resume with your application. Please ensure that Section IX (Assignment History) of your ACRB is updated to reflect the positions as shown on your resume.


I am a Department of Army Military Acquisition member. How do I apply for DAWIA certification?

To apply for acquisition certification, please submit electronically through the CAMP website at Once logged in, click on CAPPMIS and then select CMS (Certification Management System). If needed, please see the CMS documents housed within this portal for submission instructions.

I am a Department of Army Civilian but not in an acquisition position. How do I apply for DAWIA certification?

You are not eligible to receive certification unless you are currently assigned to an acquisition position. Please refer to the Acquisition Certification Policy dated ADD – Oct 19, 2019 at


I am a Department of Army Military member, but not in an Acquisition billet. How do I apply for DAWIA certification?

As an Active Duty military member, you are not eligible to receive certification unless you are currently assigned to an acquisition position. Please see first Q&A


Why doesn’t the system allow me to apply for a certification outside of Functional Area?

Please refer to Paragraph 14a(1) of the Dept of Army Certification Policy and Procedures at You must obtain certification in the Acquisition Functional Area (AFA) and level required of your position before applying for additional functional area field certifications. The Functional Area and level required of your position can be found in Section I (Current Position Data) of your ACRB.


Is it possible to use education towards acquisition experience when trying to obtain certification?

Yes. Paragraph 12 (A) of the Dept of Army Certification Policy and Procedures at states that “Up to 12 months of training or education in the individual’s primary acquisition career field may be counted towards meeting the experience standard for certification”.


How can I add my FAC/FAI acquisition certification to my ACRB?

Federal Acquisition Certification (FAC) issued by a non-DoD Federal Agency is not recognized by the Department of Defense. Certification is reciprocal only among the DoD Components. However, each individual course that was completed and used for the FAC certification may be equivalent to courses currently required for DAWIA certification. Therefore, you may submit a help request via CAPPMIS at and scan and upload your training certificates (to include any DAU courses). Your courses will be evaluated and any equivalent courses will be added to your CAPPMIS record. If you have completed all of the current DAWIA certification requirements as shown at then you must apply for Department of Army certification.


If I am denied certification by a certifying official, do I have any recourse?

Yes. The certification process allows an applicant who is denied certification by a certifying official to appeal the decision within 30 calendar days from the denial date.  The appeal process is automated through the Certification Management System.


I was denied certification; I was told that because I already have a certification in another career field, I could not use the same experience to obtain this certification. Where is this policy written?

Please refer to the Dept of Army Certification Policy and Procedures at Paragraph 12c of this policy states “the same months of specialized experience used to obtain certification in one AFA, may not be applied to meet the specialized experience of an additional AFA.”

How do I get started with my automated acquisition IDP (Individual Development Plan)?

You may access your IDP at  Once logged in, you must first list your Objectives.  The “objectives” button is located on the first page of your IDP.  Objectives should reflect overall broad career goals and specific development activities intended to accomplish them. The career goals should identify types of future positions desired, experience and training in other career fields, other education goals such as advanced degrees or a combination of all these. The developmental objectives should be attainable in reasonable time frames and do not have to be purely acquisition related. The rest of the IDP document preparation steps have NO SEQUENCE dependencies.


If I experience problems with my automated acquisition IDP, who can I contact?

If you need assistance with the content of your IDP, you should discuss with your supervisor. If you are experiencing problems with the functionality of the IDP, you may submit a help request via CAPPMIS at  or call the Army Acquisition Support Center Help Desk at (703) 664-5740


How do I update my grade, job title, or any assignment-related information on the front page of my IDP?

Neither you nor the ACM can make these changes directly.  Twice each month, position data is transferred from the personnel system (DCPDS) into CAPPMIS (which houses both the ACRB and IDP).  Depending upon when your position information was changed in DCPDS, it could take up to 30 days for the data transfer to occur.

I noticed that there is an “Add Other Training (free text)” button under the Planning section of my IDP. What is this button used for?

Use this category to add all training or experience not found under any other Category selection lists and to request continuous learning points (CLPs) if applicable. You must enter the title of the training, provider, projected start and finish dates, and the number of CLPs requested.


I want to take a DAU course that is not required for my career field. How do I add it to my IDP?

Log into CAPPMIS, select the IDP tab, then “Planning”, then click on the “Add DAU Training” button. Under Step 1, conduct a “Search by Title” by typing in the course code (ex. ACQ 101); under Step 2, select the course and click on the “Add Items” button. You must then submit to the supervisor for approval. Once the supervisor approves the training in your IDP, you will be able to apply via AITAS.

How do I add DAU courses to my IDP so that I can pursue a secondary certification?

Log into CAPPMIS, select the IDP tab, then “Planning”, then click on the “Add DAU Training” button. Under Step 1, conduct a search by career field and level; under Step 2, select the course(s) and click on the “Add Items” button. After saving each individual course, then submit to your supervisor for approval. Once the supervisor approves the training in your IDP, you will be able to apply via AITAS.

How do I update my supervisor’s email address in my IDP?

Only your supervisor can update the supervisor email address by using the CHANGE EMAIL ADDRESS button provided at the CAMP Homepage at

I have a new supervisor. How do I add him/her to my IDP?

You cannot add your new supervisor’s name to your IDP.  Please advise your new supervisor to logon to the IDP site from the CAPPMIS Homepage at <a href=”” target=”_blank”></a> and add you to the Supervisor’s Module of his/her IDP.

How do I submit my IDP for my Supervisor’s approval?

After adding all appropriate training in the “Planning” section of the IDP, you must select the block next to the training that you intend to send to your supervisor.  Then select the “Submit for Supervisor Approval Button”.


I have just been appointed as a supervisor of acquisition workforce employees; to assist them with their acquisition career management efforts, what do I need to do?

You must first identify (“claim”) your acquisition workforce employees in the “Supervisors Module” of the automated Individual Development Plan (IDP).  You can access the IDP from CAPPMIS at <a href=”” target=”_blank”></a>. Click on CAPPMIS on the navigation bar, click on the IDP tab, click on the “Supervisors” button, and then on the “Add Employee” button.  As you add your employees, they will be added to the Main page of your Supervisor module in the IDP.  Once your employees have been added, you may review planned or completed training item(s) for your employees.


My supervisor is not a member of the acquisition workforce. How does my supervisor access my IDP?

If your supervisor is not a member of the acquisition workforce he/she will need to request an account. To do this, the supervisor must log into , select the “Login using CAC” button. If CAMP recognizes the supervisor’s EDIPI, the CAMP homepage will open. If they are not in the CAPPMIS system but need access to perform the supervisor functions for their acquisition workforce employees(s), then follow the process for the “Non-DACM Addition”. The supervisor will need to complete the form and submit it for review and addition to the Army Acquisition database.


Is there a cost for DAU courses?

There is no tuition cost to the organization for DAU Courses for civilian employees or military members.  The TDY costs will be funded for Priority 1 (course required for certification) acquisition workforce employees. Travel and per diem are provided by DAU for Priority 1 students based on their selection of the most cost effective location (CEL). Three exceptions to this general policy apply to Headquarters (HQ) Department of the Army (DA) Army Civilian Training Education Development System (ACTEDS) Interns and Army Materiel Command (AMC) Fellows. ACTEDS Interns will be funded through HQ DA for the entire duration of the ACTEDS program, while the AMC Fellows Program will cover travel and per diem for the first two years the Fellows are in the program.

Where can I review/get a copy of the DAU Course Schedule?

ATRRS Data-on-Demand at allows you to review the DAU Course Schedule. NOTE: Since changes to schedules occur frequently, the data at this website may not be the most current. The site is updated daily. Also, remember that this is a schedule of classes, NOT a list of spaces available. To view available spaces and waits, please go to the ATRRS AITAS website, and attempt to apply for training.

I use the TED system. How do I apply for DAU classes?

Steps for applying for DAU classes for TED users:

  1. Request the DAU class in TED. Hint: Search under course number (e.g. CON 100, LOG 350, etc.). Your TED request will automatically populate to your CAPPMIS IDP Planning module.
  2. After your supervisor approves in TED, follow the link in the TED email and register for the class in AITAS.

Important Note: Before registering in AITAS for a DAU course, you must have met the course prerequisite(s) OR have a confirmed reservation in the prerequisite(s). Otherwise, your application will be disapproved by the Army quota manager.


Why does AITAS say I do not have an approved IDP, when I know my supervisor approved my TED request for this course?

Occasionally, supervisor TED approvals may not properly post to CAPPMIS (usually because the TED or CAPPMIS system was down on the day of your TED request/approval). When this occurs, notify your TED administrator or the AMC TED team at They can refresh the TED record by updating your status in the class.

Is the DAU course registration done automatically when I get the course approved on my IDP?

No. Your application must be submitted via AITAS. AITAS is interfaced with the IDP system but it is a separate system. The DAU course(s) you are applying for must show APPROVED status on your IDP at the time you start the AITAS application process. A link to AITAS is provided under the ìDAUî category on the planning page of your IDP and is

I am a Civilian Army Acquisition Workforce Employee. How do I apply for a DAU course?

Prepare an application by accessing the ATRRS Internet Training Application System (AITAS) at Once logged in, select “Apply for Training” under the Student section and follow the steps from there.

I am a Military Army Acquisition Workforce Employee. How do I apply for a DAU course?

Prepare an application by accessing the ATRRS Internet Training Application System (AITAS) at Once logged in, select “Apply for Training” under the Student section and follow the steps from there.

I am an Army employee (Civilian/Military), but not a part of the Army acquisition workforce. How do I apply for a DAU course?

Prepare an application by accessing the ATRRS Internet Training Application System (AITAS) at Select Apply for Training under the Student section.  At the next screen, select Non-acquisition Civilian & Military Workforce in the Please select a Category pull down box.  Log in and follow the steps from there.

I am a Contractor providing support to an Army organization. Can I apply for and complete DAU training?

Defense Industry employees of companies supporting DoD may attend DAU courses at no cost to the government (to include no contract labor charges to the government) on a space available basis. Apply for a course at Select ìPrepare Applicationsî under the Student Functions and follow the steps from there.

Can I submit a DAU course application in AITAS for a location that is not shown as the “most cost effective”?

Only if your organization is willing to pay travel and per diem.


I submitted my Travel Order request through DTS for a class for which the DAU Centrally funded Line of Accounting had been entered; however I received a notification that there is insufficient funding on my Line of Accounting. How can I get this corrected?

Send an email to


When applying for a DAU course which lists several available dates, may I submit more than one application?

You may only submit one application at a time for a particular course; however, once your application is processed, if you are placed on a wait list, then you may submit another application for a different date. Once you receive a reservation, all other applications for the same course will be automatically cancelled by USAASC.


When applying for a DAU course in AITAS, I noticed a column heading of “Reserv Cut-Off”. What does this mean?

Courses with a Reserve Cut-Off have required pre-course work associated with the class. This is the last date that the USAASC course manager can give you a RESERVATION.  This does NOT mean that this is the last day that you can APPLY for the class.  Students who apply on the cut-off date will not get a reservation.  Students must submit their application through AITAS at, the supervisor must concur with the students request (through AITAS), and USAASC must approve the request.  All three steps must be completed on or before the reservation cut-off date as shown in AITAS.

How are the class priorities set for the DAU courses?

Individuals are considered for DAU courses according to the priorities as listed below.  Priorities 1 thru 4 are restricted to employees currently serving in an acquisition position.

  1. Priority 1: Mandatory for certification in the Career Field and Level required of your current position.
  2. Priority 2: Next higher career level in the same career field that is required of your current position.
  3. Priority 3: Cross-functional training in a different career field than what is required of your current position.
  4. Priority 4: Previously taken or certified.
  5. Priority 5: Non-acquisition workforce (to include Foreign Local Nationals).

For priorities 1 to 4: The information in Section I (Current Position Data) of your Acquisition Career Record Brief (ACRB), specifically the Category and Certification Level Required, is used to determine the priority of your DAU Course application. If your ACRB is inaccurate, it will lead to an improper prioritization.


I submitted my DAU course application through AITAS, but my supervisor has not received the automated email notification. What could be wrong?

Unless you have been experiencing email problems or the email server was down, the email address for your supervisor that you entered in AITAS might be incorrect. To review/fix the email address you entered, click on “Resend supervisor email” from the AITAS home page at , fix the email address, and resend the application.  You must also be sure to update the supervisors email address in your student profile.  To do this, click on “Update Profile” from the AITAS home page at and change/correct the supervisors email address.  When completed, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Update Profile”.


I am a supervisor trying to approve a DAU course application in AITAS for one of my employees; but when I try to access the application, it says I have entered an invalid email address or application review code. What could be wrong?


Make sure you are entering the same email address that the email was sent to, which may not necessarily be your current email address. The application is linked to the address the notice was sent to. You may also want to copy and paste the review code from your email notification into the AITAS system, rather than typing it. If you are still unable to access the application, contact the ATRRS Help Desk at (703) 695-2353/2060 or by email, Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri 0730 – 1730 Eastern Standard Time.


What happens to my application for a DAU Resident (Classroom) course when I submit it through AITAS?

You, the employee, will automatically receive an email notifying you that your application was sent to your supervisor. Additionally, the supervisor will receive an email with instructions and a process review code so they can approve/disapprove the application request. Once the supervisor either approves or disapproves the application, the employee will receive another automated email informing them of the action taken by the supervisor. If the application is approved by the supervisor, an automated email is sent to the Army USAASC Course Manager who will process the application. When the application is processed, both the employee and supervisor will receive an email containing one of the following:

1) a reservation has been given for the course, or
2) a notice that the employee has been placed on a wait list, or
3) a denial with an explanation. The supervisor and employee will receive re-occurring reminder emails from ATRRS AITAS if there is a course application pending the supervisor’s approval.

Please ensure you entered the correct supervisor email address and prompt your supervisor to take action to either approve or disapprove your application.


How long does it take to process a DAU course application through AITAS once the supervisor has approved it?

Once the supervisor approves the application, the application is sent to a USAASC course manager. The first applications that the course manager’s process are those with the earliest class start date. The course managers strive to process your application within five business days of the supervisor approved date. The processing time can deviate during peak times when more applications are submitted.

How can I be sure that my DAU application in AITAS was actually submitted?

Under the “Student” menu on the AITAS main menu, select “Review Application(s)”.  Then “Select your Category” and sign in.  If you properly submitted your application, it will appear on the next screen under “Pending Applications”.

How do I check the status of my DAU course application in AITAS?

TRAIN-20 A:  Under the “Student” menu on the AITAS main menu at, select “Review Application(s)”. Next you must “Select your Category” and sign in. If you have submitted applications, they will appear on the next screen under “Pending Applications” and/or “Previous Applications”. In the Pending Applications section you will find two columns (“Supervisor Approval” and “Approval Authority”). If PENDING is shown in the Supervisor column, your supervisor has not yet approved your application request in AITAS. If APPROVAL is shown in the Supervisor Column, and PENDING is shown under the Approval Authority column, this means that your application is pending review at USAASC. If APPROVAL is shown under both columns then you should have received an email informing you of your application.

Why is the DAU course application that I submitted not showing up when I review my application in AITAS?

When you submit an application, a window pops up to tell you that an application has been submitted and your supervisor will be notified. You will also receive an email to notify you that an application was submitted. If this window did not pop up and you are returned to your application, then information is either missing or incorrect (i.e. employee or supervisor email) on your application, as indicated when the application comes back up. Review and correct your application to make sure it is complete; then click on the Submit button again.

How will I know if I am registered for a DAU class?

When your DAU application is processed by USAASC, both the employee and supervisor will receive an email containing one of the following:

  1. a reservation has been given for the course, or
  2. a notice that the employee has been placed on a “wait” list, or
  3. a denial with an explanation.
My position and workforce status have changed. I previously applied for a DAU class, but now that my status has changed, my priority for the class is incorrect. How can I get my priority changed?

If your DAU course application was either already processed with the lower priority, or it is still pending approval by USAASC, you must submit a help request via CAPPMIS at or call the Army Acquisition Support Center Help Desk at (703) 664-5740.

How do I change/correct my email address in AITAS?

From the AITAS Homepage, click on “Update Profile”, and change/correct your email address.  When completed, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Update Profile”.

What does a “wait” status in a DAU course mean?

Each branch of the service is allotted a certain number of seats in each DAU course. You will be waitlisted (not given a reservation) if you are Priority 1 and all Army spaces are full. If you are placed on a wait, you will have an opportunity to convert from a wait to a reservation when USAASC receives a cancellation request. A reservation will be granted to the next “wait” list individual by the order of student training priority and date application approved by the course manager. If you are a Priority 2 to 5 training priority student applying to a class with available seats and quotas, you will be placed on a wait list. Army places lower priority students in a wait status to allow priority 1 applicant’s preference in obtaining a seat. If there are still seats available 40 to 65 days prior to the start date of the class then the lower priority students in waits will convert into a reservation and notified via email. Priority 2 waits will convert to a reservation 65 days prior to the start date of the class and Priority 3 to 5 waits will convert to a reservation 40 days prior to the start date of the class. Lower priority students with a reservation are subject to being bumped for a higher priority student NLT 1 week prior to reservation cutoff or start date of class, whichever is earlier.

How do I cancel an application for a DAU Resident (Classroom) course?

Students unable to attend a DAU class for which they have a reservation, must initiate the cancellation request through ATRRS AITAS at least 30 calendar days prior to the start date or reservation cut-off date, whichever is earlier. A cancellation submitted less than 30 calendar days without GO/SESs approval and the proper comments, will be denied. The student is expected to attend the course if the cancellation request is denied. If the student does not attend the course, the student will be recorded as a “no-show.”

To submit a cancellation, follow the steps following:

  1. At the AITAS main menu at, select “Cancel Reservation/Wait”.
  2. Log in to the system
  3. Locate the application you wish to cancel.  All applications eligible for cancellation will be marked with a red “C” in the left hand column.
  4. Click the red “C” next to the application you wish to cancel; a notification will be displayed asking you to confirm that you wish to cancel this application.  Click “OK” to continue.
  5. If your application has not been approved as a reservation or a wait, your application will be cancelled immediately.  If your application has been approved as a reservation or wait, you will be prompted to enter a reason for wanting your class to be cancelled.  After entering your reasons, click the button to continue.
  6. Your supervisor concurrence is not required.
  7. Once USAASC receives notification of your cancellation request, they will review your request and either approve or disapprove your cancellation.  You and your supervisor will be informed of their decision by email notification.
I submitted a cancellation request for a DAU course through AITAS; I need to resubmit my application for the same course, but it will not allow me to do so. Why?

A cancellation request, just like an application, must also be approved by USAASC. Until USAASC course manager approves your cancellation request, you will not be able to resubmit an application.

How do I register for a DAU Continuous Learning Module or Harvard Business School module?

You may submit your application at On the left hand side of the screen under “Student” select “Apply for Training”. Log in. At the next screen, select the “Continuous Learning Modules” radio button. Find and select the course from the list and then submit your application. There is no requirement to add the Harvard or Continuous Learning Modules to your CAPPMIS IDP. You may apply at any time. Upon application of the course, you will receive a DAU enrollment email to start the course in the DAU Virtual campus or ATLAS at . It could take up to 48 hours to receive the DAU enrollment email. If you have not received an email or have issues accessing ATLAS, please contact the DAU Help Desk directly at or call 1-866-568-6924 (toll free), DSN 655-3459 or Commercial 703-805-3459.

I’m trying to apply for a DAU Continuous Learning Module or Harvard Business School module in AITAS but the system says that I do not have an approved IDP. What do I do?

There is no requirement to add DAU Continuous Learning Modules or Harvard Business School modules to your CAPPMIS IDP.  If you have received this notice, this means that you selected the wrong training category; you must select the “Continuous Learning Modules” training category.  Please refer to FAQ question TRAIN-28, “How do I register for a DAU Continuous Learning Module or Harvard Business School module?”



What is the DAU “No-show” Policy?

If a student cannot attend a DAU class for which they have a reservation, they must officially cancel their application.  The student must submit their cancellation request through AITAS at and USAASC must approve the request.  To prevent a “no-show” from being recorded, all three steps must be completed at least 30 days prior to the start date of the class (or 30 days prior to reservation cut-off date on classes that have pre-work).  If a student is recorded as a “no-show”, an email notification will be sent to the student and the supervisor requesting a justification.  Employee and supervisor justifications must be received within 28 days of the notification.  If it is determined that a valid reason exists for the student “no-show”, sanctions will not be imposed against the student.  (NOTE:  Mission, unless extremely exceptional in nature, is not a valid justification for a “no-show”).  If, however, a “no-show” status is imposed, the student will be denied registration for future offerings of the course for a period of three months following the occurrence.  The complete “No-show” Policy is available at //


Can I attend a DAU class without going through the proper channels? Is there a DAU “walk-in” procedure?

Follow the DAU Student Academic and Administrative Policies and Procedures Handbook, part III, section 4. Walk-ins recommended for local students where zero travel cost is incurred. If travel cost is incurred, you will not be reimbursed using DAU central funds.


Are there any consequences for failing a course?

Yes, your training priority will be downgraded by one priority. Your command must fund your travel to retake the course you academically failed. For Acquisition workforce members, you will not be eligible to participate in any training or incentive programs offered by the USAASC. Please view policy on Consequences in Failures and No shows in DAU resident courses at: //

Who can attend classes held in OCONUS?

Students with a duty station located in the continental United States (CONUS) are not authorized to attend DAU training that is outside the continental United States (OCONUS).


How can I get a list of DAU classes that I have completed?

You can view/print a copy of your DAU transcript at

I completed a DAU course that seems similar in content to the current DAU course. How can I find out if this course is the same as the course currently required for DAWIA certification?


DAU courses are updated for currency. They may undergo name changes, number changes, or even be replaced by a new course with very similar content.  Some courses no longer offered by DAU qualify as “Predecessor Courses.” Students who have completed these courses may use them to meet prerequisite requirements and/or receive credit for them toward DAWIA certification.  Predecessor course information can be found within the DAU course descriptions in the DAU Interactive Catalog at


I have completed courses that I feel are equivalent to the DAU classes. How can I get credit for completing these courses?

Several training providers offer courses that have been certified equivalent to DAU curriculum courses and can be used to meet the requirements of the Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA).  These courses and the training providers that offer them can be found at the DAU Interactive Catalog at If you have completed an equivalent course within the dates listed at this website, please scan and upload a copy of your completion certificate to a Help Request at Upon submission, your documentation will be reviewed and if validated the equivalent course will be added to your ACRB/IDP.


I feel I have the education, training, and experience required for a DAU course (fulfillment). How do I get credit for the class?

The DoD offers a set of competencies for course fulfillment.  Fulfillment is a process by which individuals can request credit for DAU courses based on prior knowledge and experience. At web site is a link to the “competencies” for each DAU course. Click on the “Student Course Materials” icon at the bottom middle of the page; this takes you to the DAU Blackboard. Click on the DAU Course number for which you would like to request fulfillment. Once the course information is displayed, click on the “Fulfillment Guide” button of the left side of the screen. Then click on Fulfillment Guide at the bottom of the screen. The course information will be broken up into ‘competencies’ (i.e., the various topics taught in the class). Employees who wish to seek fulfillment of one or more DAU courses must provide “answers” to each competency listed for the course to explain how he/she already thoroughly knows and understands the topics through on-the-job experience and/or other formal training. Please attach the DD Form 2518 (with only Sections I and II completed), a resume, your ACRB, and any other information that will be helpful. The link to the DD Form 2518 can be found at The Army Implementing Instructions and Fulfillment Application Helpful Hints can be found at the USAASC web site at // under “Fulfillment Info” (As a note, INDIVIDUALS CANNOT SEEK FULFILLMENT OF A DAU COURSE BASED SOLELY ON TRAINING OR COLLEGE COURSES WHICH ARE NOT ALREADY APPROVED AS DAU EQUIVALENTS. IF WISHING TO USE A TRAINING COURSE OR COLLEGE EDUCATION AS PART OF THE REQUEST, THEY NEED TO MAKE SURE TO SUPPLEMENT THAT INFORMATION WITH ON-THE-JOB EXPERIENCE.). The entire fulfillment package should be scanned as one document and uploaded to a Help Request at where it will be forwarded to the appropriate person for processing.

I completed an online DAU course, but did not get the certificate. How do I obtain my certificate?

To view or print a copy of your DAU completion certificate, log into the DAU Virtual Campus at On the blue tool bar, click on “Records” and then “Certificates”.

You can also view and print a copy of your DAU transcript at


How do I get my travel orders to attend my DAU class?

If a DAU training application has been approved as a reservation and you are eligible and approved for centralized funding, log into and click on “Create/Edit Travel Worksheet”. Once logged in, follow the instructions. Your travel orders cannot be submitted earlier than 60 days in advance of the class start date. Travel orders should be completed NLT 15 days from the class start date. If you are with the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), please follow the USACE funding instructions provided on the Travel worksheet page.


How do I check the status of my Travel Worksheet?

Go to AITAS at Select “Create/Edit Travel Worksheet” and log in. The status of your worksheet will be shown next to the class.


Who do I contact if I have any questions about my travel orders or travel vouchers for a DAU course?

For FUNDING questions, send an email to
For questions regarding CREATING the travel order or travel voucher in DTS, send your questions to the DTS Administrator in your organization or to the DTS Help Desk.


What is Core Plus?

The Core Plus construct was designed to advance the DoD Army Acquisition Workforce (AAW) competency management model by providing a “roadmap” for the development of acquisition workforce members beyond the minimum certification standards required for their position. The Core Plus Development Guides are posted and maintained in the Interactive Catalog posted on DAU’s website at The Core Plus Development Guide is intended to assist employees and their supervisors in preparing an IDP by identifying training, education, and experience beyond certification requirements that may be beneficial to career development or performance in a particular type of assignment.

Besides DAU, are there any other on-line training sources that can be accessed to obtain CLPs?

An additional source for training to obtain CLPs might be the Army E-Learning training site. The website is at; it contains over 2,000 web-based courses, most of which are 1-4 hours in length.


What is the definition of Acquisition?

Acquisition is the conceptualization, initiation, design, development, test, contracting, production, deployment, logistics support, modification, and disposal of weapons and other systems, supplies, or services (including construction) to satisfy DoD needs, intended for use in or in support of military missions. Reference the Defense Acquisition Workforce Program Desk Guide at


How are positions identified as acquisition workforce positions?

Reference the Defense Acquisition Workforce Program Desk Guide at, Section 1


I am a new Army Acquisition employee and was told that I must meet specific requirements. Where can I find information to help me get started?

Please refer to the “Civilian Steps to Planning Your Acquisition Career” at

What is an APC Code?

The Acquisition Position Code (APC) is the functional subset that has been identified for the specific duties of the position.  This is the field in which the employee should be certified based on the duties of the position.  The career field definitions and certification requirements are at Section IX of your ACRB documents your current and past functional acquisition positions by APC codes.  The APC code together with your assignment history is how you document the experience necessary to attain certifications.  When submitting a certification request the experience must be clearly reflected on your resume.  Below are the APC codes recognized by the Dept of Army:

  • A: Program Management
  • C: Contracting
  • D: Industrial/Contract Property Management
  • E: Purchasing
  • F: Facilities Engineering
  • H: Production, Quality and Manufacturing
  • I: Science and Technology Manager
  • K: Business- Financial Management
  • L: Life Cycle Logistics
  • P: Business – Cost Estimating
  • R: Information Technology
  • S: Engineering
  • T: Test & Evaluation


What are Continuous Learning Points (CLP)?

The Department of Army Continuous Learning Policies can be found at // The purpose of the policy is to ensure acquisition professionals develop and stay current in leadership and functional acquisition skills. Continuous Learning Points (CLPs) may be awarded for completion of acquisition academic courses, training courses, professional activities, or professional experience. The policy on continuous learning for the AL&TWF requires each workforce member (military and civilian) earn 40 CLPs every year as a goal and 80 CLPs being mandatory within 2 years. The CLP glide path is as follows: attain at least 5 CLPs in the 1st quarter; attain at least 10 CLPs in the 2nd quarter; attain at least 20 CLPs in the 3rd quarter; and attain at least 40 CLPs in the 4th quarter. Refer to CLP-2 for further information regarding how to obtain CLPs.

How do I obtain Continuous Learning Points (CLPs)?

The Individual Development Plan (IDP) in CAPPMIS at is the primary vehicle used to annotate, award, and track CLPs. For Defense Acquisition University (DAU) courses (to include Continuous Learning Modules), your CLPs will be automatically entered into Section VI and X of your Acquisition Career Record Brief (ACRB) and your IDP History via the weekly training update process using the Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS). All other training, education, or acquisition professional activities or experience must be annotated as completed in the “Planning” section of your acquisition IDP in CAPPMIS. After adding, select the block next to the occurrence that you intend to send to your supervisor. Then select the “Submit for Supervisor Approval Button”. The supervisor then awards the points based on the Chart of Recommended CLPs found in the Dept of Army Continuous Learning Policy at // Once the points are awarded, they will be displayed in your IDP History and in Section X of your Acquisition Career Record Brief.

What are CEU’s (Continuing Education Units) and how do they relate to CLP (Continuous Learning Points)?

CEU’s are assigned to most classes and are shown on the course completion certificate and on the DAU transcript.  The course descriptions in the DAU iCatalog provide CEU information at These credits also appear on your DAU transcript at Each CEU is equivalent to 10 CLP’s (i.e. 2.5 CEU’s = 25 CLP’s).

I just hired an employee into an acquisition position. Since he was hired partway into the current continuous learning cycle, is he still required to complete the entire 80 CLPs?

Army policy requires that all Continuous Learning (CL) cycle dates will reflect one standard CL cycle regardless of when the individual entered the AT&L workforce. However, as his supervisor, you can pro-rate his Continuous Learning Points (CLPs) based on the date he entered the acquisition position. Since employees are required to complete 40 hours in 12 months, this is equivalent to 3 CLPs/month. Therefore you can prorate from the beginning of the current continuous learning cycle thru the date he started (using the scale of the 3 CLPs month). Do this by logging into CAPPMIS at, IDP tab, then the Supervisor Module. Click the “View Items” link next to the employee’s name under the “Completed Items” column. Prorate the CLPs by inputting a number between 1 and 80 in the text field under the “Prorate CLP” column and click on “Save Prorated CLPs”. The new prorated points will add to the “Total CLPs” column.

I have received awards that are not listed in Section VIII (Awards) of my ACRB. How can I add these awards?

The TEN most recent awards can be displayed in Section VIII (Awards) of the ACRB. Only Award titles found in the Defense Civilian Personnel Data System (DCPDS) can appear in this section. A listing of these awards can be found at The ACRB will allow for one additional Special Award to be displayed on the ACRB. Regardless of the date awarded, this special award will remain on the last line of the Awards Section. To make corrections to this section of the ACRB, generate a Help Request in CAMP at ; scan and upload a copy of your SF-50’s showing your awards.

How can I change which training is displayed on my ACRB?

In Section VI (Acq/Leader Training) of the ACRB, a total of 26 courses will display on the printed record. If you have more than 26, you have the option to control which will display on the printed ACRB. To edit this portion of your ACRB, log into CAPPMIS, click on the “ACRB” tab and then on “Edit ACRB”. Then click on Section VI – Acq/Leader Training, click on the check box next to the course you want to be displayed on the ACRB, and then click the “Save” button. To remove a course from the ACRB display, uncheck the box and click the “Save” button. Repeat this process, until you have all completed courses that you want listed on your ACRB. Selected items will display in descending chronological order. If you have more than 26 items selected to appear on your ACRB, then only the most current 26 will display.


Where can I find guidance regarding acquisition experience?

Position Category Descriptions for each acquisition career field can be found at


I received Acquisition certification from another DoD Agency. How can I get it added to my ACRB?

Please scan and upload a copy of your acquisition certification award document to a Help Request at

I am trying to upload my college transcripts to my CAPPMIS application (CMS). I have more than one transcript, but the system only allows me to upload one, what do I do?

The CAPPMIS system only allows you to upload one document; so if multiple pages are necessary, scan and upload the transcripts as one document. You may only upload files with a file extension of .doc, .docx, .pdf, or .txt.

How can I check the status of my acquisition certification request?

In the Certification Management System (CMS) tab in CAPPMIS, you may view your application status by clicking on “Main” link. The “News” section of this page is dynamic. It will provide you real time status updates (pending Certifying Official review, approval/disapproval of your certification and deadline to complete) of any outstanding applications.


What is an Assignment Officer?

Assignment Officer. Military officers assigned to the HRC, AMB serving in a capacity to assign AAC military personnel to AL&T Workforce and AAC positions. Assignment Officers also provide assistance on updating the ORB and facilitate the implementation of the officer’s Individual Development Plan (IDP).

What are Functional Chief Representatives?

Functional Chief Representatives Representatives are designated by the Functional Chief in the occupational area associated with their ACFs. The FCR is responsible for approving the list of AFRs in their ACF. FCRs are the deciding officials for all disputed certification and fulfillment requests made by a certifying official.

What are Proponency Officers?

Proponency Officers are Individuals assigned to USAASC who are responsible for: reviewing and developing policy and procedures for ACF initiatives; developing and maintaining the career model; and establishing a career path for each assigned ACF in conjunction with the associated DoD Functional Integrated Product Team (FIPT).

What do I put for the Federal Tax ID?

The Federal Tax ID number can be obtained from your lending institution. This is the tax identification number that is used on all federal tax forms. Look at your 1098 that has the information about the interest paid last year; it will have the number. All lending institutions have one, please don’t let them tell you otherwise.

What kind of loan documentation is acceptable?

The loan documentation that needs to be provided may be screen shots and printed documents, downloaded from your account website. The information you upload must show your name, account number, outstanding balance, lending institution’s name, and ‘as of’ date.

Can I enter more than one loan to be repaid?

Yes, you can enter multiple loans totaling up to $10,000.

I am currently receiving loan repayment money from my organization (or any other organization) am I still eligible to apply for Army DACM Office SLRP?

Federal employees, by law, can only receive $10,000 per calendar year towards student loan repayment. As long as you are not receiving $10,000 per calendar year from the other organization, you may apply to Army DACM Office’s SLRP for the difference between $10,000 and what you are currently receiving.

Can I stop paying on my loan after I am accepted into the program?

No, DO NOT stop your payments on your loan(s). If you default, the Army DACM Office SLRP will not pay any money towards your loan.

What amount of the student loan repayment benefit do I enter on the Service Agreement?

The approved amount provided by the SLRP PM.

I made a mistake on my application but it’s already submitted, can I change it?

Yes, your application can be opened for you to make revisions; however, it can only be opened 2 times.  If you need your application re-opened after you have submitted it you may contact the SLRP Program Manager, identified at  You will receive an email when your application has been opened and then you may go in, make the changes, and resubmit it.

I am a term employee, am I still eligible to apply?

If you are a term employee with AT LEAST 3 more years on your term from the start date of your payments, then yes, you are eligible to apply. If your term is up before that, you cannot apply because there is no guarantee you will complete the 3 year service obligation.


Why do I need an Acquisition IDP?

The acquisition IDP is an automated Individual Development Plan.  Army Acquisition Workforce (AAW) members are required to complete and maintain a five year IDP.  Preparation of the IDP is a joint venture between you and your supervisor.  The IDP permits you and your supervisor to identify and track career objectives in the areas of education, training and experiential opportunities.  The IDP is also the vehicle used to annotate, award, and track Continuous Learning Points (CLPs) in accordance with DOD Continuous Learning Policy.  You can access your IDP from

How do I obtain a transcript for courses I completed at TAAS?

If you attended TAAS courses prior to FY16 you must obtain a transcript from the Army Logistics University (ALU). Attached is the form you need to complete and send to ALU
If you attended TAAS FY16 or later go to your Joint Service Transcript to obtain your TAAS Transcript (ATTRS Feeds JST when you graduate from any TAAS course).

PLEASE NOTE: TAAS courses will not show on your DAU transcript and DAU classes will not show on an TAAS transcript.

Where are the military training schools located?

You will attend the nine week Army Acquisition Professional Course (AAPC) at the The Army Acquisition School (TAAS) located on the University of Alabama, Huntsville campus.


If an employee receives a -1 or -2 as a category numerical score, then shouldn’t the PAQL score be a “1”?

The categorical numerical scores address compensation. Whether or not the employee is appropriately compensated. A -1 or -2 says the employee is over-compensated compared to his/her contribution. There are circumstances that could justify someone being over-compensated, but still performing adequately, i.e. personal or medication issues.

Under AcqDemo, we used to have the choice of whether to calculate the WGI Buy-in for the date of the last WGI or from the date of the QSI. Is that still an option under the new AcqDemo FRN?

The Buy-in is calculated from the effective date of the last within-grade-increase, not the effective date of the QSI.


I am new to AcqDemo and need access to CAS2Net?

Contact your organizations’ Pay Pool admin and provide your EDIPI to setup a new account in CAS2Net.


What pay increases can be offered to a candidate who is already in AcqDemo?

Salary increases in these instances take place during the pay pool panel process during the review of the candidate’s contributions. If the candidate is selected for a position in a higher broadband level than his/her current broadband level, a 0% – 20% salary increase can be offered.


Are there pay setting limitations when a selected candidate is already in AcqDemo?

If the candidate is selected for a position that is the same as his/her current broadband level, no salary increase can be offered at the time the candidate accepts the new position.


Can an employee receive a salary increase if moving to a position with a higher control point, but within the same broadband level? EX.) A supervisory position will most likely have a higher control point than a non-supervisory position within the same broadband (NH04).

Salary increases within a broadband level can only occur within the annual CCAS appraisal process. Operating Guide Reference: Chapter 5.3.1 Compensation Methodologies: AcqDemo includes appointment flexibilities designed to make DoD’s acquisition organizations more agile and improve their ability to compete for talent, especially from the private sector. A key flexibility that distinguishes AcqDemo from General Schedule (GS) is its use of broadbanding, which allows movement through the band without the need for staffing actions. Broadbanding makes available a broader range of assignment flexibilities within a broadband level. However, basic pay adjustments within a broadband level is made only with the AcqDemo CCAS Contribution Rating Increase (CRI).


For employee that are on retained pay and do not have a base pay, what amount should be used for their base pay (Step 10, $136,659)?

Base Pay for those on retained pay if their entire pay (the combination of base pay + locality), i.e. $167,259.

For Supervisor Differentials, are there instructions on how to process these actions?

See chapter 3 of the 31 August Army Supplement to the DoD Operating Guide.

Will there be a note on the Part 1 that explains the TOA in lieu of CA? If not, would there be an option to add a remark to the Part 1?

Notes that show on the Part 1s are added to the CMS Spreadsheet/Data tab/Column AD (Part 1 Remarks). You can add the remarks to your spreadsheet, re-upload into CAS2Net and recertify.

Are there instructions on how and when to process the TOA in lieu of CA?

See USAASC business rules for guidance

If the locality code isn’t changed, does the system just automatically correct his locality pay since he’s already at his new duty station?

Best if you change the locality code too.

What percent CRI do first year participants receive?

The bargaining unit members will get 2.4% their first year provided they are in a separate pay pool. Non-bargaining follow Organization rules.

Do we have to wait to begin the CIP until after the employee(s) receive the rating?

It is recommended to give the employee the results of the CCAS and then initiate the CIP. This fives the employee notices of the reasons why they are being placed on a CIP.

Are physicians able to participate in AcqDemo?

Physicians are excluded from AcqDemo. From the 31 Aug Army Operating Guide: Army Organizational conversion – The Federal Register Notice, Section I.E. Workforce Coverage states “Excluded from coverage of this project at this time are Senior Executive Service, Senior Level, Scientific and Technical, Federal Wage System, and Administratively Determined positions. Also excluded from this project are (1) positions allocated to a Physicians and Dentist Pay Plan, either GP or GR; (2) positions covered by the Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (10 U.S.C. chapter 83); (3) positions covered by or to be included in one of the Science and Technology Reinvention Laboratory (STRL) personnel demonstrations projects (Section 342(b) of the NDAA for FY 1995, Pub. L. 103-337 (10 U.S.C. 2358), as amended); (4) primary or secondary law enforcement officer (LEO) positions (5 U.S.C. 5541(3)); and (5) administrative law judge positions.”

Is it ok to move two NH-04 employees who retired on 29 Sep and 30 Sep to the transfer pool after end dating their record and providing the loss reason code?

An employee who retired on 29 Sept – yes. He/She was not a member of the pay pool on 30 Sept. An employee who retired on 30 Sept – no. These employees are entitled to their payout. Do not end date or provide a loss code. Leave them in the pay pool and change column Y in the CMS spreadsheet from a ‘1’ to a ‘2’.

How does CAS2Net capture a temporary promotion if it was done prior to 1 October?

The employee receives an assessment for work accomplished in his or her permanent position of record during the assessment cycle along with any GPI, CRI, and CA payout. The GPI and CRI remains on the permanent position of record and is the basis for pay setting at the conclusion of the temporary promotion. The new permanent basic pay is compared to the temporary basic pay augmented by GPI, and the larger becomes the employee’s new temporary position basic pay. The computer CA is paid to the employee, but carry-over award is not; unless the permanent position pay is at the top of the broadband level or at or greater than the control point/pay of the permanent position. The DCPODS transactions are sent to the region that services the temporary promotion pay pool.

In the CMS Spreadsheet, do we have to set aside award dollars for this action?

If the PEO needs funding to pay for the extra time-off, you should not redistribute the unused CA throughout the pay pool.

Can the beta 1 for CRI be set at the upper rail?

Yes, it should be. Army uses the upper rail for both CRI and CA.

What is the max Cash Award percentage we can use for the 2018 rating cycle?

5%. REF: AcqDemo Funding Guidance

Will an employee who retires 30 September still receive a pay out from the pay pool?

Retirement takes effect at 11:59 PM on the day of retirement, so the retiree is still in the pay pool and receives the payout. You will need to change the coding in Column W of the CMS spreadsheet from a ‘1’ to a ‘2’ for the CRI to roll over to CA.

How are the Supervisor and Team Lead differentials funded?

The funding does not come from the Cash Award that is left over, so all organizations will need to use a separate funding source.

If a NH-04 non-supervisory takes a NH-04 Supervisory position, can their pay be increased to 15/01 if the person is below that?

No, it cannot. Per, Basic pay adjustments within a broadband level is made only with the AcqDemo CCAS Contribution Rating Increase (CRI) or an ACDP adjustment.

Is there a reference that says only need “one day” as supervisor to rate the employee?

The reference is the AcqDemo Federal Register – by omission. The Federal Register specifically states that employees need to be in AcqDemo for the 90 days immediately preceding Sept. 30 in order to be rated. There is no discussion in the Federal Register of a time requirement for supervisors.

Is there a requirement in CCAS to have a Supervisor Level 2?

No, no requirement to have a Supervisor 2.

What happens if a PPP match is made?

The same thing that happens when a PPP match is made on a GS position. One caveat though, Per AG1CP, I the local canvassing or local announcement stays within the organization there is no need to clear the PPP. A solicitation does require PPP clear.

How does 17 Jan 2017 DoD Policy and Procedures for Reductions in Force in the Civilian Workforce adversely impact SSC graduates who do not get a rating of record the year they begin school?

No impact. (1) Rating of Record. An employee’s rating of record is the average of the ratings of record drawn from the two most recent performance appraisals received by the employee within the four-year period preceding the “cut-off date” established for the RIF, except when the rating of record in the employee’s most recent performance appraisal is “unacceptable.” When the most recent rating of record is “unacceptable,” only that rating of record will be considered for purposes of RIF.

Are GS employees who are on pay retention still eligible for pay retention when moving to AcqDemo?

GS employees on pay retention who are moving to AcqDemo are still eligible for pay retention. AcqDemo did not waive 5 CFR 536.308.

Will the score transfer to my new organization from the current organization?

Only annual appraisals are scored. There is no scoring associated with a closeout appraisal.


Do I need to get a closeout evaluation prior to departure from the current organization?

Only if you are staying in AcqDemo. Your supervisor on Sept. 30 can include your losing supervisor’s narrative in the annual appraisal.

I have 3 new employees who came in Mar 19, 2018. Do they receive midpoints? If so, when should it be performed?

These 3 employees can receive a mid-point at the natural half-way mark, i.e. ~end of June.

I will be working for the new organization less than 90 days, what would you recommend for close-out?

AcqDemo closeouts are different than DPMAP closeouts. AcqDemo closeouts are used for transitions – when an employee moves from one AcqDemo org to another, or when there is a change in supervisor. AcqDemo does not require employees to be under a new supervisor for 90-days before they can be evaluated. Since you are going from an AcqDemo organization to another AcqDemo organization, your supervisor on Sep 30 will write your annual assessment.

Is there a length of time (example 3 months) that the employee has to be working before a midpoint evaluation is made in AcqDemo?

The only time requirement for employees in AcqDemo is to be on board by July 3rd. Even employees who join on July 2nd can receive a mid-point at their natural half-way mark, i.e. mid-August.

I have an employee who was out on extended Sick Leave from Dec 18, 2017 – April 11, 2018. Is a midpoint required to be completed for the Oct 1, 2017 – Mar 31, 2018 timeframe even though she was in the office for less than 3 month?

The employee can receive a mid-point at the natural half-way mark, i.e. ~Early July.

Would their allotted pay increase be paid as a bonus in addition to their bonus pay?

Any salary increase (CRI) earned is also paid as a lump sum.

I have an employee who will be retiring on/about 2 January 2019 and wants to know the effect of their retirement date on their payout. Will those who were on the rolls at the end of the AcqDemo rating period (30 Sept) get their one-time bonus pay in January regardless of whether they retired before the actual payout or not?

Per Army AcqDemo rules, everyone in the pay pool on 30 Sept gets their payout. Someone who is retired on the effective day of the payout will receive CRI and CA as a lump sum in their retirement check. He/she should make sure their pay pool administrator knows so that the spreadsheet that we use can be coded correctly. This needs to be done NLT the beginning of December.

Can we assign a score below the ECR based on the idea that the supervisor is not setting the proper example as a leader?

The Job Achievement and/or Innovation factor is the only factor that has expected contribution criteria specifically for supervisors. It reads as follows:

For Supervisors (as appropriate): Recruits, Develops, motivates, and retains quality team members in accordance with EEO/AA and Merit System Principles. Takes timely/appropriate personnel actions, communicates mission and organizational goals; by example, creates a positive, safe, and challenging work environment; distributes work and empowers tem members.

Conduct issues can fall into “by example, creates a positive, safe, and challenging work environment; …empowers team members.”

When setting pay for promotions from outside AcqDemo, can you confirm pay can be set between 0-20% of the employee’s current basic pay?

When setting pay for promotions outside AcqDemo, pay can be set between 0-20% of the employee’s current basic pay.


How do I modify a contribution plan that has been approved?

Only the supervisor can modify a contribution plan once it has been approved. The supervisor (or a pay pool administrator acting on his/her behalf via User Management) goes into the Contribution Planning Module from the Supervisor Menu, clicks on the employee’s name, scrolls to the bottom, and clicks ‘Modify.’ The Contribution Plan is now open for edits/additions/revisions.

Can an employee be reassigned non-competitively from an NK-03 to an NH-02?

Chapter 5, 5.9.1 says going from an NK-03 to an NH-02 is a competitive movement because the salary potential is greater at the NH-02 level compared to the NK-03 level. Nature of this action is 702 promotion or 703 promotion NTE.

If an employee will receive a PAQL of “1,” what should (or what is expected) that the numerical score be for that category (-1, -2, -3)?

A PAQL of “1” would most likely correlate to an OCS score below the Expected Range. For example, if the range was 64 – 71, a 63 or below qualifies for a PAQL of 1. A score anywhere within the range says the employee is appropriately compensated and successfully met his/her objectives. A -1, -2, -3, etc. says there were problems – work products were late or incorrect, employee needed more guidance or supervision – but it still represents success. A delta OCS of -3 or -2 could qualify for a PAQL of “1,” but there would need to be a significant documentation that addresses poor performance.

Does that include the need to clear PPP’s?

A one-day PPP clear still needs to be done.


If an organization wants to move a person from one control point to another, do they have to do an internal recruit action, which is internal to the organization and not through CPAC?

Movement of an employee from one control point to another within the same BBL requires competition. This competition does not need to be done through USAJOBS, it can be internal to the organization (i.e. local canvas).

Does the employee who left the organization do a closeout self-assessment while in the old organization and then an annual self-assessment in the new organization?

The employee doing a closeout self-assessment while in the old organization and then an annual self-assessment in the new organization is the correct protocol for departures prior to 1 September.

• I have an employee who is departing their current AcqDemo organization on 1 September and moving to another AcqDemo organization. Will they be able to participate in either the losing or the gaining organization’s pay pool?

The employee will participate in the gaining pay pool. The employee could complete the self-assessment in time for the losing supervisor to enter annual appraisal comments and recommended scores. The gaining supervisor can then leave it as is or make adjustments based on local policy/personal observations.


Can an employee receive a bonus if they were in AcqDemo a portion of the current FY, left for Private industry (or outside of AcqDemo), and came back after 3 July of the same FY?

The employee must be in AcqDemo for at least 90 consecutive days prior to EOY in order to receive the bonus. The employee will still receive the General Pay Increase (GPI) if there is one.

Will the PAQL be captured in CMS?

Yes – The CMS that we receive for the most recent CCAS cycle will contain all the changes from the 2017 Federal Register.

Will PAQL affect pay?

PAQL is only used in case of a RIF and then it is used to determine placement on the master retention list. It will not affect pay.

Is section 4.11.3 for moves from the pay systems (GS) into AcqDemo that would be deemed a promotion action?

This section is on non-competitive movements involving promotions. So, for GS to AcqDemo, you would use 5.9. If you use, you will be limited to the WGI buy-in for this non-competitive movement promotion.


Clarification of section 4.11.3 of the Army Supplement to the DoD guide – is this section intended to be only for AcqDemo to AcqDemo moves?

Section 4.11 is on non-competitive movements involving promotions and 4.11.3 is just for AcqDemo to AcqDemo Moves


Is 51C open to any MOS?

Yes. 51C is open to any MOS. However, you may only apply if your MOS is balanced or over strength.

Can I reenlist for MOS 51C?

No. You must submit a reclassification packet through the proponent office and be selected for reclassification.

What is the promotion potential for MOS 51C?

Promotions are competitive, and current promotions from Sergeant First Class to Sergeant Major have normalized with the rest of the Army.


I am a Non-acquisition supervisor (Civilian or Military) and require access to CAMP in order to approve IDPs/SRPE for my acquisition employees. How do I request a CAMP account?

Please complete and submit the “Non-DACM Request” form at The application will require that you identify your employees. Please allow up to two weeks for your account to be established.


With many FA51T positions recoded to FA51A positions on the MAPL, are acquisition officers still encouraged to become certified in the Testing and Evaluation ACF?

IAW DA PAM 600-3, an officer is expected to develop functional expertise in a primary ACF before broadening and seeking certification in a secondary ACF. Officers are expected broaden their individual experience and knowledge through several different and unique assignments. Officers are not single tracked into one of the five ACFs, but are required to seek expertise in a primary ACF (Program Management or Contracting) prior to broadening to another ACF. Officers can experience in secondary ACFs through coordination with their assignment officer.

How many months of education can I count towards experience for certification and what are the guidelines?

Up to 12 months of training or education in your primary ACF may be counted towards meeting the experience standard for certification. However, you may not use this 12 months of training or education for the first year of acquisition experience to attain Level I certification – you must have a year of actual experience in an acquisition position to qualify for Level I certification. You can use up to 12 months of training or education towards your Level II or III certification. As stated in FAQ#7, the same training and education used to obtain certification in one ACF may not be applied to meet the specialized experience standards in an additional ACF. For more information, click on the following link to read the document “Acquisition Career Field Certification Policy and Procedures.”


Why do I need to apply for Army Acquisition Corps (AAC) Membership?

In order to be assigned to a FA51 LTC position or higher (Critical Acquisition Position), the acquisition certification for AAC Membership must be met. While these requirements do not need to be met at the time of accession, they must be met within 24 months of assignment to a LTC or higher position.

What is Regionalization and who is eligible?

Regionalization is no longer in effect.

What is the difference between a Critical Acquisition Position (CAP) and a Key Leadership Position (KLP)?

Per 10 USC Chapter 87 Section 1733, a Critical Acquisition Position may be filled only be a member of the AAC. All FA51 LTCs and higher positions are designated as CAPs unless waived by the appropriate authority. The statutory tenure for all CAPs is three years. KLPs are a subset of CAPs that identify positions requiring special Army Acquisition Executive (AAE) and the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (USD(AT&L)) attention regarding assignment qualifications, accountability, mobility, and tenure. The AAE designates KLPs and the USD(AT&L) approves them. See the attached memorandum for more information on CAPs and KLPs.

How do I apply for AAC Membership?

Officers can request AAC membership once they meet all of the following requirements:

  • A baccalaureate degree at an accredited educational institution with one of the following:
    • 24 semester credit hours in business related disciplines from an accredited college or university (courses must be on a transcript); or
    • 24 semester credit hours in the current ACF or the ACF tentatively selected for AND 12 semester credit hours in business related disciplines; or
    • As an exception of education requirement, possess ten years of acquisition experience before 01 October 1991
  • Be in the grade of Major and above
  • Have at least four years of experience in an acquisition position in the DOD or in a comparable position in industry or government (Can use 12 months of education and training for one of these years)
  • Minimum of DAWIA Level II certified in one of the five ACFs

Once they meet these requirements listed above, Active Army, USAR, and ARNG acquisition officers should request AAC Membership through the Army Acquisition Corps Management System (AAC MS). Detailed instructions can be found within the AAC MS Portal at

How do I become an Army Acquisition Officer (Active Component)?

The primary method of entry to become an Army Acquisition officer is through the Voluntary Transfer Incentive Program (VTIP). VTIP panels are held twice yearly, normally in the first and third quarter of the fiscal year. In and Out calls are published for the respective branches and functional areas based on strength. Officers within the eligible year groups for each VTIP board should check the in and out calls to ensure their basic branch is able to release them and that FA51 is accepting applicants. Foundational to accession as a FA51 officer is demonstrated outstanding performance in the appropriate Key Developmental position in the grade of CPT and completion of the Captains’ Career Course. There is a three year Active Duty Service Obligation for officers accepting the voluntary transfer.

How do I become an Army Reserve Acquisition Officer?

Interested USAR officers, in the grades of captain through colonel, may apply for entry into the Army Reserve Acquisition Workforce/Corps. Individuals must have previous experience or currently hold civilian employment in this field. This includes those who hold program management, software development and systems engineering positions at their civilian companies. Soldiers with the required experience will need to complete an Acquisition Access packet found on the HRC website at and forward it to the USAR POC for processing. Accession packets are boarded on a continual basis and soldiers are approved or disapproved for entry based on the needs of the Army Reserves.

If I am a non-Acquisition Corps officer, can I apply for certification?

No. IAW DA PAM 600-3, unique functions performed by the Army acquisition workforce are based in statute and cannot be performed by non-acquisition personnel. Applicable statute is contained in the Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA), consisting of 10 US Code Sections 1701-1764 and further referenced in the Department of Defense Instruction (DODI) 5000 series. Although you are eligible to take acquisition courses through the Defense Acquisition University or other recognized academic institutions, you cannot apply for certification as a non-acquisition military workforce member.


How do I obtain a certification waiver?

Position certification must be obtained within 24 months of assignment to a position or a waiver must be initiated and approved for an additional 12 months. This date is based on how long the individual has been in a position(s) within the same ACF and the level required for the current position. The certification deadline date is obtained from the assignment history data in the Officer Record Brief.


Can I count the same experience towards different ACF certifications?

No, the same months of specialized experience used to obtain certification in one ACF may not be applied to meet the specialized experience standards in an additional ACF. There is no double counting of experience.


Do the certification standards change and if so, is my certification still valid?

Yes, the certification standards can change. For the current certification requirements, see the DAU iCatalog at The DAU website is the official source of standards and is updated as needed. We strongly recommend that you apply for certification as soon as you meet all the training, education, and experience requirements for a particular level. If you obtain this certification and then the certification standards change, you will still be certified in the ACF for that level. If you do not apply and the certification standards change for a particular ACF level, then you must meet the new requirements at the time of request in order to obtain certification.


How do I apply for certification?

Active duty, US Army Reserve (USAR), and Army National Guard (ARNG) officers must request ACF certification through the Certification Management System (CMS). Detailed instructions can be found within the CMS Portal at


Should I single track or concentrate certification in only one ACF?

IAW DA PAM 600-3, acquisition officers are expected to achieve Level II certification in the primary ACF (either contracting or program management) before pursuing certification in another ACF. Officers must obtain at least Level II certification in one ACF required prior to selection to LTC.

What do I put for the Organizational Budget Information?

The Organizational Budget information is the POC in your organization’s Resource Management Office; the person responsible for handling salaries in your organization. If you are approved, you will need to read the directions at the bottom of these FAQs for the RM and HR course of action.


Do we need to complete a Post-Cycle Activity for an employee that received a temporary promotion?

A Post-Cycle Activity is required only when the temporary promotion goes beyond the effective date of the January payout.

Will it be reflected on CCAS rating of record?

The three PAQL scores are averaged, an average of 4.3 or above becomes a Rating of Record of 5 – Outstanding, an average of less than 4.3 becomes a Rating of Record of 3 – Fully Successful, a PAQL of 1 in any of the three factors becomes a Rating of Record of 1 – unacceptable.

Can the SAE approve a CCAS and a Non CCAS award or are these references one in the same?

CCAS and Non-CCAS awards are different. CCAS awards apply towards the CA cap and are approved by the Pay Pool Manager. Non-CCAS awards (typically group awards and suggestion/invention awards) do not apply to the contribution award cap. The SAE has the authority to approve non-CCAS awards within a range of $10,000 not to exceed $25,000.

If an employee moves from an NK-02 position to an NH-02, are they eligible for an increase in salary?

This move is considered a promotion because the NK-02 pay band has a max salary of $48,488 (FY20 pay table) and the NH-02 has a max salary of $71,764 (FY20 pay table). Any move that has a greater salary potential qualifies for a pay increase.

Do we need to update the supervisor structure and salary prior to our conversion or after?

Supervisor structure is built prior to conversion through the ‘Bulk Add’ utility in CAS2NET. Base Pay will be updated automatically during periodic interfaces with DCPDS.

Will allocation for bonus pay increase by about 1% over the usual pot of money during the first year in AcqDemo?

Funding for first year organization for CRI (salary increase) is 2.4% of base salaries of everyone in the pay pool on Sept 30. Some employees will get the 2.4% in return, some will get less, and some will get more. Funding for first year organizations for CA (award/bonus) is no less than 1.3% of base salaries plus locality of everyone in the pay pool on Sept. 30 since 2016, OPM approved award funding at 1.5%.

If I am selected to participate in the SLRP, what payment options do I have?

The Service Agreement will state funding will be provided in a lump sum payment.

If I am selected to participate in the SLRP, how will the taxes be paid from the approved SLRP funding?

The Service Agreement will provide the approved SLRP recipient with the tax withholding option only for lump sum payments by deducting the amount of taxes from the student loan repayment benefits before the balance is issued as a loan repayment to the holder of the loan.


Will my supervisor or I need do anything for me to get the 12 month extension?

No. AAW professionals who meet requirements outlined in the policy extending grace period will be automatically updated within CAPPMIS.



Does the 12 month extension replace training requirements?

No. All required training must be completed and meet DAU training standards at the time of certification request.



Am I eligible for a waiver extension after expiration of my initial 36 months?

Yes. At your Command’s discretion and with proper justification. It must be approved by the Army DACM.



Does the extension apply for any certification I may request in the 36 months?

No. The 12 month extension only applies to you meeting your position certification requirements in your primary acquisition career field.



Now that I have an additional 12 months to meet certification, how do I apply for certification?

Nothing has changed in the way you apply for certification. Use the automated CMS module in CAMP/CAPPMIS to apply.



What are some examples of when and how the extension would affect me?



Example 1

Bob requires certification Level 2 in Program Management (PM) with a certification deadline of 10/1/2020. He is currently PM Level 1. Bob’s new certification deadline is 10/1/2021.

Example 2

Sarah requires certification Level 3 Life-cycle Logistics (LCL) with a certification deadline of 10/1/2020. She is currently Level 2 certified in LCL, therefore with the 12 month extension, she would have a new LCL cert deadline of 10/1/2021. However, Jane changes on 7/1/2020 to a PM Level 3 position. Given that she changed acquisition career fields within 12 months of the memo being signed, her new deadline for Level 3 PM certification is 36 months, so 7/1/2023.

Example 3

Ann is overdue on her Contracting Level 3 certification which was due 1/1/2020. She does not receive any additional time with this new policy as she was already overdue.

Example 4

Bill requires certification Level 3 in Engineering (ENG) with a certification deadline of 10/1/2020.  He is currently Level 2 certified in ENG, therefore with the 12 month extension, he would have a new ENG certification deadline of 10/1/2021.  However, Bill changes to a PM Level 3 position on 6/1/2021, approximately 14 months after the extension was approved; therefore, Bill is outside the 12 month extension window and would have a PM Level 3 certification deadline of 6/1/2023.

Example 5

Amanda’s initial 24 month certification deadline was May 1, 2020 but she received an approved waiver that extended her deadline to July 1, 2020.  She would receive an additional 12 months to the time remaining on her existing waiver expiration of July 1, 2020 to July 1, 2021.




Does the memo affect my Continuous Learning Points (CLP) cycle that ends September 30, 2020?

No, there are no official changes to the CLP cycle due date.



Are 80 continuous learning points (CLPs) still required as part of the new framework?



Yes. All Army Acquisition Workforce (AAW) members are required to earn 80 Continuous Learning Points (CLPs) by the end of the two-year Continuous Learning cycle. The Army DACM Office strongly encourages AAW members to follow the published glidepath (see USAASC Policy Library), which recommends a steady accumulation of 10 CLPs per fiscal quarter. This glidepath ensures AAW members accrue CLPs in a deliberate and consistent manner, instead of waiting until the last minute to cram their continuous learning requirement into the last quarter of the CLP cycle.


Since this change to the new framework, can I expect less time in the classroom and more on-the-job type of training?



Yes. All of the Functional Areas have reduced the amount of Defense Acquisition University (DAU) training required for certification. Additionally, DAU now offers more online and Virtual Instructor Led Training and less resident/classroom training. A positive change is that individuals now have opportunities for more Just-In-Time training and less classroom and virtual training that is not deemed “core” across the functional area. Individuals need to work closely with supervisors to determine what specialty training or credentials they need for their job.


What if my previous certification was in a career field that did not transition to a functional area?



DAWIA certification achievements remain in individual’s records. All certifications were transitioned in accordance with OSD Functional Area Leader memorandum. Under the new DAWIA framework, personnel that do not fall under one of the 6 Functional Areas may have potential to obtain credentials based on supervisor recommendations for specialty functions.


I do not have a LTC/O-5 for my letter of recommendation. Can I still apply?

Yes. Letters of recommendation are OPTIONAL for application submission.

Where can I be assigned?

We have a number of locations within Army Contracting Command (ACC). Our Contracting Support Brigades (CSBs), Contracting Battalions (CBns), and Contracting Detachments (Condets) are strategically aligned with Army Divisions across CONUS and OCONUS, to support World Wide missions. We also have positions within the Army Corps of Engineers, and other units who are located away from traditional Army installations.

I am National Guard/Army Reserves/ or another military service interested in joining the Active Army component, do I qualify?

MOS 51C is not an initial entry MOS. Therefore, you cannot directly come into the Army as a 51C from another military service. National Guard members will need to contact their personnel division to inquire about reclassification. U.S. Army Reserve members will submit a reclassification packet similar to those Soldiers on Active Duty.

If I have over 10 years of active federal service, can I still get a waiver?

You may apply for a Time in Service (TIS) Waiver not to exceed 12 years, 0 months at the time of the selection board panel. The Time in Service is calculated by the reclassification board date in which you are applying. The Director of Acquisition Career Management (DACM) scrutinizes TIS waivers. Therefore, you must ensure that you follow (to the letter) the instructions provided to you for packet submission.


How do I apply for a Time in Service waiver?

If your time in service is more than 10 years but less than 12 years, 0 months at the time of the selection board, you will NOT submit a waiver. The proponent NCO will submit a TIS waiver to the DACM on your behalf.


What do employees do if they can’t get into courses and their certification is due in October? Should an extension be submitted?

The DACM Office recently published an extension waiver to extend the Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) certification grace period an additional 12 months, retroactive to 01 April 2021. That memo is available at: FY21 certification standards will also be extended through 31 January until the implementation of Back-to-Basics scheduled for Feb. 1, 2022.

Please explain the grace period structure.



The grace period is 3 years for foundational/contracting professional positions; 5 years for practitioner positions; and 4 years for advanced positions. This structure provides a reduction in the amount of training and courses and an increase in the amount of time granted and more focus on experience.

Does a workforce member need to be certified before they can apply for a credential?



Credentials are separate and different from DAWIA certification. AAW members can continue to take credentials outside of their functional area or without being certified. The DACM Office strongly recommends that AAW members first t focus on achieving the certification standards required for their current acquisition-coded position, before pursuing credentials. Credentials are important for just-in-time training. AAW members should sit down with their first-line supervisor to discuss if there is a need to complete credential training and plan courses in their Individual Development Plan, as appropriate.

, If individual does not pass the CON exam, do they have to retake any training?

After each unsuccessful exam attempt, the individual and their Agency will be notified of the results. The Agency will determine any required remedial actions to include retaking training, mandatory time between subsequent attempts, and Agency “counseling.” At each unsuccessful attempt, DoD recommends individuals review their exam performance feedback in detail.
After the third unsuccessful attempt to take the exam in a 12-month period, individuals must review their exam performance feedback and the associated study materials obtained from the course. All remedial steps the individual took should be confirmed and endorsed by their Agency before they are allowed to attempt the exam again.


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What if, under the old construct, I held certifications in multiple career fields (now called Functional Areas)?



All secondary and tertiary certifications were transitioned in the individual’s Acquisition Career Record Brief, as long as the OSD Functional Acquisition Leader memo allowed it. However, two Functional Areas — Program Management (PM) at the Advanced Tier and Business – Financial Management (BUS-FM) at both the Practitioner and Advanced Tier – have a special restriction: AAW members in these Functional Areas must be occupying a PM or BUS-FM coded position, as appropriate, in order for their certification to transition.



For the acquisition functional areas that require an exam(s) for certification, how many chances do you get?



For the Contracting Certification Exam (CON 3990V) and the two Program Management certification exams (PMT 4890V for Practitioner level and PMT 4990V for Advanced level), defense acquisition workforce members must achieve the minimum passing score of 70 percent. The Department of Defense allows for the exam to be taken no more than three times in a 12-month period, with a minimum waiting period of 30 days between attempts.

Contracting (CON): Contracting workforce members are strongly encouraged to take either CON 3900V (Contracting Certification Exam Prep Course) or CON 3910 (Online Contracting Certification Exam Prep) before their first CON certification exam attempt, in order to increase their chance of success. They must complete CON 3900V if they fail the certification exam on their first attempt.

Program Management (PM): PM workforce members are strongly encouraged to take the appropriate exam prep course (Practitioners – PMT 4800V or PMT 4810 and Advanced – PMT 4900V or PMT 4910) prior to their first attempt at the PM certification exam, in order to increase their chance of success. They must complete PMT 4800V (PM Practitioner Certification Exam Prep Course) or PMT 4900V (PM Advanced Certification Prep Course), whichever course is appropriate for their certification level, if they fail the certification exam on their first attempt.

Can I count experience only to one Functional Area?

In order to request certification, AAW professionals must clearly document how they meet the Functional Area specialized experience on their Acquisition Career Record Brief (ACRB), Officer Record Brief (ORB), Soldier Record Brief (SRB), or Soldier Talent Profile (STP). Civilians must submit a resume and military personnel must submit their Officer Evaluation Report (OER) or Non-Commissioned Officer Evaluation Report (NCOER) to supplement their ACRB, ORB, SRB, or STP respectively. If a civilian submits a resume, it must be organized in chronological order, listing the most recent employment first and showing the start and end dates (month/year) for each subsequent work experience. The resume should mirror the ACRB. The same months of specialized experience used to obtain certification in one Functional Area may not be applied to meet the specialized experience standards in an additional Functional Area.

Why doesn’t the DACM Office receive applications or approve Army Acqusition Corps membership anymore?

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2020 (Report 116-33, Section 1765) and the Department of Defense Instruction 5000.66 (Defense Acquisition Workforce Education, Training, Experience, and Career Development) directed the termination of the Defense Acquisition Corps. Effective 25 March 2022, in compliance with the NDAA statutory authority and the publication of the updated DODI 5000.66, the Director, Acquisition Career Management (DACM) Office ceased to process Army Acquisition Corps membership requests.

Who can rate/senior rate an AAW employee?

The rater of an AAW employee will be the supervisor of the employee and the SR will be the supervisor of rater.  The system will automatically populate the SR as the rater’s rater. The Rater may identify an alternate SR, within the same chain of command of higher grade or rank; for example the first SES or GO in the chain of command.

What is the responsibility of the Rater?

The rater should ensure rating schemes are published and understood and serves as an advocate for the AAW employee to the SR; they should recommend future Operational and Broadening Assignments and focus on narrative comments.  The rater should anticipate and project future SRPE evaluations and keep SR officials informed of upcoming evaluations.


What is the responsibility of the Senior Rater (SR)?

The SR is the “owner” of the evaluation and is overall responsible for the timely submission and completion of the document.  They should fairly and accurately assess the potential of subordinates, quantify when appropriate, manage their SR profile and develop a rating philosophy.


Why are my historical Certifications not showing on my ACRB?

Your historical certifications can be found under CMS tab by going to “Print Certifications” and then selecting “Historical Certifications.” Historical DAWIA certifications will not show on ACRB – only the Back to Basics certifications will be seen in Section X – Certifications on the ACRB.

What is the status of DAU courses that supported certification requirements under the old framework?

The best source of information for DAU courses is the DAU iCatalog. Certification requirements are reviewed and approved annually by the OSD Functional Area Leader. As courses are updated, the predecessor courses are generally accepted for a two-year period of time, however, that timeframe may vary and longer or shorter acceptance periods for course predecessors are determined on a course by course basis.
Be sure to check the DAU iCatalog for more information:



, How do I know what type of credential or specialty training would fit best with my current assignment?



Recommend reviewing the credentials by assignment type in the DAU iCatalog under each functional area. The DACM office continues to look to create products that are user friendly to guide this conversation with a supervisor.



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Where do I find the program announcement?


The ATAP announcement is sent via email to all members of the Army Acquisition Workforce from Upon release, the announcement will also be posted to the ATAP website.


What information is required to complete an online application?


The following elements are required as part of the online application in the Career Acquisition Personnel and Position Management Information System (CAPPMIS)/ Army Acquisition Professional Development System (AAPDS):

  • Applicant Data
  • Verification of email address and supervisor’s information
  • College/University, Degree, Major
  • Acquisition Career Record Brief
  • Individual Development Plan
  • Curriculum Verification
  • Verification of Enrollment or Letter of Acceptance
  • Service Agreement
  • First and second-level supervisor review and approval


How do I complete the online application?



The entire ATAP application process is conveniently hosted online in CAPPMIS. To begin, log-on to CAPPMIS. At the top of the page, you will see a black navigation banner. Hover your curser over the “CAPPMIS” tab and select “AAPDS.” Once you reach the AAPDS page, click on “Apply,” located in the upper gold banner under the navigation tabs. A new page will appear, presenting “Active Events.” Find and click on “ATAP Announcement – FY Start” to access the online application.

After correctly completing the application, applicants must click the “Submit” button to route the application to their first-level supervisor for review. Detailed instructions for each application step are provided in the program announcement available on the ATAP website.


Does ATAP fund dual major, certification, law degrees, doctorate degrees or PhDs?



ATAP funds cannot be used for courses leading to professional degrees (e.g., PhD, MD, or JD), doctorate programs, dual majors, certifications, graduate certificates, or any other category not explicitly identified in the announcement.


Does ATAP fund individual courses outside of a bachelor’s or master’s degree?


ATAP supports College-Level Examination Program and Defense Activity for Nontraditional Education Support (CLEP/DANTES). Participants may need to furnish documentation confirming the legitimacy of a course if its requirements are questioned.


What are the funding limits for applicants applying for individual courses outside of a bachelor’s or master’s degree program?



For individual courses, the funding limit is $2,000.00 per course and $10,000.00 per fiscal year (FY). This restriction applies universally to all participants, irrespective of the number of credit hours per course or the total number of courses taken.



Once I complete my bachelor’s degree can I continue in ATAP to obtain my master’s degree?



Upon fulfilling the requirements for a bachelor’s degree, participation in ATAP concludes. To pursue funding for eligible courses towards a master’s degree, participants must submit a new application during an open announcement period.



Can I receive Continuous Learning Points for courses taken as part of ATAP?



ATAP participants accrue 10 Continuing Learning Points (CLPs) for each academic quarter hour and 15 CLPs for each academic semester hour.



, If individual does not pass the PM exam, do they have to retake any training?

Individuals who fail the exam will have the opportunity (w/approval from their supervisor and their DACM) to re-take the exam no earlier than 30 days after the preceding attempt, with no more than three attempts in a 12-month period.
After a first unsuccessful exam attempt, unless the individual has already completed PMT 4800V, PM Practitioner Certification Exam Prep Course, the DoD Components may require that the individual take PMT 4800V before attempting the exam again.


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